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Thomas William
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2014
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
Wide Area Network
File System
Heterogeneous Environments
Replicated Databases
Top Venues
Future Gener. Comput. Syst.
Jens Doleschal
Thomas William
Bert Wesarg
Johannes Ziegenbalg
Holger Brunst
Andreas Knüpfer
Wolfgang E. Nagel
Towards Detailed Exascale Application Analysis - Selective Monitoring and Visualisation.
Michael Kluge
Stephen C. Simms
Thomas William
Robert Henschel
Andy Georgi
Christian Meyer
Matthias S. Müller
Craig A. Stewart
Wolfgang Wünsch
Wolfgang E. Nagel
Performance and quality of service of data and video movement over a 100 Gbps testbed.
Future Gener. Comput. Syst.
29 (1) (2013)
Robert Dietrich
Frank Winkler
Thomas William
Jonas Stolle
Robert Henschel
Donald K. Berry
A Case Study: Holistic Performance Analysis on Heterogeneous Architectures using the Vampir Toolchain.
Robert Henschel
Stephen C. Simms
David Y. Hancock
Scott Michael
Tom Johnson
Nathan Heald
Thomas William
Donald K. Berry
Matthew Allen
Richard Knepper
Matt Davy
Matthew R. Link
Craig A. Stewart
Demonstrating lustre over a 100Gbps wide area network of 3, 500km.
Alvaro Aguilera
Michael Kluge
Thomas William
Wolfgang E. Nagel
HPC File Systems in Wide Area Networks: Understanding the Performance of Lustre over WAN.
Thomas William
Donald K. Berry
Robert Henschel
Electronic poster: performance studies of a molecular dynamics code.
SC Companion
Andy Georgi
Thomas William
Wolfgang E. Nagel
Synthetische Lasttests auf dem 100-Gigabit-Testbed zwischen der TU Dresden und der TU Bergakademie Freiberg.
DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologien
David Castells-Rufas
Jaume Joven
Sergi Risueño
Eduard Fernandez-Alonso
Jordi Carrabina
Thomas William
Hartmut Mix
MPSoC Performance Analysis with Virtual Prototyping Platforms.
ICPP Workshops
Daniel Lorenz
Branislav Borovac
Peter Buchholz
Henrik Eichenhardt
T. Harenberg
P. Mättig
M. Mechtel
Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn
Reinhard Neumann
K. Reeves
Christian Uebing
Wolfgang Walkowiak
Thomas William
Roland Wismüller
Job monitoring and steering in D-Grid's High Energy Physics Community Grid.
Future Gener. Comput. Syst.
25 (3) (2009)
Thomas William
Hartmut Mix
Bernd Mohr
René Menzel
Felix Voigtländer
Enhanced Performance Analysis of Multi-core Applications with an Integrated Tool-chain - Using Scalasca and Vampir to Optimise the Metal Forming Simulation FE Software INDEED.
Benedetto Risio
Alexander Berreth
Stéphane Zuckerman
Souad Koliai
Mickaël Ivascot
William Jalby
Bettina Krammer
Bernd Mohr
Thomas William
How to Accelerate an Application: a Practical Case Study in Combustion Modelling.
Henrik Eichenhardt
Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn
Reinhard Neumann
Thomas William
User- and job-centric monitoring: Analysing and presenting large amounts of monitoring data.
Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn
Reinhard Neumann
Thomas William
AMon - a User-Friendly Job Monitoring for the Grid.