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Yegui Xiao
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1995-2024
Publications (10 Years): 12
Top Topics
Control System
Artificial Neural
Salt Pepper
Fourier Analysis
Top Venues
IEEE ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process.
IEEE Signal Process. Lett.
Zijie Wang
Yegui Xiao
Yaping Ma
Liying Ma
Khashayar Khorasani
A New Hybrid Active Noise Control System With Input-Power-Controlled Online Secondary-Path Modeling.
IEEE ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process.
32 (2024)
Yaping Ma
Yegui Xiao
Liying Ma
Khashayar Khorasani
A robust feedforward hybrid active noise control system with online secondary-path modelling.
IET Signal Process.
17 (1) (2023)
Yaping Ma
Yegui Xiao
Boyan Huang
Tao Bai
Xinyu Tan
A Robust Feedback Active Noise Control System With Online Secondary-Path Modeling.
IEEE Signal Process. Lett.
29 (2022)
Yaping Ma
Yegui Xiao
Liying Ma
Khashayar Khorasani
Statistical analysis of narrowband active noise control using a simplified variable step-size FXLMS algorithm.
Signal Process.
183 (2021)
Wenyi Wu
Yegui Xiao
Jianhui Lin
Liying Ma
Khashayar Khorasani
An Efficient Filter Bank Structure for Adaptive Notch Filtering and Applications.
IEEE ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process.
29 (2021)
Z. Wang
Yegui Xiao
Liying Ma
Khorasani Khorasani
Y. Ma
Multi-frequency narrowband active noise control with online feedback-path modeling using IIR adaptive notch filters.
Tao Bai
Z. Wang
Yegui Xiao
Yaping Ma
Liying Ma
Khashayar Khorasani
A multi-channel narrowband active noise control system with simultaneous online secondary- and feedback-path modeling.
Yaping Ma
Yegui Xiao
Guo Wei
Jinwei Sun
Foetal ECG extraction using non-linear adaptive noise canceller with multiple primary channels.
IET Signal Process.
12 (2) (2018)
Boyan Huang
Jinwei Sun
Guo Wei
Yegui Xiao
An active noise control system for the frequency mismatch problem in fan noise.
Yegui Xiao
Tao Bai
Ran Xiao
Yaping Ma
A nonlinear adaptive noise canceller with multiple reference channels for speech enhancement using both bone-and air-conducted measurements.
Yaping Ma
Yegui Xiao
A New Strategy for Online Secondary-Path Modeling of Narrowband Active Noise Control.
IEEE ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process.
25 (2) (2017)
Ran Xiao
Yegui Xiao
Hongyun Wei
Koji Hasegawa
Speech enhancement using bone- and air-conducted signals and adaptive GFLANN filter.
Boyan Huang
Liang Wen
Yegui Xiao
Jinwei Sun
Yi Shen
A complete parallel narrowband active noise control system based on residual error separation using variable leaky LMS.
Ran Xiao
Yaping Ma
Boyan Huang
Yegui Xiao
Koji Hasegawa
A Hybrid Nonlinear ANC for Speech Recovery Using Both Bone- and Air-Conducted Measurements.
J. Robotics Mechatronics
27 (5) (2015)
Yaping Ma
Yegui Xiao
Guo Wei
Jinwei Sun
Hongyun Wei
A hybrid nonlinear adaptive noise canceller for fetal ECG extraction.
Boyan Huang
Yegui Xiao
Yaping Ma
Guo Wei
Jinwei Sun
A simplified variable step-size LMS algorithm for Fourier analysis and its statistical properties.
Signal Process.
117 (2015)
Boyan Huang
Yegui Xiao
Jinwei Sun
Guo Wei
Hongyun Wei
Speech enhancement based on FLANN using both bone- and air-conducted measurements.
Yegui Xiao
Reply to "Comments on 'A New Feedforward Hybrid Active Noise Control System'".
IEEE Signal Process. Lett.
21 (5) (2014)
Yaping Ma
Yegui Xiao
Guo Wei
Jinwei Sun
Fetal ECG extraction using adaptive functional link artificial neural network.
Yegui Xiao
Boyan Huang
Hongyun Wei
Adaptive Fourier analysis using a variable step-size LMS algorithm.
