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Slawomir Kurpaska
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2020-2021
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Ionizing Radiation
Physical Parameters
Arima Model
Air Temperature
Top Venues
Slawomir Kurpaska
Andrzej Bielecki
Zygmunt Sobol
Marzena Bielecka
Magdalena Habrat
Piotr Smigielski
The Concept of the Constructional Solution of the Working Section of a Robot for Harvesting Strawberries.
21 (11) (2021)
Maciej Gliniak
Tomasz Drózdz
Slawomir Kurpaska
Anna Lis
Using Geiger Dosimetry EKO-C Device to Detect Ionizing Radiation Emissions from Building Materials.
21 (2) (2021)
Slawomir Francik
Slawomir Kurpaska
The Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Forecasting of Air Temperature inside a Heated Foil Tunnel.
20 (3) (2020)
Slawomir Kurpaska
Jaroslaw Knaga
Hubert Latala
Michal Cupial
Pawel Konopacki
Ryszard Holownicki
The Comparison of Different Types of Heat Accumulators and Benefits of Their Use in Horticulture.
20 (5) (2020)
Slawomir Kurpaska
Zygmunt Sobol
Norbert Pedryc
Tomasz Hebda
Piotr Nawara
Analysis of the Pneumatic System Parameters of the Suction Cup Integrated with the Head for Harvesting Strawberry Fruit.
20 (16) (2020)