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Shreya Kumar
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2009-2022
Publications (10 Years): 11
Top Topics
Wiener Filtering
Speech Emotion Recognition
Emergency Response
Digital Literacy
Top Venues
Int. J. Recent Contributions Eng. Sci. IT
Brendan J. O'Handley
Morgan K. Ludwig
Samantha R. Allison
Michael T. Niemier
Shreya Kumar
Ramzi Bualuan
Chaoli Wang
CoursePathVis: Course path visualization using flexible grouping and funnel-augmented Sankey diagram.
Visualization and Data Analysis
Sharadha Srinivasan
Shreya Kumar
Vallikannu Chockalingam
S. Chitrakala
3DSRASG: 3D Scene Retrieval and Augmentation Using Semantic Graphs.
Shreya Kumar
Swarnalaxmi Thiruvenkadam
An Analysis of the Impact of Spectral Contrast Feature in Speech Emotion Recognition.
Int. J. Recent Contributions Eng. Sci. IT
9 (2) (2021)
Vaibhav Setia
Shreya Kumar
Image Deblurring using Wiener Filtering and Siamese Neural Network.
Int. J. Recent Contributions Eng. Sci. IT
9 (3) (2021)
Ankit Agrawal
Sophia J. Abraham
Benjamin Burger
Chichi Christine
Luke Fraser
John M. Hoeksema
Sarah Hwang
Elizabeth Travnik
Shreya Kumar
Walter J. Scheirer
Jane Cleland-Huang
Michael Vierhauser
Ryan Bauer
Steve Cox
The Next Generation of Human-Drone Partnerships: Co-Designing an Emergency Response System.
Ankit Agrawal
Sophia J. Abraham
Benjamin Burger
Chichi Christine
Luke Fraser
John M. Hoeksema
Sara Hwang
Elizabeth Travnik
Shreya Kumar
Walter J. Scheirer
Jane Cleland-Huang
Michael Vierhauser
Ryan Bauer
Steve Cox
The Next Generation of Human-Drone Partnerships: Co-Designing an Emergency Response System.
Shreya Kumar
Charles Wallace
The Case for Kairos: The Importance of Moment and Manner in Software Engineering Communication.
Shreya Kumar
Charles Wallace
Patterns of identity and interaction in an agile community of practice.
Shreya Kumar
Nathaniel Kremer-Herman
Integrating Ethics Across Computing: An Experience Report of Three Computing Courses Engaging Ethics and Societal Impact through Roleplaying, Case Studies, and Service Learning.
Shreya Kumar
Charles Wallace
Among the agilists: participant observation in a rapidly evolving workplace.
Shreya Kumar
Charles Wallace
Michael Young
Mentoring trajectories in an evolving agile workplace.
ICSE (Companion Volume)
Shreya Kumar
Leo C. Ureel II
Charles Wallace
Agile Communicators: Cognitive Apprenticeship to Prepare Students for Communication-Intensive Software Development.
Shreya Kumar
Charles Wallace
Instruction in software project communication through guided inquiry and reflection.
Shreya Kumar
Charles Wallace
Communication strategies for mentoring in software development projects.
Shreya Kumar
Charles Wallace
Guidance for exploratory testing through problem frames.
Charles Wallace
Shreya Kumar
Communication patterns: a tool for analyzing communication in emerging computer science educational practices (abstract only).
Shreya Kumar
Charles Wallace
Patterns of inquiry in computer literacy help sessions for the elderly.
Shreya Kumar
Leo C. Ureel II
Harriet King
Charles Wallace
Lessons from our elders: identifying obstacles to digital literacy through direct engagement.
Shreya Kumar
Charles Wallace
A tale of two projects: A pattern based comparison of communication strategies in student software development.
Rishvanth Prabakar
Shekhar Rai
Shreya Kumar
Sudheer Sreedhara Krishna
J. P. Raina
Design and simulation of Optical Frequency Domain reflectometer for short distance fault detection in optical fibers and integrated optical devices using ptolemy-II.