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S. Anand
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2003-2024
Publications (10 Years): 20
Top Topics
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Multim. Tools Appl.
Wirel. Pers. Commun.
S. Anand
A. Sheeba
M. K. Maha Tharshini
Relative likelihood based aggregated dual deep neural network for skin lesion recognition in dermoscopy images.
Multim. Tools Appl.
83 (21) (2024)
Biswajit Sadhu
Trijit Sadhu
S. Anand
RadDQN: a Deep Q Learning-based Architecture for Finding Time-efficient Minimum Radiation Exposure Pathway.
S. Anand
D. Rokhini
Cavity Array Monopole Multiband Microstrip Antennas with Wide Axial Ratio Bandwidth for C band Applications.
Wirel. Pers. Commun.
137 (3) (2024)
Jatin Agrawal
Mukul Kumar
Avtansh Tiwari
Sachin Danisetty
Soma Dhavala
Nakul Jain
Prasaanth Balraj
Niket Singh
Siddhant Shingi
Jayakrishna Kurada
Raghuram Rao
S. Anand
Nishant Kumar
Automatic Interpretation of Line Probe Assay Test for Tuberculosis.
Ushaa Eswaran
S. Anand
Horizontal Voting Ensemble Based Predictive Modeling System for Colon燙ancer.
Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng.
46 (2) (2023)
B. Lakshmanan
S. Anand
Deep learning-based mitosis detection using genetic optimal feature set selection.
Int. J. Bio Inspired Comput.
19 (3) (2022)
S. Anand
P. Prashalee
Wide Axial Ratio Bandwidth Dual Polarized S, C, X, and Ku Band Antenna Using Orthogonal SIW.
Wirel. Pers. Commun.
122 (3) (2022)
S. Anand
S. Gayathri
G. Sangeethapriya
norm of contourlet subbands, superimposed edges, and morphological filling.
Multim. Tools Appl.
81 (25) (2022)
J. Murugachandravel
S. Anand
Enhancing MRI Brain Images Using Contourlet Transform and Adaptive Histogram Equalization.
J. Medical Imaging Health Informatics
11 (12) (2021)
S. Anand
P. Palniladevi
Dynamic enhanced proximity coupling technique for antennas.
Int. J. Wirel. Mob. Comput.
18 (3) (2020)
M. Shunmugathammal
C. Christopher Columbus
S. Anand
A Novel B*tree Crossover-Based Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Combinatorial Optimization in VLSI Fixed-Outline Floorplans.
Circuits Syst. Signal Process.
39 (2) (2020)
Kishan B. Patel
Nadine Moukdad
S. Anand
Geolocation of IP Hosts in Large Computer Networks with Congestion.
S. Anand
K. Nagajothi
K. Nithya
Edge Detection using Stationary Wavelet Transform, HMM, and EM algorithm.
Swapna Davies
S. Anand
Breast Cancer Detection in Infrared Thermal Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks: A Transfer Learning Approach.
R. Premkumar
S. Anand
Secured and compound 3-D chaos image encryption using hybrid mutation and crossover operator.
Multim. Tools Appl.
78 (8) (2019)
S. Anand
Vijay P. Kumar
Rajarathnam Chandramouli
Spectrum Management over Dynamic Spectrum Access based HetNets.
S. Sheerazuddin
S. Anand
R. S. Anish Badhri
A Scheme to Verify Services with Unboundedly many Clients using NuSMV.
Anju Meghwani
Saikat Chakrabarti
Suresh C. Srivastava
S. Anand
Analysis of fault characteristics in DC microgrids for various converter topologies.
S. Sushant
S. Anand
Thomas James
V. Aravind
Gayathri Narayanan
Localization of an unmanned aerial vehicle for crack detection in railway tracks.
V. Balaji
S. Anand
Chittaranjan Hota
G. Raghurama
Spectrum Hole Identification in IEEE 802.22 WRAN using Unsupervised Learning.
EAI Endorsed Trans. Wirel. Spectr.
2 (7) (2016)
S. Anand
Mayur Sudesh Darak
D. Sriram Kumar
Investigations on Indium Tin Oxide Based Optically Transparent Terahertz E-shaped Patch Antenna.
S. Anand
Ofer Arazy
Narayan B. Mandayam
Oded Nov
A Game Theoretic Analysis of Collaboration in Wikipedia.
Vidhi Desai
S. Anand
M. Tran
Aswini Kanneganti
S. Vasudevan
J. L. Seifert
J. Cheng
Edward W. Keefer
Mario I. Romero-Ortega
Chronic sensory-motor activity in behaving animals using regenerative multi-electrode interfaces.
S. Anand
R. Shantha Selva Kumari
S. Jeeva
T. Thivya
Directionlet transform based sharpening and enhancement of mammographic X-ray images.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control.
8 (4) (2013)
S. Anand
Ofer Arazy
Narayan B. Mandayam
Oded Nov
A Game Theoretic Analysis of Collaboration in Wikipedia.
S. Anand
S. Saravanasankar
P. Subbaraj
A multiobjective optimization tool for Very Large Scale Integrated nonslicing floorplanning.
Int. J. Circuit Theory Appl.
41 (9) (2013)
S. Anand
S. Saravanasankar
P. Subbaraj
Customized simulated annealing based decision algorithms for combinatorial optimization in VLSI floorplanning problem.
Comput. Optim. Appl.
52 (3) (2012)
Tapan Kumar Gandhi
M. Trikha
J. Santhosh
S. Anand
Development of an expert multitask gadget controlled by voluntary eye movements.
Expert Syst. Appl.
37 (6) (2010)
H. Abdul Shabeer
S. Anand
V. Sakthivel
Protection of Mobile Phone by Voice Recognition: Approach to Identify Culprits.
Rajadurai Rajavelsamy
S. Anand
Osok Song
Sungho Choi
A novel scheme for mobility management in heterogeneous wireless networks.
Wirel. Pers. Commun.
43 (3) (2007)
S. Anand
Gurumurthi V. Ramanan
Periodicity, complementarity and complexity of 2-adic FCSR combiner generators.
S. Sundaresan
S. Anand
S. Srikanth
C. N. Krishnan
Distributed MAC protocols and priority oriented scheduling for a PLC access network.
Int. J. Commun. Syst.
16 (5) (2003)