Boyan Huang
Yegui Xiao
Jinwei Sun
Guo Wei
A Variable Step-Size FXLMS Algorithm for Narrowband Active Noise Control.
IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Process.
21 (2) (2013)
Shi Yan
Li Xu
Yegui Xiao
Order reduction for Roesser state-space model based on elementary operations.
Jian Liu
Jinwei Sun
Yegui Xiao
Mean-sense behavior of filtered-X LMS algorithm in the presence of frequency mismatch.
Jinwei Sun
Boyan Huang
Yegui Xiao
Analysis of broadband active noise control with multiple harmonic excitation.
Yegui Xiao
Hongyun Wei
A feedforward hybrid active noise control system in the presence of sensor error.
Akira Ikuta
Hisako Orimoto
Yegui Xiao
A Bayesian approach for noise suppression of speech signal in real environment.
Li Xu
Huijin Fan
Zhiping Lin
Yegui Xiao
Coefficient-dependent direct-construction approach to realization of multidimensional systems in Roesser model.
Multidimens. Syst. Signal Process.
22 (1-3) (2011)
Yegui Xiao
Jing Wang
A New Feedforward Hybrid Active Noise Control System.
IEEE Signal Process. Lett.
18 (10) (2011)
Yegui Xiao
A New Efficient Narrowband Active Noise Control System and its Performance Analysis.
IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Process.
19 (7) (2011)
Jian Liu
Yegui Xiao
Jinwei Sun
Li Xu
Analysis of Online Secondary-Path Modeling With Auxiliary Noise Scaled by Residual Noise Signal.
IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Process.
18 (8) (2010)
Yegui Xiao
Liying Ma
Koji Hasegawa
Properties of FXLMS-based narrowband active noise control with online secondary-path modeling.
IEEE Trans. Signal Process.
57 (8) (2009)
Yegui Xiao
Maha Shadaydeh
Rabab Kreidieh Ward
New narrowband active noise control systems with significantly less computational requirements.
Maha Shadaydeh
Yegui Xiao
Rabab Kreidieh Ward
Extraction of fetal ECG using adaptive Volterra filters.
Yegui Xiao
New narrowband active noise control systems requiring considerably less multiplications.
Yegui Xiao
Akira Ikuta
Liying Ma
Khashayar Khorasani
Stochastic Analysis of the FXLMS-Based Narrowband Active Noise Control System.
IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Process.
16 (5) (2008)
Li Xu
Qinghe Wu
Zhiping Lin
Yegui Xiao
A New Constructive Procedure for 2-D Coprime Realization in Fornasini-Marchesini Model.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap.
(9) (2007)
Yegui Xiao
Liying Ma
Khashayar Khorasani
Akira Ikuta
Performance Analysis of the Fxlms-Based Narrowband Active Noise Control System with Online Secondary Path Modeling.
Yegui Xiao
Liying Ma
Rabab Kreidieh Ward
Fast RLS Fourier analyzers capable of accommodating frequency mismatch.
Signal Process.
87 (9) (2007)
Hisako Masuike
Akira Ikuta
Yegui Xiao
State Estimation Method for Sound Environment System with Unknown Structure by Introducing a Fuzzy Adaptive Filter.
Yegui Xiao
Liying Ma
Khashayar Khorasani
A New Facial Expression Recognition Technique using 2-D DCT and Neural Networks Based Decision Tree.
Yegui Xiao
Koji Hasegawa
Akira Ikuta
Kentaro Noguchi
Statistical properties of the FXLMS-based narrowband active noise control system.
Yegui Xiao
Liying Ma
Khashayar Khorasani
Akira Ikuta
A New Robust Narrowband Active Noise Control System in the Presence of Frequency Mismatch.
IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Process.
14 (6) (2006)
Yegui Xiao
Rabab Kreidieh Ward
Liying Ma
Akira Ikuta
A new LMS-based Fourier analyzer in the presence of frequency mismatch and applications.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap.
(1) (2005)
Yegui Xiao
Liying Ma
Khashayar Khorasani
Akira Ikuta
Li Xu
A filtered-X RLS based narrowband active noise control system in the presence of frequency mismatch.
Akira Ikuta
Hisako Masuike
Yegui Xiao
Mitsuo Ohta
A Fuzzy Adaptive Filter for State Estimation of Unknown Structural System and Evaluation for Sound Environment.
