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Michael B. Hurley
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2003-2020
Publications (10 Years): 9
Top Topics
Hard Problems
Subgraph Isomorphism
Maximum Common Subgraph
Graph Pattern Matching
Top Venues
Siddharth Samsi
Jeremy Kepner
Vijay Gadepally
Michael B. Hurley
Michael Jones
Edward K. Kao
Sanjeev Mohindra
Albert Reuther
Steven Thomas Smith
William Song
Diane Staheli
Paul Monticciolo
GraphChallenge.org Triangle Counting Performance.
Siddharth Samsi
Jeremy Kepner
Vijay Gadepally
Michael B. Hurley
Michael Jones
Edward K. Kao
Sanjeev Mohindra
Albert Reuther
Steven Thomas Smith
William Song
Diane Staheli
Paul Monticciolo
GraphChallenge.org Triangle Counting Performance.
Danelle Shah
Michael B. Hurley
Jessamyn Liu
Matthew P. Daggett
Unsupervised Content-Based Characterization and Anomaly Detection of Online Community Dynamics.
Siddharth Samsi
Vijay Gadepally
Michael B. Hurley
Michael Jones
Edward K. Kao
Sanjeev Mohindra
Paul Monticciolo
Albert Reuther
Steven Thomas Smith
William Song
Diane Staheli
Jeremy Kepner
GraphChallenge.org: Raising the Bar on Graph Analytic Performance.
Siddharth Samsi
Vijay Gadepally
Michael B. Hurley
Michael Jones
Edward K. Kao
Sanjeev Mohindra
Paul Monticciolo
Albert Reuther
Steven Thomas Smith
William Song
Diane Staheli
Jeremy Kepner
GraphChallenge.org: Raising the Bar on Graph Analytic Performance.
Edward K. Kao
Vijay Gadepally
Michael B. Hurley
Michael Jones
Jeremy Kepner
Sanjeev Mohindra
Paul Monticciolo
Albert Reuther
Siddharth Samsi
William Song
Diane Staheli
Steven Thomas Smith
Streaming graph challenge: Stochastic block partition.
Siddharth Samsi
Vijay Gadepally
Michael B. Hurley
Michael Jones
Edward K. Kao
Sanjeev Mohindra
Paul Monticciolo
Albert Reuther
Steven Thomas Smith
William S. Song
Diane Staheli
Jeremy Kepner
Static Graph Challenge: Subgraph Isomorphism.
Siddharth Samsi
Vijay Gadepally
Michael B. Hurley
Michael Jones
Edward K. Kao
Sanjeev Mohindra
Paul Monticciolo
Albert Reuther
Steven Thomas Smith
William Song
Diane Staheli
Jeremy Kepner
Static graph challenge: Subgraph isomorphism.
Edward K. Kao
Vijay Gadepally
Michael B. Hurley
Michael Jones
Jeremy Kepner
Sanjeev Mohindra
Paul Monticciolo
Albert Reuther
Siddharth Samsi
William Song
Diane Staheli
Steven Thomas Smith
Streaming Graph Challenge: Stochastic Block Partition.
Matthew P. Daggett
Kyle O'Brien
Michael B. Hurley
An Information Theoretic Approach for Measuring Data Discovery and Utilization During Analytical and Decision-Making Processes.
Edward K. Kao
Matthew P. Daggett
Michael B. Hurley
An information theoretic approach for tracker performance evaluation.
Michael B. Hurley
An extension of statistical decision theory with information theoretic cost functions to decision fusion: Part II.
Inf. Fusion
6 (2) (2005)
Michael B. Hurley
An extension of statistical decision theory with information theoretic cost functions to decision fusion: Part I.
Inf. Fusion
4 (4) (2003)