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Mark R. Blair
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2019
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Sentiment Analysis
Actor Critic
Eye Movements
Skill Learning
Top Venues
Top. Cogn. Sci.
HCI (18)
Knowl. Based Syst.
Katerina Dolguikh
Jordan I. Barnes
Tyrus Tracey
Mark R. Blair
How time spent on feedback influences learning and gaze in categorization training.
Joseph J. Thompson
Betty H. M. Leung
Mark R. Blair
Maite Taboada
Sentiment analysis of player chat messaging in the video game StarCraft 2: Extending a lexicon-based model.
Knowl. Based Syst.
137 (2017)
Caitlyn McColeman
Robin Barrett
Mark R. Blair
Design-Based Evidence Collection and Evidence-Based Design (DEED) Model.
HCI (18)
Gavin W. Jenkins
Jordan I. Barnes
Paul F. Tupper
Mark R. Blair
A modeling link between cognitive and biological homeostasis.
Joseph J. Thompson
Caitlyn McColeman
Ekaterina R. Stepanova
Mark R. Blair
Using Video Game Telemetry Data to Research Motor Chunking, Action Latencies, and Complex Cognitive-Motor Skill Learning.
Top. Cogn. Sci.
9 (2) (2017)
Caitlyn McColeman
Mark R. Blair
During category learning, top-down and bottom up processes battle for control of the eyes.
Jordan I. Barnes
Mark R. Blair
Paul F. Tupper
R. Calen Walshe
A dynamic neural field model of self-regulated eye movements during category learning.
Jordan I. Barnes
Caitlyn McColeman
Ekaterina R. Stepanova
Mark R. Blair
R. Calen Walshe
RLAttn: An actor-critic model of eye movements during category learning.
Caitlyn McColeman
Mark R. Blair
Task relevance moderates saccade velocities to spatially separated cues.
Jordan I. Barnes
Mark R. Blair
Paul F. Tupper
R. Calen Walshe
Adult Category Learning Differences Predicted by a Dynamic Neural Field Theory Account of Information Sampled from the Fovea.
Kimberly Meier
Mark R. Blair
Beyond probability gain: Information access strategies in category learning.
Caitlyn McColeman
Aaron Ancell
Mark R. Blair
A Tale of Two Processes: Categorization Accuracy and Attentional Learning Dissociate with Imperfect Feedback.
Mark R. Blair
R. Calen Walshe
Jordan I. Barnes
Lihan Chen
Rethinking the role of error in attentional learning.