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Stephan E. Vogel
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2018
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Brain Mapping
Cognitive Style
Individual Differences
Working Memory Capacity
Top Venues
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
J. Numer. Cogn.
Alice De Visscher
Stephan E. Vogel
Gernot Reishofer
Eva Hassler
Karl Koschutnig
Bert De Smedt
Roland H. Grabner
Interference and problem size effect in multiplication fact solving: Individual differences in brain activations and arithmetic performance.
172 (2018)
Eric D. Wilkey
Jordan C. Barone
Michèle M. M. Mazzocco
Stephan E. Vogel
Gavin R. Price
The effect of visual parameters on neural activation during nonsymbolic number comparison and its relation to math competency.
159 (2017)
Stephan E. Vogel
Trent Haigh
Gerrit Sommerauer
Melanie Spindler
Clemens Brunner
Ian M. Lyons
Roland H. Grabner
Processing the Order of Symbolic Numbers: A Reliable and Unique Predictor of Arithmetic Fluency.
J. Numer. Cogn.
3 (2) (2017)
Stephan E. Vogel
Celia Goffin
Joshua Bohnenberger
Karl Koschutnig
Gernot Reishofer
Roland H. Grabner
Daniel Ansari
The left intraparietal sulcus adapts to symbolic number in both the visual and auditory modalities: Evidence from fMRI.
153 (2017)
Tali Leibovich
Stephan E. Vogel
Avishai Henik
Daniel Ansari
Asymmetric Processing of Numerical and Nonnumerical Magnitudes in the Brain: An fMRI Study.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
28 (1) (2016)
Ian D. Holloway
Christian Battista
Stephan E. Vogel
Daniel Ansari
Semantic and Perceptual Processing of Number Symbols: Evidence from a Cross-linguistic fMRI Adaptation Study.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
25 (3) (2013)