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Veena Goel
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2014-2016
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Parameter Selection
Heart Rate
Statistical Models
Data Driven
Top Venues
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc.
Vibhu Agarwal
Tanya Podchiyska
Juan M. Banda
Veena Goel
Tiffany I. Leung
Evan P. Minty
Timothy E. Sweeney
Elsie Gyang
Nigam H. Shah
Learning statistical models of phenotypes using noisy labeled training data.
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc.
23 (6) (2016)
Veena Goel
Sarah Poole
Alaina Kipps
Jonathan P. Palma
Terry Platchek
Natalie M. Pageler
Christopher Longhurst
Paul Sharek
Implementation of Data Drive Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate parameters on a Pediatric Acute Care Unit.
Veena Goel
Sarah Poole
Terry Platchek
Christopher Longhurst
Paul Sharek
Jonathan P. Palma
Data Driven Approach to Vital Sign Parameters at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford.