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Kenta Obata
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2008-2022
Publications (10 Years): 23
Top Topics
Multiple Sensors
Space Station
Radiometric Calibration
Top Venues
Remote. Sens.
Munenori Miura
Kenta Obata
Hiroki Yoshioka
Wavelength Extension of the Optimized Asymmetric-Order Vegetation Isoline Equation to Cover the Range from Visible to Near-Infrared.
Remote. Sens.
14 (9) (2022)
Kenta Obata
Hiroki Yoshioka
Correction: Obata, K.; Yoshioka, H. A Simple Algorithm for Deriving an NDVI-Based Index Compatible between GEO and LEO Sensors: Capabilities and Limitations in Japan. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 2417.
Remote. Sens.
14 (17) (2022)
Kenta Obata
Kenta Taniguchi
Masayuki Matsuoka
Hiroki Yoshioka
Development and Demonstration of a Method for GEO-to-LEO NDVI Transformation.
Remote. Sens.
13 (20) (2021)
Satoshi Tsuchida
Hirokazu Yamamoto
Toru Kouyama
Kenta Obata
Fumihiro Sakuma
Tetsushi Tachikawa
Akihide Kamei
Kohei Arai
Jeffrey S. Czapla-Myers
Stuart F. Biggar
Kurtis J. Thome
Radiometric Degradation Curves for the ASTER VNIR Processing Using Vicarious and Lunar Calibrations.
Remote. Sens.
12 (3) (2020)
Hiroki Mizuochi
Satoshi Tsuchida
Kenta Obata
Hirokazu Yamamoto
Satoru Yamamoto
Combination of Cross- and Inter-Band Radiometric Calibrations for a Hyperspectral Sensor Using Model-Based Spectral Band Adjustment.
Remote. Sens.
12 (12) (2020)
Kenta Obata
Satoshi Tsuchida
Hirokazu Yamamoto
Kurtis J. Thome
Correction: Obata, K., et al. Cross-Calibration between ASTER and MODIS Visible to Near-Infrared Bands for Improvement of ASTER Radiometric Calibration. Sensors 2017, 17, 1793.
20 (14) (2020)
Kenta Obata
Hiroki Yoshioka
A Simple Algorithm for Deriving an NDVI-Based Index Compatible between GEO and LEO Sensors: Capabilities and Limitations in Japan.
Remote. Sens.
12 (15) (2020)
Yusuke Adachi
Ryota Kikuchi
Kenta Obata
Hiroki Yoshioka
Relative Azimuthal-Angle Matching (RAM): A Screening Method for GEO-LEO Reflectance Comparison in Middle Latitude Forests.
Remote. Sens.
11 (9) (2019)
Toru Kouyama
Satoshi Tsuchida
Fumihiro Sakuma
Tetsushi Tachikawa
Hirokazu Yamamoto
Kenta Obata
Soushi Kato
Masakuni Kikuchi
Ryosuke Nakamura
Sensitivity Variation of Aster Derived From Moon and Deepspace Observations in 2003 and 2017.
Tsuneo Matsunaga
Kenta Obata
Koichiro Mouri
Tetsushi Tachikawa
Akira Iwasaki
Satoshi Tsuchida
Koki Iwao
Jun Tanii
Osamu Kashimura
Ryosuke Nakamura
Hirokazu Yamamoto
Soushi Kato
HISUI Status Toward 2020 Launch.
Toru Kouyama
Soushi Kato
Masakuni Kikuchi
Fumihiro Sakuma
Akira Miura
Tetsushi Tachikawa
Satoshi Tsuchida
Kenta Obata
Ryosuke Nakamura
Lunar Calibration for ASTER VNIR and TIR with Observations of the Moon in 2003 and 2017.
Remote. Sens.
11 (22) (2019)
Kenta Taniguchi
Kenta Obata
Hiroki Yoshioka
Analytical Relationship between Two-Band Spectral Vegetation Indices Measured at Multiple Sensors on a Parametric Representation of Soil Isoline Equations.
Remote. Sens.
11 (13) (2019)
Kenta Obata
Sensitivity Analysis Method for Spectral Band Adjustment between Hyperspectral Sensors: A Case Study Using the CLARREO Pathfinder and HISUI.
Remote. Sens.
11 (11) (2019)
Tsuneo Matsunaga
Akira Iwasaki
Satoshi Tsuchida
Koki Iwao
Ryosuke Nakamura
Hirokazu Yamamoto
Soushi Kato
Kenta Obata
Osamu Kashimura
Jun Tanii
Koichiro Mouri
Tetsushi Tachikawa
Hisui Status Toward FY2019 Launch.
Kenta Taniguchi
Yusuke Adachi
Kenta Obata
Hiroki Yoshioka
Influences of Soil Line Parameters on Soil Brightness Estimation with Soil Isoline Equations in Red-Nir Reflectance Subspace.
Munenori Miura
Kenta Obata
Kenta Taniguchi
Hiroki Yoshioka
Optimization technique of asymmetric-order vegetation isoline equations.
Tsuneo Matsunaga
Akira Iwasaki
Satoshi Tsuchida
Koki Iwao
Jun Tanii
Osamu Kashimura
Ryosuke Nakamura
Hirokazu Yamamoto
Soushi Kato
Kenta Obata
Koichiro Mouri
Tetsushi Tachikawa
Current status of Hyperspectral Imager Suite (HISUI) onboard International Space Station (ISS).
Munenori Miura
Kenta Obata
Kenta Taniguchi
Hiroki Yoshioka
Improved Accuracy of the Asymmetric Second-Order Vegetation Isoline Equation over the RED-NIR Reflectance Space.
17 (3) (2017)
Kenta Taniguchi
Munenori Miura
Kenta Obata
Hiroki Yoshioka
Analysis of the scaling effect present in the relative differences between NDVIs obtained from multiple sensors, based on the soil isoline equation.
