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William Wresch
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1993-2012
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
Developing Countries
Pedagogical Approaches
Low Income
Human Resources
Top Venues
Inf. Technol. Dev.
William Wresch
Simon Fraser
ICT - enabled market freedoms and their impacts in developing countries: Opportunities, frustrations, and surprises.
Inf. Technol. Dev.
18 (1) (2012)
William Wresch
Simon Fraser
Persistent Barriers to E-commerce in Developing Countries: A Longitudinal Study of Efforts by Caribbean Companies.
J. Glob. Inf. Manag.
19 (3) (2011)
J. Ben Arbaugh
Michael R. Godfrey
Marianne Johnson
Birgit Leisen Pollack
Bruce Niendorf
William Wresch
Research in online and blended learning in the business disciplines: Key findings and possible future directions.
Internet High. Educ.
12 (2) (2009)
William Wresch
Simon Fraser
Managerial Strategies Used to Overcome Technological Hurdles: A Review of E-Commerce Efforts Used by Innovative Caribbean Managers.
J. Glob. Inf. Manag.
14 (3) (2006)
William Wresch
Simon Fraser
IT Foundations for eCommerce: A Survey of Executives in Five Caribbean Countries.
William Wresch
J. Ben Arbaugh
Michael Rebstock
International online management education courses: A study of participation patterns.
Internet High. Educ.
8 (2) (2005)
William Wresch
The Information Age: Technology, Learning and Exclusion in Wales, by N. Selwyn and S. Gorard. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2002.
Inf. Soc.
20 (1) (2004)
William Wresch
Initial E-Commerce Efforts in Nine Least Developed Countries: A Review of National Infrastructure, Business Approaches, and Product Selection.
J. Glob. Inf. Manag.
11 (2) (2003)
William Wresch
Democracy in the Digital Age: Challenges to Political Life in Cyberspace.
Inf. Soc.
17 (2) (2001)
William Wresch
Empty highway.
J. Comput. High. Educ.
9 (2) (1998)
William Wresch
Information Access in Africa: Problems with Every Channel.
Inf. Soc.
14 (4) (1998)
William Wresch
Invisible Africa: information traffic patterns as illustrated by technical training, the Internet, African mail systems, Baywatch, and books.
William Wresch
The effect of writing process software on student success: A research summary.
J. Comput. High. Educ.
5 (1) (1993)