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Valeriy Lakhno
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2017-2022
Publications (10 Years): 11
Top Topics
Trading Strategies
Information Flows
Hardware And Software
Top Venues
CSOC (2)
ISAT (2)
Valeriy Lakhno
Lazat Kydyralina
Berik Akhmetov
Bagdat Yagaliyeva
Kayirbek Makulov
Analysis of Information Flows of Distance Education Systems, Taking into Account the Need to Ensure Their Cybersecurity (short paper).
Oleksandr Terentiev
Tetyana Prosiankina-Zharova
Volodymyr Savastiyanov
Valeriy Lakhno
Vira Kolmakova
The Features of Building a Portfolio of Trading Strategies Using the SAS OPTMODEL Procedure.
9 (7) (2021)
Valeriy Lakhno
Andii Sahun
Vladyslav Khaidurov
Dmitro Kasatkin
Serhii Liubytskyi
Model of Operation System's Incidents Forecasting (short paper).
Valeriy Lakhno
Andrii Blozva
Dmytro Kasatkin
Dmitro Tyshchenko
Tamara Franchuk
Modified Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Problem of Selecting Hardware and Software for Information Security (short paper).
Valeriy Lakhno
V. G. Malikov
D. Y. Kasatkin
A. I. Blozva
V. G. Saiko
V. N. Domrachev
Computer-Based Support for Searching Rational Strategies for Investors in Case of Insufficient Information on the Condition of the Counterparty.
CSOC (2)
Valeriy Lakhno
Olena Kryvoruchko
Alyona Desiatko
Andrii Blozva
Viktoriia Semidotska
Development Strategy Model of the Informational Management Logistic System of a Commercial Enterprise by Neural Network Apparatus.
Valeriy Lakhno
Volodymyr Malyukov
Berik Akhmetov
Nataliia Gerasymchuk
Hennadii Mohylnyi
Petro Kravchuk
Decision Support Model for Assessing Projects by a Group of Investors with Regards of Multi-factors.
CSOC (2)
Valeriy Lakhno
Bakhytzhan Akhmetov
Moldyr Ydyryshbayeva
Bohdan Bebeshko
Alona Desiatko
Karyna Khorolska
Models for Forming Knowledge Databases for Decision Support Systems for Recognizing Cyberattacks.
Valeriy Lakhno
Volodimir Malyukov
Andrii Roskladka
Svitlana Rzaieva
Volodymir Gamaliy
Valeriy Kraskevich
Olha Kasatkina
Computer Support System for Choosing the Optimal Managing Strategy by the Mutual Investment Procedure in Smart City.
Akbala Abuova
Valeriy Lakhno
Nurzhamal Oshanova
Bagdat Yagaliyeva
Andrew Anosov
Conceptual Model of the Automated Decision-Making Process in Analysis of Emergency Situations on Railway Transport.
Valeriy Lakhno
Alexander Petrov
Anton Petrov
Development of a Support System for Managing the Cyber Security of Information and Communication Environment of Transport.
ISAT (2)