Kenta Obata
Satoshi Tsuchida
Hirokazu Yamamoto
Kurtis J. Thome
Cross-Calibration between ASTER and MODIS Visible to Near-Infrared Bands for Improvement of ASTER Radiometric Calibration.
17 (8) (2017)
Kenta Obata
Tomoaki Miura
Hiroki Yoshioka
Alfredo R. Huete
Marco Vargas
Spectral Cross-Calibration of VIIRS Enhanced Vegetation Index with MODIS: A Case Study Using Year-Long Global Data.
Remote. Sens.
8 (1) (2016)
Hirokazu Yamamoto
Kenta Obata
Satoshi Tsuchida
Gregoire Kerr
Martin Bachmann
Cross-sensor calibration and validation between DESIS and HISUI Hyperspectral Imager on the International Space Station (ISS).
Kenta Obata
Satoshi Tsuchida
Izumi Nagatani
Hirokazu Yamamoto
Toru Kouyama
Yoshiro Yamada
Yu Yamaguchi
Juntaro Ishii
An overview of ISS HISUI hyperspectral imager radiometric calibration.
Kenta Taniguchi
Kenta Obata
Hiroki Yoshioka
Evaluation of BIAS reduction in cross-calibration of NDVI based on soil isoline equations: Comparison with error estimated from signal-to-noise ratio.
Hirokazu Yamamoto
Toru Kouyama
Kenta Obata
Satoshi Tsuchida
Assessment of HISUI radiometric performance using vicarious calibration and cross-calibration.
Kenta Obata
Satoshi Tsuchida
Koki Iwao
Inter-Band Radiometric Comparison and Calibration of ASTER Visible and Near-Infrared Bands.
Remote. Sens.
7 (11) (2015)
Hirokazu Yamamoto
Kenta Obata
Toru Kouyama
Satoshi Tsuchida
HISUI vicarious calibration and CAL/VAL activities.
Masayuki Matsuoka
Hiroki Yoshioka
Kenta Obata
Takeo Tadono
Effect of bandwidth of panchromatic image on the quality of pansharpened multispectral image.
Kenta Taniguchi
Kenta Obata
Masayuki Matsuoka
Hiroki Yoshioka
Validity of soil isoline equation for a system of canopy and soil layers.
Satoshi Tsuchiya
Kenta Taniguchi
Kenta Obata
Masayuki Matsuoka
Hiroki Yoshioka
View-angle dependencies of vegetation isolines for higher-order standardization of spectral vegetation indices.
Kenta Taniguchi
Kenta Obata
Hiroki Yoshioka
Investigation of inter-sensor NDVI relationships based on analytical representation of soil isolines.
Kenta Obata
Tomoaki Miura
Hiroki Yoshioka
Comparison of scaling effects in fraction of vegetation cover between algorithms based on linear mixture model using VI.
Kenta Obata
Tomoaki Miura
Hiroki Yoshioka
Analysis of the Scaling Effects in the Area-Averaged Fraction of Vegetation Cover Retrieved Using an NDVI-Isoline-Based Linear Mixture Model.
Remote. Sens.
4 (7) (2012)
Kenta Obata
Takahiro Wada
Tomoaki Miura
Hiroki Yoshioka
Scaling Effect of Area-Averaged NDVI: Monotonicity along the Spatial Resolution.
Remote. Sens.
4 (1) (2012)
Hiroki Yoshioka
Tomoaki Miura
Kenta Obata
Derivation of Relationships between Spectral Vegetation Indices from Multiple Sensors Based on Vegetation Isolines.
Remote. Sens.
4 (3) (2012)
Hiroki Yoshioka
Kenta Obata
Yasuhiro Ikuta
Analysis of error in fraction of vegetation cover propageted from band-correlated errors in endmember spectra.
Masayuki Matsuoka
Kenta Obata
Hiroki Yoshioka
Scaling effect of area-averaged NDVI derived from ALOS-AVNIR2 data.
Kenta Obata
Hiroki Yoshioka
Comparison of the Noise Robustness of FVC Retrieval Algorithms Based on Linear Mixture Models.
Remote. Sens.
3 (7) (2011)
Hiroki Yoshioka
Kenta Obata
Soil isoline equation in red-NIR reflectance space for cross calibration of NDVI between sensors.
Kenta Obata
Hiroki Yoshioka
Influence of endmember spectra on scaling effect of vegetation cover estimationwith NDVI.
Kenta Obata
Hiroki Yoshioka
Inter-Algorithm Relationships for the Estimation of the Fraction of Vegetation Cover Based on a Two Endmember Linear Mixture Model with the VI Constraint.
Remote. Sens.
2 (7) (2010)
Munenori Miura
Kenta Obata
Hiroki Yoshioka
Vegetation isoline equations for analysis of hyper-spectral data with higher order interaction terms.
Kenta Obata
Hiroki Yoshioka
Relationships Between Errors Propagated in Fraction of Vegetation Cover by Algorithms Based on a Two-Endmember Linear Mixture Model.
Remote. Sens.
2 (12) (2010)
Naoki Takahashi
Kenta Obata
Masaki Iwamaru
Hiroki Yoshioka
Parallel implementation of unmixing algorithm for variable-endmember linear mixture model.
Hiroki Yoshioka
Takahiro Wada
Kenta Obata
Tomoaki Miura
Monotonicity of Area Averaged NDVI as a Function of Spatial Resolution based on a Variable Endmember Linear Mixture Model.
Kenta Obata
Hiroki Yoshioka
Hirokazu Yamamoto
Unmixing a Variable Endmember Linear Mixture Model for Estimation of Heat Island Mitigation by Green Vegetation.