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Koen Smit
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2014-2024
Publications (10 Years): 44
Top Topics
Success Factors
Business Rules
Decision Support
Primary School Children
Top Venues
Bled eConference
Mirjam de Haas
Koen Smit
Daniel Fernando Preciado Vanegas
Esther Van Der Roest
Matthijs H. J. Smakman
Wouter Tiel Groenestege
The Effect of a Social Robot on Children's Pain and Anxiety During Blood Draw.
Matthijs Berkhout
Koen Smit
Johan Versendaal
Decision discovery using clinical decision support system decision log data for supporting the nurse decision-making process.
BMC Medical Informatics Decis. Mak.
24 (1) (2024)
Sam Leewis
Koen Smit
What Other Factors Might Impact Building Trust in Government Decisions Based on Decision Support Systems, Except for Transparency and Explainability?
Koen Smit
Chaim De Gelder
Jet Wardenier
Job Stoker
Felix Marks
Using Social Robots During Development Sessions for Children with Developmental Language Disorder: An Exploratory Study.
Koen Smit
Chaim De Gelder
John van Meerten
Social Robots in Primary Schools: An Explorative Security Analysis.
Koen Smit
Chaim De Gelder
John van Meerten
First Impressions Are Essential: Testing Attraction Strategies for Robot-Human Interaction in the Higher Education Domain.
Rob Peters
Koen Smit
Johan Versendaal
Validation Challenges for Legal Digital Twins in Dutch Climate Governance (short paper).
Matthijs H. J. Smakman
Daniel F. Preciado Vanegas
Koen Smit
Sam Leewis
Youri Okkerse
Jesper Obbes
Thom Uffing
Marina Soliman
Tony van der Krogt
Lucas Tönjes
A Trustworthy Robot Buddy for Primary School Children.
Multimodal Technol. Interact.
6 (4) (2022)
Annemae van de Hoef
Sam Leewis
Matthijs Berkhout
Koen Smit
The identification of Ethical Focus Areas: A Literature Study Into Data Mining Ethical Focus Areas.
Bled eConference
Sam Leewis
Koen Smit
Matthijs Berkhout
Business Rules Management and Decision Mining - Filling in the Gaps.
Matthijs Berkhout
Koen Smit
Utilizing Algorithms for Decision Mining Discovery.
Bled eConference
Stefan van den Eijkel
Dorien Foppen-De Graaf
Robbert Schuurmans
Stefan van Genderen
Koen Smit
Sam Leewis
Social Robots in Elderly Healthcare: A Burden or a Gift?
Bled eConference
Matthijs Berkhout
Sam Leewis
Koen Smit
A Functional Architecture for the Verification, Validation, Deployment, and Execution of Business Decisions and Business Logic.
Rob Peters
Koen Smit
Johan Versendaal
Responsible AI and Power: Investigating the System Level Bureaucrat in the Legal Planning Process.
Bled eConference
Sam Leewis
Koen Smit
John van Meerten
An Explorative Dive into Decision Rights and Governance of Blockchain: A Literature Review and Empirical Study.
Pac. Asia J. Assoc. Inf. Syst.
13 (3) (2021)
Matthijs H. J. Smakman
Koen Smit
Eline Lan
Thomas Fermin
Job van Lagen
Julia Maas
David van Vliet
Sam Leewis
Social Robots for Reducing Mathematics Hiatuses in Primary Education, an Exploratory Field Study.
Bled eConference
Koen Smit
John van Meerten
A Narrative Exploration of Improper AI Design & Execution and Possible Effects on Human Values.
Koen Smit
Matthijs H. J. Smakman
Sil Bakker
Jurgen Blokhuis
Guido Evertzen
Lars Polman
Hello, is Someone There? A Case Study for Using a Social Robot in Dementia Care.
Bled eConference
Sam Leewis
Matthijs Berkhout
Koen Smit
Future Challenges in Decision Mining at Governmental Institutions.
Koen Smit
Martijn Zoet
John van Meerten
A Review of AI Principles in Practice.
