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Olivier Marloie
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2002-2018
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Model Averaging
Remote Sensing
Illumination Insensitive
Surface Temperature
Top Venues
Remote. Sens.
Albert Olioso
Aubin Allies
Gilles Boulet
Emilie Delogu
Jérôme Demarty
Belen Gallego-Elvira
Maria Mira
Olivier Marloie
Philippe Chauvelon
Olivier Boutron
Samuel Buis
Marie Weiss
Cecile Velluet
Malik Bahir
Monitoring Evapotranspiration with Remote Sensing Data and Ground Data Using Ensemble Model Averaging.
Yves Goulas
Antoine Fournier
Fabrice Daumard
Sébastien Champagne
Abderrahmane Ounis
Olivier Marloie
Ismaël Moya
Gross Primary Production of a Wheat Canopy Relates Stronger to Far Red Than to Red Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence.
Remote. Sens.
9 (1) (2017)
Maria Mira
Albert Olioso
Vincent Rivalland
Dominique Courault
Olivier Marloie
Pierre Guillevic
Quantifying uncertainties in land surface temperature due to atmospheric correction: Application to Landsat-7 data over a Mediterranean agricultural region.
Maria Mira
Dominique Courault
Albert Olioso
Marie Weiss
Olivier Marloie
Frédéric Baret
Olivier Hagolle
Belen Gallego-Elvira
Validation of MODIS albedo products with high resolution albedo estimates from FORMOSAT-2.
Albert Olioso
Maria Mira
Dominique Courault
Olivier Marloie
Pierre Guillevic
Impact of surface emissivity and atmospheric conditions on surface temperatures estimated from top of canopy brightness temperatures derived from Landsat 7 data.
Anita Simic
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
Rémi Lecerf
Alfredo Alessandrini
Jean-François Hanocq
Olivier Marloie
Production of the high resolution maps of biophysical variables based on SPOT imagery and in-situ measurements generated by PASTIS 57 for Hyytiala, Finland.
André Chanzy
Jean-Claude Gaudu
Olivier Marloie
Correcting the Temperature Influence on Soil Capacitance Sensors Using Diurnal Temperature and Water Content Cycles.
12 (7) (2012)
Xingfa Gu
Jean-François Hanocq
Olivier Marloie
Nadine Bruguier
Roland Bosseno
Tao Yu
Guoliang Tian
Jianfeng He
Xiaoying Li
Michel Legrand
Error estimation in the acquisition of maize canopy hemispherical directional brightness temperature.
Xingfa Gu
Jean-François Hanocq
Olivier Marloie
Nadine Bruguier
Roland Bosseno
Tao Yu
Guoliang Tian
Jianfeng He
Yong Zhang
Michel Legrand
Relationship between component brightness temperature and geo-structure of a maize canopy.
Franck Bayle
Jean-Pierre Wigneron
Yann H. Kerr
Philippe Waldteufel
Eric Anterrieu
Jean-Claude Orlhac
André Chanzy
Olivier Marloie
Marc Bernardini
Sten S. Søbjærg
Jean-Christophe Calvet
Jean-Marc Goutoule
Niels Skou
Two-dimensional synthetic aperture images over a land surface scene.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
40 (3) (2002)