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S. Chitra
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2022
Publications (10 Years): 12
Top Topics
Reliability Analysis
Web Objects
Verilog Hdl
Carrier Frequency Offset
Top Venues
Soft Comput.
Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng.
Clust. Comput.
IET Circuits Devices Syst.
B. Lalithambigai
S. Chitra
Segment Based Compressive Sensing (SBCS) of Color Images for Internet of Multimedia Things Applications.
J. Medical Imaging Health Informatics
12 (1) (2022)
B. Prabhu Shankar
S. Chitra
Optimal Data Placement and Replication Approach for SIoT with Edge.
Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng.
41 (2) (2022)
A. Priyadharshini
S. Chitra
A new systematic model for analysis and a hybrid fuzzy multimodality model for lung tumor prediction.
J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst.
42 (6) (2022)
S. Saravanakumar
S. Chitra
Hybrid Cloud Security by Revocable KUNodes-Storage with Identity-Based Encryption.
Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng.
43 (3) (2022)
L. Karthikeyan
C. Vijayakumaran
S. Chitra
Samydurai Arumugam
SALDEFT: Self-Adaptive Learning Differential Evolution Based Optimal Physical Machine Selection for Fault Tolerance Problem in Cloud.
Wirel. Pers. Commun.
118 (2) (2021)
R. Umamaheswari
S. Chitra
D. Kavitha
Reliability analysis and dynamic maintenance model based on fuzzy degradation approach.
Soft Comput.
25 (5) (2021)
S. Chitra
N. Kumaratharan
S. Ramesh
A novel subspace method for precise carrier frequency offset estimation in multicarrier modulation scheme under multiuser environment.
Int. J. Commun. Syst.
33 (17) (2020)
S. Chitra
K. R. Valluvan
Design and implementation of cascaded H-Bridge multilevel inverter using FPGA with multiple carrier phase disposition modulation scheme.
Microprocess. Microsystems
76 (2020)
T. M. Nithya
S. Chitra
Soft computing-based semi-automated test case selection using gradient-based techniques.
Soft Comput.
24 (17) (2020)
K. N. Anjan Kumar
S. Chitra
T. Satish Kumar
Probabilistic classification techniques to perform geographical labeling of web objects.
Clust. Comput.
22 (Suppl 1) (2019)
B. Madhusudhanan
S. Chitra
S. Anbuchelian
Feature extraction using CMIM for sentiment analysis.
Int. J. Adv. Intell. Paradigms
13 (3/4) (2019)
S. Chitra
N. Kumaratharan
S. Ramesh
Enhanced brain image retrieval using carrier frequency offset compensated orthogonal frequency division multiplexing for telemedicine applications.
Int. J. Imaging Syst. Technol.
28 (3) (2018)
S. Chitra
N. Devarajan
Circuit theory approach for voltage stability assessment of reconfigured power network.
IET Circuits Devices Syst.
8 (6) (2014)
S. Chitra
B. Kalpana
Hierarchical Directed Acyclic Graph (HDAG) Based Preprocessing Technique for Session Construction.
S. Chitra
J. B. Bhattacharjee
B. Thilakavathi
Image Fusion and Re-Modified SPIHT for Fused Image