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Le-Thuy T. Tran
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2006-2020
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Wrapper Generation
Health Data
Umls Metathesaurus
Knowledge Rich
Top Venues
Le-Thuy T. Tran
Ramkiran Gouripeddi
Julio C. Facelli
A Harmonized Framework to Evaluate Impacts of ECHO Pain and Opioid Training on Patients and Clinicians.
Ramkiran Gouripeddi
Le-Thuy T. Tran
Randy Madsen
Tanvi Gangadhar
Peter Mo
Nicole Burnett
Ryan Butcher
Katherine A. Sward
Julio C. Facelli
An Architecture for Metadata-driven Integration of Heterogeneous Sensor and Health Data for Translational Exposomic Research.
Ramkiran Gouripeddi
Le-Thuy T. Tran
Tanvi Gangadhar
Randy K. Madsen
Julio C. Facelli
Katherine A. Sward
Assimilating Pollen into Exposomes for Pediatric Asthma Research.
Guy Divita
Gang Luo
Le-Thuy T. Tran
Terri Elizabeth Workman
Adi V. Gundlapalli
Matthew H. Samore
General Symptom Extraction from VA Electronic Medical Notes.
Andrew M. Redd
Adi V. Gundlapalli
Guy Divita
Le-Thuy T. Tran
Warren B. P. Pettey
Matthew H. Samore
Comparison of Grouping Methods for Template Extraction from VA Medical Record Text.
Le-Thuy T. Tran
Guy Divita
Marjorie E. Carter
Joshua Judd
Matthew H. Samore
Adi V. Gundlapalli
Exploiting the UMLS Metathesaurus for extracting and categorizing concepts representing signs and symptoms to anatomically related organ systems.
J. Biomed. Informatics
58 (2015)
Andrew Redd
Guy Divita
Adi V. Gundlapalli
Le-Thuy T. Tran
Matthew H. Samore
Novel Template Identification from VA Text Integration Utility Notes.
Le-Thuy T. Tran
Guy Divita
Andrew Redd
Marjorie E. Carter
Matthew H. Samore
Adi V. Gundlapalli
Scaling Out and Evaluation of OBSecAn, an Automated Section Annotator for Semi-Structured Clinical Documents, on a Large VA Clinical Corpus.
Thanh N. Truong
Manohar Nayak
Hung H. Huynh
Tom Cook
Priya Mahajan
Le-Thuy T. Tran
Jannu Bharath
Shrish Jain
Ha B. Pham
Chaiwoot Boonyasiriwat
Nhat Nguyen
Evan Andersen
Yong Kim
Suengkeol Choe
Jihoon Choi
Thomas E. Cheatham III
Julio C. Facelli
Computational Science and Engineering Online (CSE-Online): A Cyber-Infrastructure for Scientific Computing.
J. Chem. Inf. Model.
46 (3) (2006)