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Marco Maaß
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2014-2022
Publications (10 Years): 39
Top Topics
Neural Network
Top Venues
Fabrice Katzberg
Marco Maaß
René Pallenberg
Alfred Mertins
Positional Tracking of a Moving Microphone in Reverberant Scenes by Applying Perfect Sequences to Distributed Loudspeakers.
Fabrice Katzberg
Marco Maaß
Alfred Mertins
Spherical Harmonic Representation for Dynamic Sound-Field Measurements.
Philipp Koch
Kamran Mohammad-Zadeh
Marco Maaß
Mark Dreier
Ole Thomsen
Tim J. Parbs
Huy Phan
Alfred Mertins
sEMG-Based Hand Movement Regression by Prediction of Joint Angles With Recurrent Neural Networks.
Alfred Mertins
Marco Maaß
Fabrice Katzberg
Room Impulse Response Reshaping and Crosstalk Cancellation Using Convex Optimization.
IEEE ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process.
29 (2021)
Fabrice Katzberg
Marco Maaß
Alfred Mertins
Coherence Based Trajectory Optimization for Compressive Sensing of Sound Fields.
Marco Maaß
Christine Droigk
Fabrice Katzberg
Philipp Koch
Alfred Mertins
A Recovery Algorithm based on the Kaczmarz Algorithm and ADMM Splitting with Application to Convex Optimization in Magnetic Particle Imaging.
Philipp Koch
Mark Dreier
Anna Larsen
Tim J. Parbs
Marco Maaß
Huy Phan
Alfred Mertins
Regression of Hand Movements from sEMG Data with Recurrent Neural Networks.
Philipp Koch
Mark Dreier
Marco Maaß
Huy Phan
Alfred Mertins
RNN With Stacked Architecture for sEMG based Sequence-to-Sequence Hand Gesture Recognition.
Christine Droigk
Marco Maaß
Corbinian Englisch
Alfred Mertins
Joint Multiresolution and Background Detection Reconstruction for Magnetic Particle Imaging.
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin
Philipp Koch
Mark Dreier
Martina Böhme
Marco Maaß
Huy Phan
Alfred Mertins
Inhomogeneously Stacked RNN for Recognizing Hand Gestures from Magnetometer Data.
Anita Möller
Marco Maaß
Tim J. Parbs
Alfred Mertins
Blind Rigid Motion Estimation for Arbitrary MRI Sampling Trajectories.
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin
Philipp Koch
Nele Brügge
Huy Phan
Marco Maaß
Alfred Mertins
Forked Recurrent Neural Network for Hand Gesture Classification Using Inertial Measurement Data.
Christine Droigk
Marco Maaß
Alfred Mertins
Multiresolution vessel detection in magnetic particle imaging using wavelets and a Gaussian mixture model.
Int. J. Comput. Assist. Radiol. Surg.
14 (11) (2019)
Philipp Koch
Mark Dreier
Marco Maaß
Martina Böhme
Huy Phan
Alfred Mertins
A Recurrent Neural Network for Hand Gesture Recognition based on Accelerometer Data.
Fabrice Katzberg
Radoslaw Mazur
Marco Maaß
Philipp Koch
Alfred Mertins
Compressive Sampling of Sound Fields Using Moving Microphones.
Marco Maaß
Philipp Koch
Fabrice Katzberg
Alfred Mertins
Simultaneous Estimation of a System Matrix by Compressed Sensing and Finding Optimal Regularization Parameters for the Inversion Problem.
Philipp Koch
Huy Phan
Marco Maaß
Fabrice Katzberg
Radoslaw Mazur
Alfred Mertins
Recurrent Neural Networks with Weighting Loss for Early prediction of Hand Movements.
Fabrice Katzberg
Radoslaw Mazur
Marco Maaß
Philipp Koch
Alfred Mertins
A Compressed Sensing Framework for Dynamic Sound-Field Measurements.
IEEE ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process.
26 (11) (2018)
Fabrice Katzberg
Radoslaw Mazur
Marco Maaß
Martina Böhme
Alfred Mertins
Spatial Interpolation of Room Impulse Responses Using Compressed Sensing.
Philipp Koch
Huy Phan
Marco Maaß
Fabrice Katzberg
Alfred Mertins
Recurrent Neural Network Based Early Prediction of Future Hand Movements.
Huy Phan
Lars Hertel
Marco Maaß
Philipp Koch
Radoslaw Mazur
Alfred Mertins
Improved Audio Scene Classification Based on Label-Tree Embeddings and Convolutional Neural Networks.
IEEE ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process.
25 (6) (2017)
Philipp Koch
Huy Phan
Marco Maaß
Fabrice Katzberg
Alfred Mertins
Early prediction of future hand movements using sEMG data.
