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Yaosuo Xue
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2009-2024
Publications (10 Years): 34
Top Topics
Power System
Reactive Power
Tertiary Storage
Mazurkiewicz Traces
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
IEEE Access
Yonghao Gui
Sufan Jiang
Linquan Bai
Yaosuo Xue
Hong Wang
Jacob Reidt
Samuel T. Ojetola
David A. Schoenwald
Review of Challenges and Research Opportunities for Control of Transmission Grids.
IEEE Access
12 (2024)
Yushan Liu
Xuyang Liu
Xiao Li
Haiwen Yuan
Yaosuo Xue
Model Predictive Control-Based Dual-Mode Operation of an Energy-Stored Quasi-Z-Source Photovoltaic Power System.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
70 (9) (2023)
Cheng Wang
Hongkang Yang
Hongting Hua
Yaosuo Xue
Operation of Dual-T-Type Modular Multilevel Converter for Uninterrupted Power Supply Under Bridge Failures.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
70 (12) (2023)
Ajay Pratap Yadav
James J. Nutaro
Byungkwon Park
Jin Dong
Boming Liu
Srikanth B. Yoginath
He Yin
Jiaojiao Dong
Yuqing Dong
Yilu Liu
P. Teja Kuruganti
Yaosuo Xue
Review of Emerging Concepts in Distribution System State Estimation: Opportunities and Challenges.
IEEE Access
11 (2023)
Siyuan Xu
Liren Yu
Xiaojun Lin
Jin Dong
Yaosuo Xue
Online distributed price-based control of DR resources with competitive guarantees.
Houhe Chen
Linbo Fu
Linquan Bai
Tao Jiang
Yaosuo Xue
Rufeng Zhang
Badrul Chowdhury
Joseph Stekli
Xue Li
Distribution Market-Clearing and Pricing Considering Coordination of DSOs and ISO: An EPEC Approach.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
12 (4) (2021)
Hang Shuai
Fangxing Li
Héctor Pulgar-Painemal
Yaosuo Xue
Branching Dueling Q-Network Based Online Scheduling of a Microgrid With Distributed Energy Storage Systems.
Hang Shuai
Fangxing Li
Héctor Pulgar-Painemal
Yaosuo Xue
Branching Dueling Q-Network-Based Online Scheduling of a Microgrid With Distributed Energy Storage Systems.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
12 (6) (2021)
Xiao Li
Yushan Liu
Yaosuo Xue
Four-Switch Buck-Boost Converter Based on Model Predictive Control With Smooth Mode Transition Capability.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
68 (10) (2021)
Yushan Liu
Jie He
Baoming Ge
Xiao Li
Yaosuo Xue
Frede Blaabjerg
A Simple Space Vector Modulation of High-Frequency AC Linked Three-Phase-to-Single-Phase/DC Converter.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Guodong Liu
Yaosuo Xue
Madhu S. Chinthavali
Kevin Tomsovic
Optimal Sizing of PV and Energy Storage in an Electric Vehicle Extreme Fast Charging Station.
Wenchao Cao
Yiwei Ma
Fei Wang
Leon M. Tolbert
Yaosuo Xue
Low-Frequency Stability Analysis of Inverter-Based Islanded Multiple-Bus AC Microgrids Based on Terminal Characteristics.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
11 (5) (2020)
Xiao Kou
Fangxing Li
Jin Dong
Michael Starke
Jeffrey Munk
Yaosuo Xue
Mohammed M. Olama
Helia Zandi
A Scalable and Distributed Algorithm for Managing Residential Demand Response Programs Using Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM).
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
11 (6) (2020)
Tumin Wu
Mohammed M. Olama
Seddik M. Djouadi
Jin Dong
Yaosuo Xue
P. Teja Kuruganti
Signal Temporal Logic Control for Residential HVAC Systems to Accommodate High Solar PV Penetration.
Yingjun Guo
Hexu Sun
Yi Zhang
Yushan Liu
Xiao Li
Yaosuo Xue
Duty-Cycle Predictive Control of Quasi-Z-Source Modular Cascaded Converter Based Photovoltaic Power System.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Kenan Hatipoglu
Mohammed M. Olama
Yaosuo Xue
Model-Free Dynamic Voltage Control of a Synchronous Generator-Based Microgrid.
Ning Tong
Zhihao Jiang
Shutang You
Lin Zhu
Xianda Deng
Yaosuo Xue
Yilu Liu
Dynamic Equivalence of Large-Scale Power Systems Based on Boundary Measurements.
Fatima Zohra Taousser
Mohammed M. Olama
Seddik M. Djouadi
Yichen Zhang
Yaosuo Xue
Thomas Ben Ollis
Kevin Tomsovic
Voltage Restoration in Microgrids using Temporal Logic Specifications.
