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Roy C. Davies
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1999-2007
Publications (10 Years): 0
Mattias Wallergård
Anita Lindén
Roy C. Davies
Kerstin Boschian
Bengt Sonesson
Ulf Minör
Gerd Johansson
Initial Usability Testing of Navigation and Interaction Methods in Virtual Environments: Developing Usable Interfaces for Brain Injury Rehabilitation.
Presence Teleoperators Virtual Environ.
16 (1) (2007)
Peijun Wang
Ina Anna Kreutzer
Robert Bjärnemo
Roy C. Davies
A Web-based cost-effective training tool with possible application to brain injury rehabilitation.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed.
74 (3) (2004)
Giuseppe Riva
Albert A. Rizzo
Dario Alpini
Elizabeth A. Attree
Elena Barbieri
Laura Bertella
J. Galen Buckwalter
Roy C. Davies
Luciano Gamberini
Gerd Johansson
Noomi Katz
Stefano Marchi
Laura Mendozzi
Enrico Molinari
Luigi Pugnetti
F. David Rose
Patrice L. Weiss
Virtual Environments in the Diagnosis, Prevention, and Intervention of Age-Related Diseases: A Review of VR Scenarios Proposed in the EC VETERAN Project.
Cyberpsychology Behav. Soc. Netw.
2 (6) (1999)
Kerstin Boschian
Anette Larsson
Roy C. Davies
Ulf Minör
Gerd Johansson
How can people with disabilities navigate in virtual reality with an input device they can use?
HCI (2)
Roy C. Davies
Gerd Johansson
Kerstin Boschian
Anita Lindén
Ulf Minör
Bengt Sonesson
A Practical Example Using VR in the Assessment of Brain Injury.
Int. J. Virtual Real.
4 (1) (1999)