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Robert Kutka
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1989-2008
Publications (10 Years): 0
Colin Estermann
Walter Stechele
Robert Kutka
Andreas Hutter
Luminance Correction in Stereo Correspondence Based Structure from Motion.
Robert Kutka
Enhancing the resolution of monoscopic images on stereoscopic displays.
Robert Kutka
Content-adaptive long-term prediction with reduced memory.
ICIP (3)
Bang Wang
Hans-Peter Schwefel
Kee Chaing Chua
Robert Kutka
Christian Schmidt
On implementation and improvement of robust header compression in UMTS.
Robert Kutka
Fast computation of DCT by statistic adapted look-up tables.
ICME (1)
Robert Kutka
Sebastian Stier
Extraction of line properties based on direction fields.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging
15 (1) (1996)
Robert Kutka
Reconstruction of correct 3-D perception on screens viewed at different distances.
IEEE Trans. Commun.
42 (1) (1994)
Robert Kutka
Sebastian Stier
Extraktion von Linieneigenschaften basierend auf Richtungsfeldern.
K. Waidhas
Robert Kutka
Adernextraktion durch iteratives Gradientenmatching in stark verrauschten medizinischen Bildern.