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Tolga Uslu
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2020
Publications (10 Years): 17
Top Topics
Cognitive Maps
Top Venues
COLING (Demos)
J. Lang. Model.
Alexander Mehler
Bernhard Jussen
Tim Geelhaar
Alexander Henlein
Giuseppe Abrami
Daniel Baumartz
Tolga Uslu
Wahed Hemati
The Frankfurt Latin Lexicon: From Morphological Expansion and Word Embeddings to SemioGraphs.
Alexander Mehler
Rüdiger Gleim
Regina Gaitsch
Wahed Hemati
Tolga Uslu
From Topic Networks to Distributed Cognitive Maps: Zipfian Topic Universes in the Area of Volunteered Geographic Information.
2020 (2020)
Andy Lücking
Sebastian Brückner
Giuseppe Abrami
Tolga Uslu
Alexander Mehler
Computational linguistic assessment of textbook and online learning media by means of threshold concepts in business education.
Alexander Mehler
Rüdiger Gleim
Regina Gaitsch
Wahed Hemati
Tolga Uslu
From Topic Networks to Distributed Cognitive Maps: Zipfian Topic Universes in the Area of Volunteered Geographic Information.
Alexander Mehler
Wahed Hemati
Pascal Welke
Maxim Konca
Tolga Uslu
Multiple Texts as a Limiting Factor in Online Learning: Quantifying (Dis-)similarities of Knowledge Networks across Languages.
Alexander Mehler
Tolga Uslu
Rüdiger Gleim
Daniel Baumartz
text2ddc meets Literature - Ein Verfahren für die Analyse und Visualisierung thematischer Makrostrukturen.
Wahed Hemati
Alexander Mehler
Tolga Uslu
Giuseppe Abrami
Der TextImager als Front- und Backend für das verteilte NLP von Big Digital Humanities Data.
Rüdiger Gleim
Steffen Eger
Alexander Mehler
Tolga Uslu
Wahed Hemati
Andy Lücking
Alexander Henlein
Sven Kahlsdorf
Armin Hoenen
Practitioner's view: A comparison and a survey of lemmatization and morphological tagging in German and Latin.
J. Lang. Model.
7 (1) (2019)
Tolga Uslu
Alexander Mehler
Daniel Baumartz
Computing Classifier-Based Embeddings with the Help of Text2ddc.
CICLing (2)
Daniel Baumartz
Tolga Uslu
Alexander Mehler
LTV: Labeled Topic Vector.
COLING (Demos)
Tolga Uslu
Alexander Mehler
Daniel Baumartz
Alexander Henlein
Wahed Hemati
FastSense: An Efficient Word Sense Disambiguation Classifier.
Tolga Uslu
Alexander Mehler
Dirk Meyer
LitViz: Visualizing Literary Data by Means of text2voronoi.
Alexander Mehler
Rüdiger Gleim
Andy Lücking
Tolga Uslu
Christian Stegbauer
On the Self-similarity of Wikipedia Talks: a Combined Discourse-analytical and Quantitative Approach.
40 (2018)
Tolga Uslu
Wahed Hemati
Alexander Mehler
Daniel Baumartz
TextImager as a Generic Interface to R.
EACL (Software Demonstrations)
Alexander Mehler
Rüdiger Gleim
Tim vor der Brück
Wahed Hemati
Tolga Uslu
Steffen Eger
Wikidition: Automatic lexiconization and linkification of text corpora.
it Inf. Technol.
58 (2) (2016)
Wahed Hemati
Tolga Uslu
Alexander Mehler
TextImager: a Distributed UIMA-based System for NLP.
COLING (Demos)
Alexander Mehler
Tolga Uslu
Wahed Hemati
Text2voronoi: An Image-driven Approach to Differential Diagnosis.