FSKD (1)
Li Xu
Huijin Fan
Zhiping Lin
Yegui Xiao
Yoshihisa Anazawa
A constructive procedure for multidimensional realization and LFR uncertainty modelling.
Yegui Xiao
Liying Ma
Khashayar Khorasani
Akira Ikuta
Statistical Performance of the Memoryless Nonlinear Gradient Algorithm for the Constrained Adaptive IIR Notch Filter.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap.
(8) (2005)
Yegui Xiao
Liying Ma
Rabab Kreidieh Ward
Li Xu
Fast RLS Fourier analyzers in the presence of frequency mismatch.
Liying Ma
Yegui Xiao
Khashayar Khorasani
Rabab Kreidieh Ward
A new facial expression recognition technique using 2-D DCT and K-means algorithm.
Yegui Xiao
Liying Ma
Khashayar Khorasani
A novel wideband DOA estimation technique based on harmonic source model for a uniform linear array.
Li Xu
Qinghe Wu
Zhiping Lin
Yegui Xiao
Yoshihisa Anazawa
Further results on realization of 2D filters by Fornasini-Marchesini model.
Yegui Xiao
Liying Ma
Khashayar Khorasani
A robust narrowband active noise control system for accommodating frequency mismatch.
Li Xu
Lianku Wu
Qinghe Wu
Zhiping Lin
Yegui Xiao
Reduced-order realization of Fornasini-Marchesini model for 2D systems.
Yegui Xiao
Akira Ikuta
Liying Ma
Li Xu
Rabab Kreidieh Ward
Statistical properties of the LMS fourier analyzer in the presence of frequency mismatch.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap.
(12) (2004)
Yegui Xiao
Rabab Kreidieh Ward
Akira Ikuta
Steady-state properties of the sign algorithm for the constrained adaptive IIR notch filter.
Yegui Xiao
Rabab Kreidieh Ward
Akira Ikuta
Performance analysis of the sign algorithm for a constrained adaptive IIR notch filter.
IEEE Trans. Signal Process.
51 (7) (2003)
Yegui Xiao
Rabab Kreidieh Ward
Li Xu
A new LMS-based Fourier analyzer in the presence of frequency mismatch.
Yegui Xiao
Takahiro Matsuo
Katsunori Shida
Modified Constrained Notch Fourier Transform (MCNFT) for Sinusoidal Signals in Noise and Its Performance.
IEICE Trans. Fundam. Electron. Commun. Comput. Sci.
(5) (2002)
Yegui Xiao
Yoshihiro Takeshita
Katsunori Shida
Tracking properties of a gradient-based second-order adaptive IIR notch filter with constrained poles and zeros.
IEEE Trans. Signal Process.
50 (4) (2002)
Yegui Xiao
Naoko Tani
Statistical properties of a memoryless nonlinear gradient algorithm for an adaptive constrained IIR notch filter.
Yegui Xiao
Yoshihiro Takeshita
Katsunori Shida
Tracking analysis of a gradient-based adaptive IIR notch filter with constrained poles and zeros.
Yegui Xiao
Yoshiaki Tadokoro
Keiya Iwamoto
Real-valued LMS Fourier analyzer for sinusoidal signals in additive noise.
Signal Process.
69 (2) (1999)
Yegui Xiao
Yoshiaki Tadokoro
Katsunori Shida
Adaptive algorithm based on least mean p-power error criterion for Fourier analysis in additive noise.
IEEE Trans. Signal Process.
47 (4) (1999)
Yegui Xiao
Katsunori Shida
Novel adaptive algorithm based on least mean p-power error criterion for fourier analysis in additive noise.
Maha Shadaydeh
Yegui Xiao
Yoshiaki Tadokoro
Identification of nonminimum phase FIR systems via fourth-order cumulants and genetic algorithm.
Signal Process.
60 (3) (1997)
Yegui Xiao
Yasuhiro Kobayashi
Yoshiaki Tadokoro
A novel memoryless nonlinear gradient algorithm for a second-order adaptive IIR notch filter.
Yegui Xiao
Yoshiaki Tadokoro
LMS-based notch filter for the estimation of sinusoidal signals in noise.
Signal Process.
46 (2) (1995)