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Maria Mira
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2018
Publications (10 Years): 3
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Remote Sensing
Surface Temperature
Illumination Insensitive
Top Venues
Remote. Sens.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
Albert Olioso
Aubin Allies
Gilles Boulet
Emilie Delogu
Jérôme Demarty
Belen Gallego-Elvira
Maria Mira
Olivier Marloie
Philippe Chauvelon
Olivier Boutron
Samuel Buis
Marie Weiss
Cecile Velluet
Malik Bahir
Monitoring Evapotranspiration with Remote Sensing Data and Ground Data Using Ensemble Model Averaging.
Malik Bahir
Gilles Boulet
Albert Olioso
Vincent Rivalland
Belen Gallego-Elvira
Maria Mira
Julio César Rodriguez
Lionel Jarlan
Olivier Merlin
Evaluation and Aggregation Properties of Thermal Infra-Red-Based Evapotranspiration Algorithms from 100 m to the km Scale over a Semi-Arid Irrigated Agricultural Area.
Remote. Sens.
9 (11) (2017)
Maria Mira
Miquel Ninyerola
Meritxell Batalla
Lluís Pesquer
Xavier Pons
Improving Mean Minimum and Maximum Month-to-Month Air Temperature Surfaces Using Satellite-Derived Land Surface Temperature.
Remote. Sens.
9 (12) (2017)
Maria Mira
Albert Olioso
Vincent Rivalland
Dominique Courault
Olivier Marloie
Pierre Guillevic
Quantifying uncertainties in land surface temperature due to atmospheric correction: Application to Landsat-7 data over a Mediterranean agricultural region.
Vicente García-Santos
Enric Valor
Vicente Caselles
Maria Mira
Joan Miquel Galve
César Coll
Evaluation of Different Methods to Retrieve the Hemispherical Downwelling Irradiance in the Thermal Infrared Region for Field Measurements.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
51 (4-2) (2013)
Maria Mira
Dominique Courault
Albert Olioso
Marie Weiss
Olivier Marloie
Frédéric Baret
Olivier Hagolle
Belen Gallego-Elvira
Validation of MODIS albedo products with high resolution albedo estimates from FORMOSAT-2.
Albert Olioso
Maria Mira
Dominique Courault
Olivier Marloie
Pierre Guillevic
Impact of surface emissivity and atmospheric conditions on surface temperatures estimated from top of canopy brightness temperatures derived from Landsat 7 data.
Maria Mira
Thomas J. Schmugge
Enric Valor
Vicente Caselles
César Coll
Analysis of ASTER Emissivity Product Over an Arid Area in Southern New Mexico, USA.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
49 (4) (2011)
Juan Manuel Sánchez
Andrew N. French
Maria Mira
Douglas J. Hunsaker
Kelly R. Thorp
Enric Valor
Vicente Caselles
Thermal Infrared Emissivity Dependence on Soil Moisture in Field Conditions.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
49 (11) (2011)
Maria Mira
Enric Valor
Vicente Caselles
Eva Rubio
César Coll
Joan Miquel Galve
Raquel Niclos
Juan Manuel Sánchez
Rafael Boluda
Soil Moisture Effect on Thermal Infrared (8-13-μm) Emissivity.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
48 (5) (2010)
Vicente García-Santos
Maria Mira
Enric Valor
Vicente Caselles
César Coll
Joan Miquel Galve
Angular Dependence of the Emissivity of Bare Soils in the Thermal Infrared.
Maria Mira
Thomas J. Schmugge
Enric Valor
Vicente Caselles
César Coll
Comparison of Thermal Infrared Emissivities Retrieved With the Two-Lid Box and the TES Methods With Laboratory Spectra.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
47 (4) (2009)
Joan Miquel Galve
César Coll
Vicente Caselles
Enric Valor
Maria Mira
Comparison of Split-Window and Single-Channel Methods for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from MODIS and AATSR Data.
Maria Mira
Thomas J. Schmugge
Vicente Caselles
Enric Valor
César Coll
Comparison of Modis Emissivity Observation with Laboratory Measurements.
Juan Manuel Sánchez
Vicente Caselles
William P. Kustas
Giusy Scavone
Enric Valor
César Coll
Maria Mira
Combining a Two-Source Patch Model with Satellite Data to Monitor Daily Evapotranspiration at a Regional Scale.
Joan Miquel Galve
César Coll
Vicente Caselles
Raquel Niclos
Enric Valor
Juan Manuel Sánchez
Maria Mira
A Cloudless land atmosphere radiosounding database for generating land surface temperature retrieval algorithms.