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Patrik Hilber
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2023
Publications (10 Years): 10
Top Topics
Wind Power
Partial Discharge
Incipient Fault
Power Grids
Top Venues
IEEE BigData
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
Zhongtian Li
Patrik Hilber
Stefan Ivanell
Tor Laneryd
Maximizing Power Dispatch of Wind-Storage System with Dynamic Thermal Rating Considering Battery Degradation Costs.
Xavier Weiss
Lars Nordström
Patrik Hilber
Arvid Rolander
Weather Event Preparedness Modelling for Distribution Systems.
Wei Hu
Per Westerlund
Patrik Hilber
Chuanhai Chen
Zhaojun Yang
A general model, estimation, and procedure for modeling recurrent failure process of high-voltage circuit breakers considering multivariate impacts.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf.
220 (2022)
Kateryna Morozovska
Miguel Heleno
Alan Valenzuela
Patrik Hilber
Including Dynamic Line Rating Into the Optimal Planning of Distributed Energy Resources.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
12 (6) (2021)
Zhongtian Li
Kateryna Morozovska
Patrik Hilber
Tor Laneryd
Stefan Ivanell
Sizing Transformer Considering Transformer Thermal Limits and Wind Farm Wake Effect.
Vageesh Chakrapani Manakari
Sandra Thengius
Akshaya Tammanur Ravi
Kateryna Morozovska
Patrik Hilber
Minimization of Wind Power Curtailment using Dynamic Line Rating.
Sylvie Koziel
Patrik Hilber
Ryutaro Ichise
Application of big data analytics to support power networks and their transition towards smart grids.
IEEE BigData
Sylvie Koziel
Patrik Hilber
Per Westerlund
Ebrahim Shayesteh
Forecasting cross-border power exchanges through an HVDC line using dynamic modelling.
IEEE BigData
Meng Song
Mikael Amelin
Ebrahim Shayesteh
Patrik Hilber
Impacts of flexible demand on the reliability of power systems.
Sajeesh Babu
Patrik Hilber
Ebrahim Shayesteh
Lars E. Enarsson
Reliability Evaluation of Distribution Structures Considering the Presence of False Trips.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
9 (3) (2018)
Sajeesh Babu
Jan Henning Jurgensen
Carl Johan Wallnerström
Patrik Hilber
Lina Bertling Tjernberg
Analyses of Smart Grid technologies and solutions from a system perspective.
Pia Grahn
Johanna Rosenlind
Patrik Hilber
Karin Alvehag
Lennart Söder
A method for evaluating the impact of electric vehicle charging on transformer hotspot temperature.
ISGT Europe