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Mike Ananny
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2000-2022
Publications (10 Years): 6
Top Topics
Conceptual Framework
Open Issues
Uci Repository
Practical Solutions
Top Venues
New Media Soc.
First Monday
Alexandra Sasha Luccioni
Frances Corry
Hamsini Sridharan
Mike Ananny
Jason Schultz
Kate Crawford
A Framework for Deprecating Datasets: Standardizing Documentation, Identification, and Communication.
Frances Corry
Hamsini Sridharan
Alexandra Sasha Luccioni
Mike Ananny
Jason Schultz
Kate Crawford
The Problem of Zombie Datasets: A Framework For Deprecating Datasets.
Mike Ananny
Megan Finn
Anticipatory news infrastructures: Seeing journalism's expectations of future publics in its sociotechnical systems.
New Media Soc.
22 (9) (2020)
Tanja Aitamurto
Mike Ananny
Chris W. Anderson
Larry Birnbaum
Nicholas Diakopoulos
Matilda Hanson
Jessica Hullman
Nick Ritchie
HCI for Accurate, Impartial and Transparent Journalism: Challenges and Solutions.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Mike Ananny
Kate Crawford
Seeing without knowing: Limitations of the transparency ideal and its application to algorithmic accountability.
New Media Soc.
20 (3) (2018)
Jed R. Brubaker
Mike Ananny
Kate Crawford
Departing glances: A sociotechnical account of 'leaving' Grindr.
New Media Soc.
18 (3) (2016)
Mike Ananny
Networked Press Freedom and Social Media: Tracing Historical and Contemporary Forces in Press-Public Relations.
J. Comput. Mediat. Commun.
19 (4) (2014)
Daniel Kreiss
Mike Ananny
Responsibilities of the state: Rethinking the case and possibilities for public support of journalism.
First Monday
18 (4) (2013)
Mike Ananny
Niall Winters
Designing for development: Understanding One Laptop Per Child in its historical context.
Mike Ananny
Carol Strohecker
Designing public spaces for democratic stories.
Mike Ananny
Kathleen Biddick
Carol Strohecker
Constructing Public Discourse with Ethnographic/SMS "Texts".
Mobile HCI
Mike Ananny
Supporting children's collaborative authoring: practicing written literacy while composing oral texts.
Justine Cassell
Mike Ananny
Anindita Basu
Timothy W. Bickmore
P. Chong
D. Mellis
Kimiko Ryokai
Jennifer Smith
Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson
Hao Yan
Shared reality: physical collaboration with a virtual peer.
CHI Extended Abstracts