Ruben Post
Stijn Kas
Koen Smit
The Role of Modeling in Blockchain Process Design.
BPM (Blockchain and RPA Forum)
Matthijs Berkhout
Sam Leewis
Koen Smit
Translating Business Process Models to Class Diagrams.
Bled eConference
Koen Smit
Jalal el Mansouri
Sabri Saïd
John van Meerten
Sam Leewis
Decision Rights and Governance within the Blockchain Domain: a literature analysis.
Koen Smit
Joris Mens
Process Mining in The Rail Industry: A Qualitative Analysis of Success Factors and Remaining Challenges.
Bled eConference
Eric Mantelaers
Martijn Zoet
Koen Smit
The Impact of Blockchain on the Auditor's Audit Approach.
Eline van der Linden
Koen Smit
Matthijs Berkhout
Martijn Zoet
The Business Rule Type Jungle: An Explorative Analysis.
Bled eConference
Martijn Zoet
Koen Smit
The Decision Transparency Framework: A framework and key transparency indicators to measure the business decisions and business logic transparency.
Marlies van Steenbergen
Koen Smit
Martijn Zoet
Impact of Business Rule Management on Enterprise Architecture.
Koen Smit
Martijn Zoet
Identifying Challenges in Business Rules Management Implementations Regarding the Governance Capability at Governmental Institutions.
Koen Smit
Martijn Zoet
Applying the Decision Model and Notation in Practice: A Method to Design and Specify Business Decisions and Business Logic.
Sam Leewis
Koen Smit
Martijn Zoet
An Explorative Study Into Situational Artefact Construction in Business Rules Management.
Bled eConference
Guido Ongena
Koen Smit
Jarno Boksebeld
Gerben Adams
Yorin Roelofs
Pascal Ravesteyn
Blockchain-based Smart Contracts in Waste Management: A Silver Bullet?
Bled eConference
Koen Smit
Martijn Zoet
An Organizational Capability and Resource-Based Perspective on Business Rules Management.
Ruben Post
Koen Smit
Martijn Zoet
Identifying Factors Affecting Blockchain Technology Diffusion.
Koen Smit
Martijn Zoet
Johan Versendaal
Identifying Challenges in Business Rules Management Implementations regarding the Elicitation, Design, and Specification Capabilities at Dutch Governmental Institutions.
J. Inf. Technol. Theory Appl.
19 (2) (2018)
Koen Smit
Martijn Zoet
Matthijs Berkhout
Functional Requirements for Business Rules Management Systems.
Koen Smit
Martijn Zoet
A Business Rules Management Reference Process for the Dutch Government.
Koen Smit
Pieter Koornneef
Julie Nysingh
Mart van Zwienen
Matthijs Berkhout
Pascal Ravesteyn
Transforming Clinical Practice Guideline Usage Through the Use of a Clinical Decision Support System: An Explorative Study at the University Medical Centre Utrecht.
Bled eConference
Koen Smit
Joris Mens
Matthijs Berkhout
Developing a Mobile Application for Managing Anaphylaxis: Discovering Critical Success Factors.
Bled eConference
Koen Smit
Johan Versendaal
Martijn Zoet
Identifying Challenges in BRM Implementations Regarding the Verification and Validation Capabilities at Governmental Institutions.
Koen Smit
Martijn Zoet
Utilizing Change Effort Prediction to Analyze Modifiability of Business Rule Architectures at the NHS.
Koen Smit
Martijn Zoet
Raymond Slot
Compliance Principles for Decision Management Solutions at the Dutch Government.
Koen Smit
Martijn Zoet
Matthijs Berkhout
A Framework for Traceability of Legal Requirements in the Dutch Governmental Context.
Bled eConference
Martijn Zoet
Koen Smit
Business Rules Management Principles in the Dutch Governmental Context.
Martijn Zoet
Koen Smit
Sam Leewis
A Classification of Modification Categories for Business Rules.
Bled eConference
Martijn Zoet
Koen Smit
Eline de Haan
Business Model for Business Rules.
Bled eConference