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Rohan Tabish
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2024
Publications (10 Years): 23
Top Topics
Embedded Systems
Memory Bandwidth
Leak Detection
Real Time Image Processing
Top Venues
J. Syst. Archit.
Shengzhong Liu
Shuochao Yao
Xinzhe Fu
Rohan Tabish
Simon Yu
Ayoosh Bansal
Heechul Yun
Lui Sha
Tarek F. Abdelzaher
Taming Algorithmic Priority Inversion in Mission-Critical Perception Pipelines.
Commun. ACM
67 (2) (2024)
Rohan Tabish
Rodolfo Pellizzoni
Renato Mancuso
Giovani Gracioli
Reza Mirosanlou
Marco Caccamo
X-Stream: Accelerating streaming segments on MPSoCs for real-time applications.
J. Syst. Archit.
138 (2023)
Tomasz Kloda
Giovani Gracioli
Rohan Tabish
Reza Mirosanlou
Renato Mancuso
Rodolfo Pellizzoni
Marco Caccamo
Lazy Load Scheduling for Mixed-criticality Applications in Heterogeneous MPSoCs.
ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst.
22 (3) (2023)
Jiyang Chen
Tomasz Kloda
Rohan Tabish
Ayoosh Bansal
Chien-Ying Chen
Bo Liu
Sibin Mohan
Marco Caccamo
Lui Sha
SchedGuard++: Protecting against Schedule Leaks Using Linux Containers on Multi-Core Processors.
ACM Trans. Cyber Phys. Syst.
7 (1) (2023)
Shengzhong Liu
Shuochao Yao
Xinzhe Fu
Huajie Shao
Rohan Tabish
Simon Yu
Ayoosh Bansal
Heechul Yun
Lui Sha
Tarek F. Abdelzaher
Real-Time Task Scheduling for Machine Perception in Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems.
IEEE Trans. Computers
71 (8) (2022)
Soroush Bateni
Marten Lohstroh
Hou Seng Wong
Rohan Tabish
Hokeun Kim
Shaokai Lin
Christian Menard
Cong Liu
Edward A. Lee
Xronos: Predictable Coordination for Safety-Critical Distributed Embedded Systems.
Parul Sohal
Rohan Tabish
Ulrich Drepper
Renato Mancuso
Profile-driven memory bandwidth management for accelerators and CPUs in QoS-enabled platforms.
Real Time Syst.
58 (3) (2022)
Jiyang Chen
Simon Yu
Rohan Tabish
Ayoosh Bansal
Shengzhong Liu
Tarek F. Abdelzaher
Lui Sha
LiDAR Cluster First and Camera Inference Later: A New Perspective Towards Autonomous Driving.
Jiyang Chen
Tomasz Kloda
Ayoosh Bansal
Rohan Tabish
Chien-Ying Chen
Bo Liu
Sibin Mohan
Marco Caccamo
Lui Sha
SchedGuard: Protecting against Schedule Leaks Using Linux Containers.
Gero Schwäricke
Rohan Tabish
Rodolfo Pellizzoni
Renato Mancuso
Andrea Bastoni
Alexander Zuepke
Marco Caccamo
A Real-Time Virtio-Based Framework for Predictable Inter-VM Communication.
Jiyang Chen
Tomasz Kloda
Ayoosh Bansal
Rohan Tabish
Chien-Ying Chen
Bo Liu
Sibin Mohan
Marco Caccamo
Lui Sha
SchedGuard: Protecting against Schedule Leaks Using Linux Containers.
Rohan Tabish
Jen-Yang Wen
Rodolfo Pellizzoni
Renato Mancuso
Heechul Yun
Marco Caccamo
Lui Raymond Sha
An Analyzable Inter-core Communication Framework for High-Performance Multicore Embedded Systems.
J. Syst. Archit.
118 (2021)
Rohan Tabish
Jen-Yang Wen
Rodolfo Pellizzoni
Renato Mancuso
Heechul Yun
Marco Caccamo
Lui Sha
SCE-Comm: A Real-Time Inter-Core Communication Framework for Strictly Partitioned Multi-core Processors.
Shengzhong Liu
Shuochao Yao
Xinzhe Fu
Rohan Tabish
Simon Yu
Ayoosh Bansal
Heechul Yun
Lui Sha
Tarek F. Abdelzaher
On Removing Algorithmic Priority Inversion from Mission-critical Machine Inference Pipelines.
Parul Sohal
Rohan Tabish
Ulrich Drepper
Renato Mancuso
E-WarP: A System-wide Framework for Memory Bandwidth Profiling and Management.
Giovani Gracioli
Rohan Tabish
Renato Mancuso
Reza Mirosanlou
Rodolfo Pellizzoni
Marco Caccamo
Designing Mixed Criticality Applications on Modern Heterogeneous MPSoC Platforms.
Rohan Tabish
Renato Mancuso
Saud Wasly
Rodolfo Pellizzoni
Marco Caccamo
A real-time scratchpad-centric OS with predictable inter/intra-core communication for multi-core embedded systems.
Real Time Syst.
55 (4) (2019)
Muhammad R. Soliman
Giovani Gracioli
Rohan Tabish
Rodolfo Pellizzoni
Marco Caccamo
Segment Streaming for the Three-Phase Execution Model: Design and Implementation.
Fardin Abdi
Rohan Tabish
Matthias Rungger
Majid Zamani
Marco Caccamo
Application and system-level software fault tolerance through full system restarts.
Fardin Abdi
Renato Mancuso
Rohan Tabish
Marco Caccamo
Restart-based fault-tolerance: System design and schedulability analysis.
Rohan Tabish
Renato Mancuso
Saud Wasly
Sujit S. Phatak
Rodolfo Pellizzoni
Marco Caccamo
A Reliable and Predictable Scratchpad-centric OS for Multi-core Embedded Systems.
Fardin Abdi
Renato Mancuso
Rohan Tabish
Marco Caccamo
Restart-Based Fault-Tolerance: System Design and Schedulability Analysis.
Rohan Tabish
Renato Mancuso
Saud Wasly
Ahmed Alhammad
Sujit S. Phatak
Rodolfo Pellizzoni
Marco Caccamo
A Real-Time Scratchpad-Centric OS for Multi-Core Embedded Systems.
Farid Touati
Rohan Tabish
U-Healthcare System: State-of-the-Art Review and Challenges.
J. Medical Syst.
37 (3) (2013)
Farid Touati
Rohan Tabish
Adel Ben Mnaouer
Towards u-health: An indoor 6LoWPAN based platform for real-time healthcare monitoring.