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Lars Engeln
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2022
Publications (10 Years): 18
Top Topics
Interactive Visual
Immersive Environments
User Experience
Facial Expressions
Top Venues
Mensch & Computer Workshopband
Audio Mostly Conference
MuC (Workshopband)
Mensch & Computer
Tendsin Mende
Lars Engeln
Matthew McGinity
Rainer Groh
Creative Sound Modeling with Signed Distance Fields.
MuC (Workshopband)
Fabian Töpfer
Lars Engeln
Rainer Groh
GranularSpectrals - Spectral manipulation for Advanced Granular Synthesis.
MuC (Workshopband)
Mandy Keck
Lars Engeln
Sparkle Glyphs: A Glyph Design for the Analysis of Temporal Multivariate Audio Features.
Cornelius Pöpel
Holger Reckter
Aristotelis Hadjakos
Axel Berndt
Sebastian Trump
Norbert Schnell
Lars Engeln
Egbert Jürgens
Innovative Computerbasierte Musikinterfaces (ICMI).
MuC (Workshopband)
Lars Engeln
Nhat Long Le
Matthew McGinity
Rainer Groh
Similarity Analysis of Visual Sketch-based Search for Sounds.
Audio Mostly Conference
Lars Engeln
Rainer Groh
CoHEARence of audible shapes - a qualitative user study for coherent visual audio design with resynthesized shapes.
Pers. Ubiquitous Comput.
25 (4) (2021)
Natalie Hube
Oliver Lenz
Lars Engeln
Rainer Groh
Michael Sedlmair
Comparing Methods for Mapping Facial Expressions to Enhance Immersive Collaboration with Signs of Emotion.
ISMAR Adjunct
Tobias Günther
Lars Engeln
Sally J. Busch
Rainer Groh
The Effect of Elastic Feedback on the Perceived User Experience and Presence of Travel Methods in Immersive Environments.
Lars Engeln
Maximilian Hanke
Toni Auerswald
Felix Kallenbach
Rainer Groh
The Earconizer - A Tool for constructing hierarchical Earcons.
Mensch & Computer Workshopband
Lars Engeln
Spectral Size Does Matter.
Mensch & Computer Workshopband
Lars Engeln
Rainer Groh
CoHEARence: a qualitive User-(Pre-)Test on Resynthesized Shapes for coherent visual Sound Design.
Audio Mostly Conference
Esther Lapczyna
Lars Engeln
Jens Krzywinski
Rainer Groh
Multimodale Unterstützungssysteme für Leistungssport im Taktilen Internet.
Mensch & Computer Workshopband
Lars Engeln
Rainer Groh
Interaktive Visualisierung multipler Handlungsstränge für Virtuelle Ausstellungen durch Onthologien.
Mensch & Computer Workshopband
Lars Engeln
Dietrich Kammer
Leon Brandt
Rainer Groh
Multi-Touch Enhanced Visual Audio-Morphing.
Lars Engeln
Rainer Groh
VirtEx: Eine Ontologie-basierte Virtuelle Ausstellungen.
Mensch & Computer
Lars Engeln
Natalie Hube
Rainer Groh
Immersive VisualAudioDesign: Spectral Editing in VR.
Audio Mostly Conference
Lars Engeln
Rainer Groh
AudioFlux: A Proposal for interactive Visual Audio Manipulation.
Mensch & Computer Workshopband
Fabrice Matulic
Lars Engeln
Christoph Träger
Raimund Dachselt
Embodied Interactions for Novel Immersive Presentational Experiences.
CHI Extended Abstracts