Michael Starke
Andrew Herron
Daniel King
Yaosuo Xue
Implementation of a Publish-Subscribe Protocol in Microgrid Islanding and Resynchronization With Self-Discovery.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
10 (1) (2019)
Yiling Zhang
Jin Dong
P. Teja Kuruganti
Siqian Shen
Yaosuo Xue
Distributionally Robust Building Load Control to Compensate Fluctuations in Solar Power Generation.
Cheng Wang
Kai Zhang
Jian Xiong
Yaosuo Xue
Wenxin Liu
A Coordinated Compensation Strategy for Module Mismatch of CHB-PV Systems Based on Improved LS-PWM and Reactive Power Injection.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
66 (4) (2019)
Jiajun Duan
Cheng Wang
Hao Xu
Wenxin Liu
Yaosuo Xue
Jian-Chun Peng
Hui Jiang
Distributed Control of Inverter-Interfaced Microgrids Based on Consensus Algorithm With Improved Transient Performance.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
10 (2) (2019)
Yushan Liu
Baoming Ge
Xiao Li
Yaosuo Xue
Common Mode Voltage Reduction of Single-Phase Quasi-Z-Source Inverter-Based Photovoltaic System.
IEEE Access
7 (2019)
Yichen Zhang
Fatima Zohra Taousser
Mohammed M. Olama
Seddik M. Djouadi
Yaosuo Xue
Thomas Ben Ollis
Kevin Tomsovic
Secondary Voltage Control Via Demand-Side Energy Storage with Temporal Logic Specifications.
Jin Dong
Yaosuo Xue
P. Teja Kuruganti
Isha Sharma
James J. Nutaro
Mohammed M. Olama
Justin M. Hill
John W. Bowen
Operational impacts of high penetration solar power on a real-world distribution feeder.
Weihua Liang
Yushan Liu
Baoming Ge
Haitham Abu-Rub
Robert S. Balog
Yaosuo Xue
Double-Line-Frequency Ripple Model, Analysis, and Impedance Design for Energy-Stored Single-Phase Quasi-Z-Source Photovoltaic System.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
65 (4) (2018)
Yushan Liu
Jie He
Baoming Ge
Yaosuo Xue
Sertac Bayhan
General Space Vector Modulation of A High-Frequency AC Linked Universal Converter for Distributed Generations.
Jin Dong
P. Teja Kuruganti
Seddik M. Djouadi
Mohammed M. Olama
Yaosuo Xue
Privacy-Preserving Aggregation of Controllable Loads to Compensate Fluctuations in Solar Power.
Yichen Zhang
Mohammed M. Olama
Alexander Melin
Yaosuo Xue
Seddik M. Djouadi
Kevin Tomsovic
Synthesizing Distributed Energy Resources in Microgrids with Temporal Logic Specifications.
Yushan Liu
Haitham Abu-Rub
Yaosuo Xue
Fei Tao
A Discrete-Time Average Model-Based Predictive Control for a Quasi-Z-Source Inverter.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
65 (8) (2018)
Yushan Liu
Baoming Ge
Haitham Abu-Rub
Hexu Sun
Fang Zheng Peng
Yaosuo Xue
Model Predictive Direct Power Control for Active Power Decoupled Single-Phase Quasi-Z -Source Inverter.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics
12 (4) (2016)
Thomas Ben Ollis
Philip Irminger
Mark A. Buckner
Ishita Ray
Daniel King
Andrew Herron
Bailu Xiao
Raymond Borges
Michael Starke
Yaosuo Xue
Brian MacCleery
Software-defined intelligent grid research integration and development platform.
Michael Starke
Bailu Xiao
Guodong Liu
Thomas Ben Ollis
Philip Irminger
Daniel King
Andrew Herron
Yaosuo Xue
Architecture and implementation of microgrid controller.
Bailu Xiao
Michael Starke
Daniel King
Philip Irminger
Andrew Herron
Thomas Ben Ollis
Yaosuo Xue
Implementation of system level control and communications in a Hardware-in-the-Loop microgrid testbed.
Yuxiang Shi
Rui Li
Yaosuo Xue
Hui Li
Optimized Operation of Current-Fed Dual Active Bridge DC-DC Converter for PV Applications.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
62 (11) (2015)
Dong Dong
Bo Wen
Dushan Boroyevich
Paolo Mattavelli
Yaosuo Xue
Analysis of Phase-Locked Loop Low-Frequency Stability in Three-Phase Grid-Connected Power Converters Considering Impedance Interactions.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
62 (1) (2015)
Alinaghi Marzoughi
Rolando Burgos
Dushan Boroyevich
Yaosuo Xue
Investigation and comparison of cascaded H-bridge and modular multilevel converter topologies for medium-voltage drive application.
Zhenhong Guo
Liuchen Chang
Yaosuo Xue
Cogging torque of permanent magnet electric machiens: An overview.
Yaosuo Xue
Liuchen Chang
Zhenhong Guo
A load controller for wind/hydrogen/diesel weak grid.