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Walia Farzana
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2020-2023
Publications (10 Years): 9
Top Topics
Brain Tumor Segmentation
Radiation Doses
Top Venues
Medical Imaging: Computer-Aided Diagnosis
HCI (49)
BrainLes@MICCAI (2)
M. Shibly Sadique
Walia Farzana
Ahmed Temtam
E. Lappinen
Arastoo Vossough
Khan M. Iftekharuddin
Brain Tumor Recurrence vs. Radiation Necrosis Classification and Patient Survivability Prediction.
Walia Farzana
Mustafa M. Basree
Norou Diawara
Zeina A. Shboul
Sagel Dubey
Marie M. Lockhart
Mohamed Hamza
Joshua D. Palmer
Khan M. Iftekharuddin
Prediction of Rapid Early Progression and Survival Risk with Pre-Radiation MRI in WHO Grade 4 Glioma Patients.
Md. Shibly Sadique
Walia Farzana
Ahmed G. Temtam
Khan M. Iftekharuddin
Class activation mapping and uncertainty estimation in multi-organ segmentation.
Medical Imaging: Computer-Aided Diagnosis
Walia Farzana
Zeina A. Shboul
Ahmed G. Temtam
Khan M. Iftekharuddin
Uncertainty estimation in classification of MGMT using radiogenomics for glioblastoma patients.
Medical Imaging: Computer-Aided Diagnosis
Md. Shibly Sadique
Md Monibor Rahman
Walia Farzana
Ahmed G. Temtam
Khan M. Iftekharuddin
Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Neural Ordinary Differential Equations with UNet-Context Encoding Network.
Md Monibor Rahman
Md. Shibly Sadique
Ahmed Temtam
Walia Farzana
L. Vidyaratne
Khan M. Iftekharuddin
Brain Tumor Segmentation Using UNet-Context Encoding Network.
BrainLes@MICCAI (1)
Walia Farzana
Ahmed G. Temtam
Zeina A. Shboul
Md Monibor Rahman
M. Shibly Sadique
Khan M. Iftekharuddin
Radiogenomic Prediction of MGMT Using Deep Learning with Bayesian Optimized Hyperparameters.
BrainLes@MICCAI (2)
Walia Farzana
Farhana Sarker
Ravi Vaidyanathan
Tom Chau
Khondaker A. Mamun
Communication Support Utilizing AAC for Verbally Challenged Children in Developing Countries During COVID-19 Pandemic.
HCI (49)
Walia Farzana
Farhana Sarker
Quazi Delwar Hossain
Tom Chau
Khondaker A. Mamun
An Evaluation of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Research for ASD Children in Developing Countries: Benefits and Barriers.
HCI (49)