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Scott Anderson
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1992-2023
Publications (10 Years): 8
Top Topics
Red Hat
Network Connectivity
Medical Devices
United States
Top Venues
ICA3PP (2)
Commun. ACM
Internet Measurement Conference
Loqman Salamatian
Scott Anderson
Joshua Matthews
Paul Barford
Walter Willinger
Mark Crovella
A Manifold View of Connectivity in the Private Backbone Networks of Hyperscalers.
Commun. ACM
66 (8) (2023)
Scott Anderson
Tucker Bell
Patrick Egan
Nathan Weinshenker
Paul Barford
Measuring the Impacts of Power Outages on Internet Hosts in the United States.
Critical Infrastructure Protection
Scott Anderson
Loqman Salamatian
Zachary S. Bischof
Alberto Dainotti
Paul Barford
iGDB: connecting the physical and logical layers of the internet.
Loqman Salamatian
Scott Anderson
Joshua Matthews
Paul Barford
Walter Willinger
Mark Crovella
Curvature-based Analysis of Network Connectivity in Private Backbone Infrastructures.
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst.
6 (1) (2022)
Loqman Salamatian
Scott Anderson
Joshua Matthews
Paul Barford
Walter Willinger
Mark Crovella
Curvature-based Analysis of Network Connectivity in Private Backbone Infrastructures.
SIGMETRICS (Abstracts)
Reid Honan
Trent W. Lewis
Scott Anderson
Jake Cooke
A Quantum Computer Operating System.
ICA3PP (2)
Scott Anderson
Carol Barford
Paul Barford
Five Alarms: Assessing the Vulnerability of US Cellular Communication Infrastructure to Wildfires.
Internet Measurement Conference
Scott Anderson
Trish Williams
Cybersecurity and medical devices: Are the ISO/IEC 80001-2-2 technical controls up to the challenge?
Comput. Stand. Interfaces
56 (2018)
Shideh Dashti
Leysia Palen
Mehdi P. Heris
Kenneth M. Anderson
T. Jennings Anderson
Scott Anderson
Supporting disaster reconnaissance with social media data: A design-oriented case study of the 2013 Colorado floods.
Scott Anderson
Doug Blewett
Meg Kilduff
Rapid prototyping tools for telecommunications applications.
Ray Simar Jr.
Peter Koeppen
Jerald Leach
Steve Marshall
Dave Francis
Greg Mekras
Jeffrey Rosenstrauch
Scott Anderson
Floating-point processors join forces in parallel processing architectures.
IEEE Micro
12 (4) (1992)