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Wonhee Cho
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2003-2023
Publications (10 Years): 24
Top Topics
Homomorphic Encryption
Big Data
Fuel Consumption
Hardware Architecture
Top Venues
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
Des. Codes Cryptogr.
Jung Hee Cheon
Wonhee Cho
Jiseung Kim
Improved Universal Thresholdizer from Threshold Fully Homomorphic Encryption.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
2023 (2023)
Wonhee Cho
Chul-Hee Lim
Simplified and High Accessibility Approach for the Rapid Assessment of Deforestation in Developing Countries: A Case of Timor-Leste.
Remote. Sens.
15 (18) (2023)
Wonhee Cho
Eunwoo Kim
Improving Augmentation Efficiency for Few-Shot Learning.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Wonhee Cho
Jiseung Kim
Changmin Lee
Extension of simultaneous Diophantine approximation algorithm for partial approximate common divisor variants.
IET Inf. Secur.
15 (6) (2021)
Hyuk In Yang
Wonhee Cho
Dong Hoon Lee
Sang-Hoon Suh
Justin Y. Jeon
Development of a New Submaximal Walk Test to Predict Maximal Oxygen Consumption in Healthy Adults.
21 (17) (2021)
Jung Hee Cheon
Wonhee Cho
Jeong Han Kim
Jiseung Kim
Adventures in Crypto Dark Matter: Attacks and Fixes for Weak Pseudorandom Functions.
Public Key Cryptography (2)
Wonhee Cho
Jiseung Kim
Changmin Lee
(In)security of concrete instantiation of Lin17's functional encryption scheme from noisy multilinear maps.
Des. Codes Cryptogr.
89 (5) (2021)
Jung Hee Cheon
Wonhee Cho
Jeong Han Kim
Jiseung Kim
Adventures in Crypto Dark Matter: Attacks, Fixes and Analysis for Weak Pseudorandom Function Candidates.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
2020 (2020)
Chiranjeeb Buragohain
Knut Magne Risvik
Paul Brett
Miguel Castro
Wonhee Cho
Joshua Cowhig
Nikolas Gloy
Karthik Kalyanaraman
Richendra Khanna
John Pao
Matthew Renzelmann
Alex Shamis
Timothy Tan
Shuheng Zheng
A1: A Distributed In-Memory Graph Database.
SIGMOD Conference
Min Jae Kim
Sung Hyun Hong
Wonhee Cho
Dong-Hyuk Park
Eun-Byeol Lee
Yoonkyung Song
Yong-Sahm Choe
Jun Ho Lee
Yeonji Jang
Wooyoung Lee
Justin Y. Jeon
Breath Acetone Measurement-Based Prediction of Exercise-Induced Energy and Substrate Expenditure.
20 (23) (2020)
Sunwoong Kim
Keewoo Lee
Wonhee Cho
Yujin Nam
Jung Hee Cheon
Rob A. Rutenbar
Hardware Architecture of a Number Theoretic Transform for a Bootstrappable RNS-based Homomorphic Encryption Scheme.
Chiranjeeb Buragohain
Knut Magne Risvik
Paul Brett
Miguel Castro
Wonhee Cho
Joshua Cowhig
Nikolas Gloy
Karthik Kalyanaraman
Richendra Khanna
John Pao
Matthew Renzelmann
Alex Shamis
Timothy Tan
Shuheng Zheng
A1: A Distributed In-Memory Graph Database.
Jung Hee Cheon
Wonhee Cho
Minki Hhan
Jiseung Kim
Changmin Lee
Algorithms for CRT-variant of Approximate Greatest Common Divisor Problem.
J. Math. Cryptol.
14 (1) (2020)
Jung Hee Cheon
Wonhee Cho
Minki Hhan
Minsik Kang
Jiseung Kim
Changmin Lee
Algorithms for CRT-variant of Approximate Greatest Common Divisor Problem.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
2019 (2019)
Jung Hee Cheon
Wonhee Cho
Minki Hhan
Jiseung Kim
Changmin Lee
Statistical Zeroizing Attack: Cryptanalysis of Candidates of BP Obfuscation over GGH15 Multilinear Map.
Sunwoong Kim
Keewoo Lee
Wonhee Cho
Jung Hee Cheon
Rob A. Rutenbar
FPGA-based Accelerators of Fully Pipelined Modular Multipliers for Homomorphic Encryption.
Shenyue Jia
Seung Hee Kim
Son V. Nghiem
Wonhee Cho
Menas C. Kafatos
Estimating Live Fuel Moisture in Southern California Using Remote Sensing Vegetation Water Content Proxies.
Jung Hee Cheon
Wonhee Cho
Minki Hhan
Jiseung Kim
Changmin Lee
Statistical Zeroizing Attack: Cryptanalysis of Candidates of BP Obfuscation over GGH15 Multilinear Map.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
2018 (2018)
Wonhee Cho
Eunmi Choi
Spatial Big Data Analysis System for Vehicle-Driving GPS Trajectory.
Wonhee Cho
Seon Ho Kim
Multimedia Sensor Dataset for the Analysis of Vehicle Movement.
Wonhee Cho
Eunmi Choi
Big data pre-processing methods with vehicle driving data using MapReduce techniques.
J. Supercomput.
73 (7) (2017)
Wonhee Cho
Eunmi Choi
A basis of spatial big data analysis with map-matching system.
Clust. Comput.
20 (3) (2017)
Wonhee Cho
Eunmi Choi
DTG Big Data Analysis for Fuel Consumption Estimation.
J. Inf. Process. Syst.
13 (2) (2017)
Wonhee Cho
Eunmi Choi
Effective Pre-processing Methods with DTG Big Data by Using MapReduce Techniques.
Wonhee Cho
Eunmi Choi
A GPS Trajectory Map-Matching Mechanism with DTG Big Data on the HBase System.
Chanik Park
Wonmoon Cheon
Jeong-Uk Kang
Kangho Roh
Wonhee Cho
Jin-Soo Kim
A reconfigurable FTL (flash translation layer) architecture for NAND flash-based applications.
ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst.
7 (4) (2008)
Chanik Park
Wonmoon Cheon
Yangsup Lee
Myoung-Soo Jung
Wonhee Cho
Hanbin Yoon
A Re-configurable FTL (Flash Translation Layer) Architecture for NAND Flash based Applications.
IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping
Jooyoung Park
Wonhee Cho
Young-Il Kim
Semiparametric Kernel Fisher Discriminant Approach for Regression Problems.
Int. J. Fuzzy Log. Intell. Syst.
3 (2) (2003)