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Shaun M. Kandathil
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2018
Publications (10 Years): 4
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High Precision
Memetic Algorithm
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GECCO (Companion)
J. Comput. Chem.
Evol. Comput.
David T. Jones
Shaun M. Kandathil
High precision in protein contact prediction using fully convolutional neural networks and minimal sequence features.
34 (19) (2018)
Julia Handl
Mario Garza-Fabre
Shaun M. Kandathil
Simon C. Lovell
On heuristic bias in fragment-assembly methods for protein structure prediction.
GECCO (Companion)
Mario Garza-Fabre
Shaun M. Kandathil
Julia Handl
Joshua D. Knowles
Simon C. Lovell
Generating, Maintaining, and Exploiting Diversity in a Memetic Algorithm for Protein Structure Prediction.
Evol. Comput.
24 (4) (2016)
Mario Garza-Fabre
Shaun M. Kandathil
Julia Handl
Joshua D. Knowles
Simon C. Lovell
Using Machine Learning to Explore the Relevance of Local and Global Features During Conformational Search in Rosetta.
GECCO (Companion)
Shaun M. Kandathil
Timothy L. Fletcher
Yongna Yuan
Joshua D. Knowles
Paul L. A. Popelier
Accuracy and tractability of a kriging model of intramolecular polarizable multipolar electrostatics and its application to histidine.
J. Comput. Chem.
34 (21) (2013)