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Stefano Puri
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2008-2023
Publications (10 Years): 7
Top Topics
Software Life Cycle
Soft Systems
Architectural Design
Safety Analysis
Top Venues
J. Syst. Softw.
Alessandro Druetto
Enrico Bini
Andrea Grosso
Stefano Puri
Silvio Bacci
Marco Di Natale
Francesco Paladino
Task and Memory Mapping of Large Size Embedded Applications over NUMA architecture✱.
Alessandro Cimatti
Sara Corfini
Luca Cristoforetti
Marco Di Natale
Alberto Griggio
Stefano Puri
Stefano Tonetta
A comprehensive framework for the analysis of automotive systems.
Irfan Sljivo
Garazi Juez Uriagereka
Stefano Puri
Barbara Gallina
Guiding assurance of architectural design patterns for critical applications.
J. Syst. Archit.
110 (2020)
Irfan Sljivo
Barbara Gallina
Jan Carlson
Hans Hansson
Stefano Puri
Tool-Supported Safety-Relevant Component Reuse: From Specification to Argumentation.
Irfan Sljivo
Barbara Gallina
Jan Carlson
Hans Hansson
Stefano Puri
A method to generate reusable safety case argument-fragments from compositional safety analysis.
J. Syst. Softw.
131 (2017)
Silvia Mazzini
John M. Favaro
Stefano Puri
Laura Baracchi
CHESS: an Open Source Methodology and Toolset for the Development of Critical Systems.
Laura Baracchi
Silvia Mazzini
Stefano Puri
Tullio Vardanega
Lessons Learned in a Journey Toward Correct-by-Construction Model-Based Development.
Andrea Baldovin
Alessandro Zovi
Geoffrey Nelissen
Stefano Puri
The CONCERTO Methodology for Model-Based Development of Avionics Software.
Irfan Sljivo
Barbara Gallina
Jan Carlson
Hans Hansson
Stefano Puri
A Method to Generate Reusable Safety Case Fragments from Compositional Safety Analysis.
Silvia Mazzini
Laura Baracchi
Stefano Puri
Mauro Pasquinelli
Diego Gerbaz
Joachim Fuchs
Valter Basso
Lorenzo Pace
Marco Lassalle
Juhani Viitaniemi
Model-based Approach for the Verification Enhancement Across the Lifecycle of a Space System.
Antonio Cicchetti
Federico Ciccozzi
Silvia Mazzini
Stefano Puri
Marco Panunzio
Alessandro Zovi
Tullio Vardanega
CHESS: a model-driven engineering tool environment for aiding the development of complex industrial systems.
Silvia Mazzini
Stefano Puri
Tullio Vardanega
An MDE methodology for the development of high-integrity real-time systems.
Matteo Bordin
Marco Panunzio
Stefano Puri
Rapid Model-Driven Prototyping and Verification of High-Integrity Real-Time Systems.