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Nic DePaula
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2024
Publications (10 Years): 14
Top Topics
Government Agencies
Presidential Election
Natural Language
Social Media
Top Venues
Gov. Inf. Q.
Thomas Moore-Pizon
Nic DePaula
Loni Hagen
Government Health Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A BERT Topic Modeling Approach.
Nic DePaula
Lu Gao
Sehl Mellouli
Luis F. Luna-Reyes
Teresa M. Harrison
Regulating the machine: An exploratory study of US state legislations addressing Artificial Intelligence, 2019-2023.
Loni Hagen
Diego Ford
Jahnae Edwards
Ly Dinh
Nic DePaula
Joshua M. Scacco
How did an election fraud narrative spread online? Testing theories us-ing machine learning and natural language processing.
Nic DePaula
Political ideology and information technology in government online communication.
Gov. Inf. Q.
40 (1) (2023)
Teresa M. Harrison
Catherine L. Dumas
Nic DePaula
Tim Fake
William May
Akanksha Atrey
Jooyeon Lee
Lokesh Rishi
S. S. Ravi
-petitioning and media: The case of #BringBackOurGirls.
Gov. Inf. Q.
39 (1) (2022)
Nic DePaula
Loni Hagen
Stiven Roytman
Deaundre Dyson
Dana Alnahass
Mihir Patel
Alex Hill
A Framework of Social Media Messages for Crisis and Risk Communication: A Study of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Teresa M. Harrison
Luis F. Luna-Reyes
Theresa Pardo
Nic DePaula
Mahdi M. Najafabadi
Jillian Palmer
The Data Firehose and AI in Government: Why Data Management is a Key to Value and Ethics.
Nic DePaula
#Supporting the cause: An analysis of how government agencies use Twitter hashtags.
Nic DePaula
Ersin Dincelli
Information strategies and affective reactions: How citizens interact with government social media content.
First Monday
23 (4) (2018)
Nic DePaula
Ersin Dincelli
Teresa M. Harrison
Toward a typology of government social media communication: Democratic goals, symbolic acts and self-presentation.
Gov. Inf. Q.
35 (1) (2018)
Teresa M. Harrison
Catherine L. Dumas
Nic DePaula
Tim Fake
William May
Akanksha Atrey
Jooyeon Lee
Lokesh Rishi
S. S. Ravi
E-Petitioning and Online Media: The Case of #BringBackOurGirls.
Nic DePaula
Ersin Dincelli
An Empirical Analysis of Local Government Social Media Communication: Models of E-government Interactivity and Public Relations.
Ersin Dincelli
Yuan Hong
Nic DePaula
Information diffusion and opinion change during the gezi park protests: Homophily or social influence?
Nic DePaula
Sanjay Goel
Priming Security Behavior: A Study Based on Self-Concept Maintenance Theory.