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Mary Lavelle
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1999-2017
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
Spontaneous Speech
Man Machine
Spoken Language
Dialogue System
Top Venues
SIGDIAL Conference
AAAI Spring Symposia
Christine Howes
Mary Lavelle
Patrick G. T. Healey
Julian Hough
Rosemarie McCabe
Disfluencies in dialogues with patients with schizophrenia.
Patrick George Healey
Nicola Jane Plant
Christine Howes
Mary Lavelle
When Words Fail: Collaborative Gestures During Clarification Dialogues.
AAAI Spring Symposia
Patrick G. T. Healey
Mary Lavelle
Christine Howes
Stuart Adam Battersby
Rosemarie McCabe
How listeners respond to speaker's troubles.
Christine Howes
Matthew Purver
Rosemarie McCabe
Patrick G. T. Healey
Mary Lavelle
Predicting Adherence to Treatment for Schizophrenia from Dialogue Transcripts.
SIGDIAL Conference
Joan S. Ash
Paul N. Gorman
Mary Lavelle
Thomas H. Payne
Thomas A. Massaro
Gerri L. Frantz
Jason A. Lyman
Research Paper: A Cross-site Qualitative Study of Physician Order Entry.
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc.
10 (2) (2003)
Paul N. Gorman
Mary Lavelle
Lois M. L. Delcambre
David Maier
Following experts at work in their own information spaces: Using observational methods to develop tools for the digital library.
J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol.
53 (14) (2002)
Lois M. L. Delcambre
David Maier
Shawn Bowers
Mathew Weaver
Longxing Deng
Paul N. Gorman
Joan S. Ash
Mary Lavelle
Jason A. Lyman
Bundles in Captivity: An Application of Superimposed Information.
Joan S. Ash
Paul N. Gorman
Mary Lavelle
Jason A. Lyman
Lara Fournier
Investigating Physician Order Entry in the Field: Lessons Learned in a Multi-Center Study.
Paul N. Gorman
Joan S. Ash
Mary Lavelle
Jason A. Lyman
Lois M. L. Delcambre
David Maier
Mathew Weaver
Shawn Bowers
Bundles in the Wild: Managing Information to Solve Problems and Maintain Situation Awareness.
Libr. Trends
49 (2) (2000)
Joan S. Ash
Paul N. Gorman
Mary Lavelle
Jason A. Lyman
Multiple perspectives on physician order entry.
Joan S. Ash
Paul N. Gorman
William R. Hersh
Mary Lavelle
Susan B. Poulsen
Perceptions of house officers who use physician order entry.