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Stéphane Massé
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2009-2022
Publications (10 Years): 8
Top Topics
Atrial Fibrillation
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Empirical Mode Decomposition
Blind Source Separation
Top Venues
Comput. Biol. Medicine
Biomed. Signal Process. Control.
Medical Biol. Eng. Comput.
Nikhil Valsan Kulangareth
Karl Magtibay
Stéphane Massé
Krishnakumar Nair
Paul Dorian
Kumaraswamy Nanthakumar
Karthikeyan Umapathy
An In-Silico model for evaluating the directional shock vectors in terminating and modulating rotors.
Comput. Biol. Medicine
146 (2022)
Matthew Hotradat
Krishnanand Balasundaram
Stéphane Massé
Krishnakumar Nair
Kumaraswamy Nanthakumar
Karthikeyan Umapathy
Empirical mode decomposition based ECG features in classifying and tracking ventricular arrhythmias.
Comput. Biol. Medicine
112 (2019)
Mohammadali Beheshti
Sachin Nayyar
Karl Magtibay
Stéphane Massé
Andreu Porta-Sanchez
Shouvik Haldar
Abhishek Bhaskaran
Edward J. Vigmond
Kumaraswamy Nanthakumar
Quantifying the determinants of decremental response in critical ventricular tachycardia substrate.
Comput. Biol. Medicine
102 (2018)
Mohammadali Beheshti
Karl Magtibay
Stéphane Massé
Andreu Porta-Sanchez
Shouvik Haldar
Abhishek Bhaskaran
Sachin Nayyar
Benedict Glover
D. Curtis Deno
Edward J. Vigmond
Kumaraswamy Nanthakumar
Determinants of atrial bipolar voltage: Inter electrode distance and wavefront angle.
Comput. Biol. Medicine
102 (2018)
Matthew Hotradat
Krishnanand Balasundaram
Stéphane Massé
Krishnakumar Nair
Kumaraswamy Nanthakumar
Karthikeyan Umapathy
Instantaneous Time-Frequency Features in Characterizing Ventricular Arrhythmias Using Empirical Mode Decomposition.
Krishnanand Balasundaram
Stéphane Massé
Talha Farid
Krishnakumar Nair
John Asta
Robert J. Cusimano
Edward J. Vigmond
Kumaraswamy Nanthakumar
Karthikeyan Umapathy
Morphologically constrained signal subspace characterization of electrograms during ventricular fibrillation.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control.
38 (2017)
Don Curtis Deno
Ram Balachandran
Dennis Morgan
Faiz Ahmad
Stéphane Massé
Kumaraswamy Nanthakumar
Orientation-Independent Catheter-Based Characterization of Myocardial Activation.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
64 (5) (2017)
Karl Magtibay
Mohammadali Beheshti
Farbod Hosseyndoust Foomany
Stéphane Massé
Patrick F. H. Lai
Nima Zamiri
John Asta
Kumaraswamy Nanthakumar
David A. Jaffray
Sridhar Krishnan
Karthikeyan Umapathy
Feature-based MRI data fusion for cardiac arrhythmia studies.
Comput. Biol. Medicine
72 (2016)
M. Rasooli
Farbod Hosseyndoust Foomany
Krishnanand Balasundaram
Stéphane Massé
Nima Zamiri
Andrew Ramadeen
X. Hu
P. Dorian
Kumaraswamy Nanthakumar
Sridhar Krishnan
Soosan Beheshti
Karthikeyan Umapathy
Analysis of electrocardiogram pre-shock waveforms during ventricular fibrillation.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control.
21 (2015)
Farbod Hosseyndoust Foomany
Mohammad T. H. Beheshti
Karl Magtibay
Stéphane Massé
Patrick F. Lai
John Asta
Nima Zamiri
David A. Jaffray
Sridhar Krishnan
Kumaraswamy Nanthakumar
Karthikeyan Umapathy
A novel approach to quantification of real and artifactual components of current density imaging for phantom and live heart.
Raghad Abdulmajeed
Andrew Ramadeen
Stéphane Massé
Farbod Hosseyndoust Foomany
Krishnanand Balasundaram
Xudong Hu
Kumaraswamy Nanthakumar
Paul Dorian
Karthikeyan Umapathy
The effects of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on local activation properties in dogs vulnerable to atrial fibrillation.
Karl Magtibay
Mohammad T. H. Beheshti
Farbod Hosseyndoust Foomany
Krishnanand Balasundaram
Stéphane Massé
Patrick F. Lai
John Asta
Nima Zamiri
David A. Jaffray
Kumaraswamy Nanthakumar
Sridhar Krishnan
Karthikeyan Umapathy
Fusion of structural and functional cardiac magnetic resonance imaging data for studying Ventricular Fibrillation.
M. Rasooli
Farbod Hosseyndoust Foomany
Krishnanand Balasundaram
Stéphane Massé
Nima Zamiri
Andrew Ramadeen
X. Hu
P. Dorian
Kumaraswamy Nanthakumar
Soosan Beheshti
Karthikeyan Umapathy
Blind source separation in characterizing ECG pre-shock waveforms during ventricular fibrillation.
Krishnanand Balasundaram
Stéphane Massé
Krishnakumar Nair
Karthikeyan Umapathy
A classification scheme for ventricular arrhythmias using wavelets analysis.
Medical Biol. Eng. Comput.
51 (1-2) (2013)
Farbod Hosseyndoust Foomany
Mohammad T. H. Beheshti
Karl Magtibay
Stéphane Massé
W. Foltz
Elias Sevaptsidis
Patrick F. Lai
David A. Jaffray
Sridhar Krishnan
Kumaraswamy Nanthakumar
Karthikeyan Umapathy
Analysis of reliability metrics and quality enhancement measures in current density imaging.
Krishnanand Balasundaram
Stéphane Massé
Krishnakumar Nair
Karthikeyan Umapathy
Automated signal pattern detection in ECG during human ventricular arrhythmias.
Krishnanand Balasundaram
Stéphane Massé
Krishnakumar Nair
Talha Farid
Kumaraswamy Nanthakumar
Karthikeyan Umapathy
Wavelet-based features for characterizing ventricular arrhythmias in optimizing treatment options.
J. Jeyaratnam
Karthikeyan Umapathy
Stéphane Massé
Krishnakumar Nair
Talha Farid
Sridhar Krishnan
Kumaraswamy Nanthakumar
Relating spatial heterogeneities to rotor formation in studying human ventricular fibrillation.
E. Afatmirni
Kumaraswamy Nanthakumar
Stéphane Massé
Krishnakumar Nair
Talha Farid
Sridhar Krishnan
P. Dorian
Karthikeyan Umapathy
Predicting refibrillation from pre-shock waveforms in optimizing cardiac resuscitation.
Karthikeyan Umapathy
Stéphane Massé
Elias Sevaptsidis
John Asta
Sridhar Krishnan
Kumaraswamy Nanthakumar
Spatiotemporal Frequency Analysis of Ventricular Fibrillation in Explanted Human Hearts.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
56 (2) (2009)