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Mahmoud Nabil
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2022-2024
Publications (10 Years): 12
Top Topics
Factor Authentication
Number Of Hidden Units
Supply Chain Management
Access Control
Top Venues
IEEE Access
IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput.
Nana Kankam Gyimah
Robert Akinie
Xuyang Yan
Mahmoud Nabil
Kishor Datta Gupta
Abdollah Homaifar
Vahid Hemmati
Daniel Opoku
NCAT12-DET: A New Benchmark Dataset for Surface Defect Detection and a Comparative Study.
IEEE Access
12 (2024)
Ali Abdullah S. AlQahtani
Thamraa Alshayeb
Mahmoud Nabil
Ahmad Patooghy
Leveraging Machine Learning for Wi-Fi-based Environmental Continuous Two-Factor Authentication.
Ali Abdullah S. AlQahtani
Thamraa Alshayeb
Mahmoud Nabil
Ahmad Patooghy
Leveraging Machine Learning for Wi-Fi-Based Environmental Continuous Two-Factor Authentication.
IEEE Access
12 (2024)
Habeeb Shittu
Mahmoud Nabil
Smart Supply Chain Management with Attribute-Based Encryption Access Control.
Niloofar Bahadori
Mahmoud Nabil
Brian Kelley
Abdollah Homaifar
Enabling Content-Centric Device-to-Device Communication in the Millimeter-Wave Band.
IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput.
22 (1) (2023)
Nana Kankam Gyimah
Kishor Datta Gupta
Mahmoud Nabil
Xuyang Yan
Abenezer Girma
Abdollah Homaifar
Daniel Opoku
A Discriminative DeepLab Model (DDLM) for Surface Anomaly Detection and Localization.
Abdul-Rauf Nuhu
Mahmoud Nabil
Yonas Ayalew
Vahid Hemmati
Abdollah Homaifar
Edward W. Tunstel
Local (Per-Input) Robustness Based Guided Adversarial training of Deep Neural Networks.
Abdul-Rauf Nuhu
Kishor Datta Gupta
Wendwosen Bellete Bedada
Mahmoud Nabil
Lydia Asrat Zeleke
Abdollah Homaifar
Edward W. Tunstel
Negative Selection Approach to support Formal Verification and Validation of BlackBox Models' Input Constraints.
Mohamed Baza
Marbin Pazos-Revilla
Ahmed B. T. Sherif
Mahmoud Nabil
Abdulah Jeza Aljohani
Mohamed Mahmoud
Waleed Alasmary
Privacy-Preserving and Collusion-Resistant Charging Coordination Schemes for Smart Grids.
IEEE Trans. Dependable Secur. Comput.
19 (4) (2022)
Abdul-Rauf Nuhu
Kishor Datta Gupta
Wendwosen Bellete Bedada
Mahmoud Nabil
Lydia Asrat Zeleke
Abdollah Homaifar
Edward W. Tunstel
Negative Selection Approach to support Formal Verification and Validation of BlackBox Models' Input Constraints.
Biniam Gebru
Lydia Zeleke
Daniel Blankson
Mahmoud Nabil
Shamila Nateghi
Abdollah Homaifar
Edward W. Tunstel
A Review on Human-Machine Trust Evaluation: Human-Centric and Machine-Centric Perspectives.
IEEE Trans. Hum. Mach. Syst.
52 (5) (2022)
Mahmoud Nabil
Ahmed B. T. Sherif
Mohamed Mahmoud
Waleed Alsmary
Maazen Alsabaan
Accurate and Privacy-Preserving Person Localization Using Federated-Learning and the Camera Surveillance Systems of Public Places.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)