Fabrice Katzberg
Radoslaw Mazur
Marco Maaß
Philipp Koch
Alfred Mertins
Multigrid reconstruction of sound fields using moving microphones.
Huy Phan
Philipp Koch
Fabrice Katzberg
Marco Maaß
Radoslaw Mazur
Alfred Mertins
Audio Scene Classification with Deep Recurrent Neural Networks.
Huy Phan
Philipp Koch
Fabrice Katzberg
Marco Maaß
Radoslaw Mazur
Ian McLoughlin
Alfred Mertins
What makes audio event detection harder than classification?
Huy Phan
Philipp Koch
Lars Hertel
Marco Maaß
Radoslaw Mazur
Alfred Mertins
CNN-LTE: A class of 1-X pooling convolutional neural networks on label tree embeddings for audio scene classification.
Huy Phan
Philipp Koch
Fabrice Katzberg
Marco Maaß
Radoslaw Mazur
Alfred Mertins
Audio Scene Classification with Deep Recurrent Neural Networks.
Fabrice Katzberg
Radoslaw Mazur
Marco Maaß
Philipp Koch
Alfred Mertins
Measurement of sound fields using moving microphones.
Huy Phan
Lars Hertel
Marco Maaß
Philipp Koch
Alfred Mertins
CaR-FOREST: Joint Classification-Regression Decision Forests for Overlapping Audio Event Detection.
Fabrice Katzberg
Radoslaw Mazur
Marco Maaß
Philipp Koch
Alfred Mertins
Measurement of Sound Fields Using Moving Microphones.
Huy Phan
Lars Hertel
Marco Maaß
Philipp Koch
Alfred Mertins
Label Tree Embeddings for Acoustic Scene Classification.
Huy Phan
Lars Hertel
Marco Maaß
Philipp Koch
Alfred Mertins
CNN-LTE: a Class of 1-X Pooling Convolutional Neural Networks on Label Tree Embeddings for Audio Scene Recognition.
Huy Phan
Lars Hertel
Marco Maaß
Radoslaw Mazur
Alfred Mertins
Learning Representations for Nonspeech Audio Events Through Their Similarities to Speech Patterns.
IEEE ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process.
24 (4) (2016)
Huy Phan
Marco Maaß
Lars Hertel
Radoslaw Mazur
Ian McLoughlin
Alfred Mertins
Learning Compact Structural Representations for Audio Events Using Regressor Banks.
Huy Phan
Lars Hertel
Marco Maaß
Philipp Koch
Alfred Mertins
Label Tree Embeddings for Acoustic Scene Classification.
ACM Multimedia
Huy Phan
Lars Hertel
Marco Maaß
Alfred Mertins
Robust Audio Event Recognition with 1-Max Pooling Convolutional Neural Networks.
Huy Phan
Lars Hertel
Marco Maaß
Alfred Mertins
Robust Audio Event Recognition with 1-Max Pooling Convolutional Neural Networks.
Huy Phan
Philipp Koch
Marco Maaß
Radoslaw Mazur
Ian McLoughlin
Alfred Mertins
What Make Audio Event Detection Harder than Classification?
Huy Phan
Marco Maaß
Lars Hertel
Radoslaw Mazur
Ian McLoughlin
Alfred Mertins
Learning compact structural representations for audio events using regressor banks.
Huy Phan
Marco Maaß
Radoslaw Mazur
Alfred Mertins
Random Regression Forests for Acoustic Event Detection and Classification.
IEEE ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process.
23 (1) (2015)
Anita Möller
Marco Maaß
Alfred Mertins
Blind Sparse Motion MRI with Linear Subpixel Interpolation.
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin
Marco Maaß
Huy Phan
Anita Möller
Alfred Mertins
Cosine-Sine Modulated Filter Banks for Motion Estimation and Correction.
Huy Phan
Marco Maaß
Lars Hertel
Radoslaw Mazur
Alfred Mertins
A multi-channel fusion framework for audio event detection.
Huy Phan
Lars Hertel
Marco Maaß
Radoslaw Mazur
Alfred Mertins
Audio phrases for audio event recognition.
Huy Phan
Marco Maaß
Radoslaw Mazur
Alfred Mertins
Early event detection in audio streams.
Huy Phan
Lars Hertel
Marco Maaß
Radoslaw Mazur
Alfred Mertins
Representing nonspeech audio signals through speech classification models.
Marco Maaß
Huy Phan
Alfred Mertins
Design of cosine-sine modulated filter banks without DC leakage.
Huy Phan
Marco Maaß
Radoslaw Mazur
Alfred Mertins
Acoustic event detection and localization with regression forests.