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Tino Zaehle
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2003-2021
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Alpha Beta
Life Span
Working Memory
Top Venues
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
Alexandra Sobczak
Stefan Repplinger
Eva M. Bauch
Norbert Brueggemann
Christina Lohse
Hermann Hinrichs
Lars Buentjen
Juergen Voges
Tino Zaehle
Nico Bunzeck
Anticipating social incentives recruits alpha-beta oscillations in the human substantia nigra and invigorates behavior across the life span.
245 (2021)
Marlen Schmicker
Inga Menze
Christine Schneider
Marco Taubert
Tino Zaehle
Notger G. Müller
Making the rich richer: Frontoparietal tDCS enhances transfer effects of a single-session distractor inhibition training on working memory in high capacity individuals but reduces them in low capacity individuals.
242 (2021)
Maria Kuehne
Isabelle Siwy
Tino Zaehle
Hans-Jochen Heinze
Janek S. Lobmaier
Out of Focus: Facial Feedback Manipulation Modulates Automatic Processing of Unattended Emotional Faces.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
31 (11) (2019)
Catherine M. Sweeney-Reed
Tino Zaehle
Jürgen Voges
Friedhelm C. Schmitt
Lars Buentjen
Klaus Kopitzki
Alan Richardson-Klavehn
Hermann Hinrichs
Hans-Jochen Heinze
Robert T. Knight
Michael D. Rugg
Pre-stimulus thalamic theta power predicts human memory formation.
138 (2016)
Eveline Geiser
Tino Zaehle
Lutz Jäncke
Martin Meyer
The Neural Correlate of Speech Rhythm as Evidenced by Metrical Speech Processing.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
20 (3) (2008)
Tino Zaehle
Conny F. Schmidt
Martin Meyer
Simon Baumann
Christof Baltes
Peter Boesiger
Lutz Jäncke
Comparison of "silent" clustered and sparse temporal fMRI acquisitions in tonal and speech perception tasks.
37 (4) (2007)
Nadine Gaab
Christian Gaser
Tino Zaehle
Lutz Jäncke
Gottfried Schlaug
Functional anatomy of pitch memory - an fMRI study with sparse temporal sampling.
19 (4) (2003)