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Syin Chan
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1996-2020
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Mac Protocol
Energy Aware
Spectrum Sensing
Cognitive Radio
Top Venues
Nhu Khue Vuong
Yong Liu
Syin Chan
Chiew Tong Lau
Zhenghua Chen
Min Wu
Xiaoli Li
Deep learning with long short-term memory networks for classification of dementia related travel patterns.
Ashish Kumar
Maode Ma
Chiew Tong Lau
Syin Chan
A Framework of Real-time Wandering Management for Person with Dementia.
Ashish Kumar
Chiew Tong Lau
Syin Chan
Maode Ma
William D. Kearns
A unified grid-based wandering pattern detection algorithm.
Vishram Mishra
Chiew Tong Lau
Syin Chan
A Channel Allocation Based Self-Coexistence Scheme for Homogeneous Ad-Hoc Networks.
IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett.
4 (5) (2015)
Nhu Khue Vuong
Syin Chan
Chiew Tong Lau
Stephen Yew Wei Chan
Philip Lin Kiat Yap
Annabel S. H. Chen
Preliminary results of using inertial sensors to detect dementia- related wandering patterns.
Aung Aung Phyo Wai
Pham Duy Duc
Syin Chan
Haihong Zhang
iBEST: Intelligent balance assessment and stability training system using smartphone.
Vishram Mishra
Chiew Tong Lau
Syin Chan
Jimson Mathew
TQCR-media access control: two-level quality of service provisioning media access control protocol for cognitive radio network.
IET Networks
3 (2) (2014)
Vishram Mishra
Chiew Tong Lau
Syin Chan
Jimson Mathew
Energy Aware Spectrum Decision Framework for Cognitive Radio Network: A Spectrum Decision Framework for Cognitive Radio Network with Energy Awareness.
J. Low Power Electron.
9 (3) (2013)
Vishram Mishra
Chiew Tong Lau
Syin Chan
Reconfigurable Channel Selection Technique for Cognitive Radio Network With Heterogeneous Primary Bands.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.
62 (8) (2013)
Vishram Mishra
Chiew Tong Lau
Syin Chan
A QoS provisioning MAC protocol for Cognitive Radio Network.
Vishram Mishra
Chiew Tong Lau
Syin Chan
QoS provisioning self co-existence protocol for cognitive radio ad-hoc networks.
Vishram Mishra
Chiew Tong Lau
Syin Chan
Distributed contention based MAC protocol for cognitive radio networks with QoS provisioning.
Vishram Mishra
Chiew Tong Lau
Syin Chan
QoS based spectrum decision framework for cognitive radio networks.
Vishram Mishra
Chiew Tong Lau
Syin Chan
Ashish Kumar
Energy Aware Spectrum Decision Framework for Cognitive Radio Networks.
Nhu Khue Vuong
Syin Chan
Chiew Tong Lau
K. M. Lau
Feasibility study of a real-time wandering detection algorithm for dementia patients.
Vishram Mishra
Chiew Tong Lau
Syin Chan
Jimson Mathew
MAC Protocol for Two Level QoS Support in Cognitive Radio Network.
Ziming Zhang
Yiqun Hu
Syin Chan
Liang-Tien Chia
Motion Context: A New Representation for Human Action Recognition.
ECCV (4)
Ziming Zhang
Syin Chan
Liang-Tien Chia
Codebook+: A New Module for Creating Discriminative Codebooks.
Ziming Zhang
Syin Chan
Liang-Tien Chia
Image classification using tensor representation.
ACM Multimedia
Ziming Zhang
Syin Chan
Liang-Tien Chia
Discriminative Signatures for Image Classification.
ICIP (2)
Jin-Cheon Na
Christopher S. G. Khoo
Syin Chan
Norraihan Bte Hamzah
Sentiment-based search in digital libraries.
Yung-Kwang Lai
Song Liu
Liang-Tien Chia
Syin Chan
Semantic Knowledge Building for Image Database by Analyzing Web Page Contents.
Song Liu
Haoran Yi
Liang-Tien Chia
Deepu Rajan
Syin Chan
Semantic Analysis of Basketball Video Using Motion Information.
PCM (1)
Song Liu
Liang-Tien Chia
Syin Chan
Ontology for Nature-Scene Image Retrieval.
Christopher S. G. Khoo
Syin Chan
Yun Niu
Extracting Causal Knowledge from a Medical Database Using Graphical Patterns.
Syin Chan
Chong-Wah Ngo
Kok F. Lai
Motion tracking of human mouth by generalized deformable models.
Pattern Recognit. Lett.
20 (9) (1999)
Ee-Luang Ang
Syin Chan
Bu-Sung Lee
Deployment of VCR services on a computer network.
J. Netw. Comput. Appl.
21 (1) (1998)
Hong Zhou
Syin Chan
Kok F. Lai
Query Expansion by Text and Image Features in Image Retrieval.
J. Vis. Commun. Image Represent.
9 (4) (1998)
Kok F. Lai
Hong Zhou
Syin Chan
Query Expansion by Raw Image Features and Text Annotations in Image Retrieval.
ACCV (1)
Kok F. Lai
Chong-Wah Ngo
Syin Chan
Tracking of deformable contours by synthesis and match.