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Trang Hoang
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2008-2024
Publications (10 Years): 12
Top Topics
Speech Recognition
Convolutional Neural Network
Decoding Algorithm
Water Quality
Top Venues
J. Commun.
IEEE Internet Things Mag.
Pallas-Athena Cain
Trang Hoang
Janyl Jumadinova
Autonomous Underwater Robot for Water Quality Measurement of Northwest Pennsylvania Lakes.
Thinh Do Quang
Trang Hoang
An efficient method to build music generative model by controlling both general and local note characteristics.
J. King Saud Univ. Comput. Inf. Sci.
35 (9) (2023)
Trang Hoang
Thang Nguyen Quoc
Lihong Zhang
Trung Q. Duong
Novel Methods for Improved Particle Swarm Optimization in Designing the Bandgap Reference Circuit.
IEEE Access
11 (2023)
James Adu Ansere
Eric Gyamfi
Yijiu Li
Hyundong Shin
Octavia A. Dobre
Trang Hoang
Trung Q. Duong
Optimal Computation Resource Allocation in Energy-Efficient Edge IoT Systems With Deep Reinforcement Learning.
IEEE Trans. Green Commun. Netw.
7 (4) (2023)
Kübra Duran
Mehmet Özdem
Trang Hoang
Trung Q. Duong
Berk Canberk
Age of Twin (AoT): A New Digital Twin Qualifier for 6G Ecosystem.
IEEE Internet Things Mag.
6 (4) (2023)
Dang Van-Huynh
Yijiu Li
Antonino Masaracchia
Trang Hoang
Trung Q. Duong
Optimal Resource Allocation for 6G UAV-enabled Mobile Edge Computing with Mission-Critical Applications.
Bich Ngoc Tran-Thi
Thien Truong Nguyen-Ly
Trang Hoang
High-Performance and Low-Complexity Decoding Algorithms for 5G Low-Density Parity-Check Codes.
J. Commun.
17 (5) (2022)
Tuan Nguyen
Dat Ngo
Lam Pham
Linh Tran
Trang Hoang
A Re-trained Model Based On Multi-kernel Convolutional Neural Network for Acoustic Scene Classification.
Toi Le Thanh
Lac Truong Tri
Trang Hoang
The flow of converting from Synchronous design to Asynchronous Null Convention Logic design. Case study of S-box in AES encryption in secure router.
Loc Hoang Tran
Trang Hoang
Bui Hoang Nam Huynh
Hypergraph based semi-supervised learning algorithms applied to speech recognition problem: a novel approach.
Tam Chi Nguyen
Lam Dang Pham
Hieu Minh Nguyen
Bao Gia Bui
Dat Thanh Ngo
Trang Hoang
A High Performance Dynamic ASIC-Based Audio Signal Feature Extraction (MFCC).
Tin Quang Bui
Lam Dang Pham
Hieu Minh Nguyen
Viet Thai Nguyen
Thong Chi Le
Trang Hoang
An Effective Architecture of Memory Built-In Self-Test for Wide Range of SRAM.
Trang Hoang
Van Loi Nguyen
Low-Latency, Small-Area FPGA Implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm.
Int. J. Distributed Syst. Technol.
4 (1) (2013)
Trang Hoang
Van Loi Nguyen
An Efficient FPGA Implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm.
Trang Hoang
Patrice Rey
Marie-Helene Vaudaine
Philippe Robert
Philippe Benech
The hydrid model for SAW filter.