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Peter Jacobson
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1989-2011
Publications (10 Years): 0
Hariklia Eleftherohorinou
Johanna C. Andersson-Assarsson
Robin G. Walters
Julia S. El-Sayed Moustafa
Lachlan J. M. Coin
Peter Jacobson
Lena M. S. Carlsson
Alexandra I. F. Blakemore
Philippe Froguel
Andrew J. Walley
Mario Falchi
famCNV: copy number variant association for quantitative traits in families.
27 (13) (2011)
Peter Drakenberg
Peter Jacobson
Bo Kågström
A CONLAB Compiler for a Distributed Memory Multicomputer.
Peter Jacobson
Bo Kågström
Mikael Rännar
Algorithm Development for Distributed Memory Multicomputers Using CONLAB.
Sci. Program.
1 (2) (1992)
Steve Bankes
Carl Builder
Robert Anderson
Richard A. Bitzinger
Hugh Desantis
Constance Greaser
Peter Jacobson
Dana Johnson
Richard Leghorn
Jeff Marquis
Marc Dean Millot
David Ronfeldt
Norman Shapiro
Seizing the Moment: Harnessing the Information Technologies.
Inf. Soc.
8 (1) (1992)
Jerry Eriksson
Peter Jacobson
Bo Kågström
Erik Lindström
The CONLAB Environment: Algorithm Design for and Simulation of MIMD Architectures.