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Kei Davis
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1989-2020
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Data Transfer
Internal Memory
Hard Disk
Top Venues
ACM Trans. Storage
Samuel K. Gutiérrez
Dorian C. Arnold
Kei Davis
Patrick S. McCormick
On the memory attribution problem: A solution and case study using MPI.
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp.
32 (3) (2020)
Bao Nguyen
Hua Tan
Kei Davis
Xuechen Zhang
Persistent Octrees for Parallel Mesh Refinement through Non-Volatile Byte-Addressable Memory.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst.
30 (3) (2019)
Suman Karki
Bao Nguyen
Joshua Feener
Kei Davis
Xuechen Zhang
Enforcing End-to-End I/O Policies for Scientific Workflows Using Software-Defined Storage Resource Enclaves.
IEEE Trans. Multi Scale Comput. Syst.
4 (4) (2018)
Samuel K. Gutierrez
Kei Davis
Dorian C. Arnold
Randal S. Baker
Robert W. Robey
Patrick S. McCormick
Daniel Holladay
Jon A. Dahl
R. Joe Zerr
Florian Weik
Christoph Junghans
Accommodating Thread-Level Heterogeneity in Coupled Parallel Applications.
Nick Moss
Kei Davis
Patrick S. McCormick
The ARES High-Level Intermediate Representation.
Patrick S. McCormick
Christine Sweeney
Nick Moss
Dean Prichard
Samuel K. Gutierrez
Kei Davis
Jamaludin Mohd-Yusof
Exploring the construction of a domain-aware toolchain for high-performance computing.
Xuechen Zhang
Jianqiang Ou
Kei Davis
Song Jiang
Orthrus: A Framework for Implementing Efficient Collective I/O in Multi-core Clusters.
Xuechen Zhang
Ke Liu
Kei Davis
Song Jiang
iBridge: Improving Unaligned Parallel File Access with Solid-State Drives.
Xuechen Zhang
Jianqiang Ou
Kei Davis
Song Jiang
Orthrus: a framework for implementing high-performance collective I/O in the multicore clusters.
Ke Liu
Xuechen Zhang
Kei Davis
Song Jiang
Synergistic coupling of SSD and hard disk for QoS-aware virtual memory.
Song Jiang
Xiaoning Ding
Yuehai Xu
Kei Davis
A Prefetching Scheme Exploiting both Data Layout and Access History on Disk.
ACM Trans. Storage
9 (3) (2013)
Yizhe Wang
Kei Davis
Yuehai Xu
Song Jiang
iHarmonizer: Improving the Disk Efficiency of I/O-intensive Multithreaded Codes.
Xuechen Zhang
Kei Davis
Song Jiang
iTransformer: Using SSD to Improve Disk Scheduling for High-performance I/O.
Xuechen Zhang
Kei Davis
Song Jiang
Opportunistic Data-driven Execution of Parallel Programs for Efficient I/O Services.
Xuechen Zhang
Kei Davis
Song Jiang
QoS support for end users of I/O-intensive applications using shared storage systems.
Kei Davis
Jörg Striegnitz
9th workshop on parallel/high-performance object-oriented scientific computing.
Song Jiang
Xuechen Zhang
Shuang Liang
Kei Davis
Improving Networked File System Performance Using a Locality-Aware Cooperative Cache Protocol.
IEEE Trans. Computers
59 (11) (2010)
Xuechen Zhang
Kei Davis
Song Jiang
IOrchestrator: Improving the Performance of Multi-node I/O Systems via Inter-Server Coordination.
Kevin J. Barker
Kei Davis
Adolfy Hoisie
Darren J. Kerbyson
Michael Lang
Scott Pakin
José Carlos Sancho
Using Performance Modeling to Design Large-Scale Systems.
42 (11) (2009)
Kei Davis
Kevin J. Barker
Darren J. Kerbyson
Performance Prediction via Modeling: a Case Study of the ORNL Cray XT4 Upgrade.
Parallel Process. Lett.
19 (4) (2009)
Xuechen Zhang
Song Jiang
Kei Davis
Making resonance a common case: A high-performance implementation of collective I/O on parallel file systems.
Kevin J. Barker
Kei Davis
Darren J. Kerbyson
Performance modeling in action: Performance prediction of a Cray XT4 system during upgrade.
Kei Davis
Jörg Striegnitz
Parallel/High Performance Object-Oriented Scientific Computing 2008.
Int. J. Parallel Emergent Distributed Syst.
24 (6) (2009)
Kevin J. Barker
Kei Davis
Adolfy Hoisie
Darren J. Kerbyson
Michael Lang
Scott Pakin
José Carlos Sancho
A Performance Evaluation of the Nehalem Quad-Core Processor for Scientific Computing.
Parallel Process. Lett.
18 (4) (2008)
Kevin J. Barker
Kei Davis
Adolfy Hoisie
Darren J. Kerbyson
Michael Lang
Scott Pakin
José Carlos Sancho
Experiences in scaling scientific applications on current-generation quad-core processors.
Kevin J. Barker
Kei Davis
Adolfy Hoisie
Darren J. Kerbyson
Michael Lang
Scott Pakin
José Carlos Sancho
Entering the petaflop era: the architecture and performance of Roadrunner.
Jörg Striegnitz
Kei Davis
Multiparadigm Programming in Object-Oriented Languages: Current Research.
ECOOP Workshops
Kei Davis
Jörg Striegnitz
Parallel/High-Performance Object-Oriented Scientific Computing: Today's Research, Tomorrow's Practice.
ECOOP Workshops
Song Jiang
Kei Davis
Xiaodong Zhang
Coordinated Multilevel Buffer Cache Management with Consistent Access Locality Quantification.
IEEE Trans. Computers
56 (1) (2007)
Xiaoning Ding
Song Jiang
Feng Chen
Kei Davis
Xiaodong Zhang
DiskSeen: Exploiting Disk Layout and Access History to Enhance I/O Prefetch.
USENIX Annual Technical Conference
Kei Davis
Jörg Striegnitz
Multiparadigm Programming in Object-Oriented Languages: Current Research.
ECOOP Workshops
Darren J. Kerbyson
Kevin J. Barker
Kei Davis
Analysis of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model on Large-Scale Systems.
Kei Davis
Jörg Striegnitz
Parallel/High-Performance Object-Oriented Scientific Computing Today.
ECOOP Workshops
José Carlos Sancho
Kevin J. Barker
Darren J. Kerbyson
Kei Davis
MPI tools and performance studies - Quantifying the potential benefit of overlapping communication and computation in large-scale scientific applications.
José Carlos Sancho
Fabrizio Petrini
Kei Davis
Roberto Gioiosa
Song Jiang
Current Practice and a Direction Forward in Checkpoint/Restart Implementations for Fault Tolerance.
Kenneth L. Summers
Thomas P. Caudell
Kathryn P. Berkbigler
Brian Bush
Kei Davis
Steve Smith
Graph visualization for the analysis of the structure and dynamics of extreme-scale supercomputers.
Inf. Vis.
3 (3) (2004)
Kei Davis
Adolfy Hoisie
Greg Johnson
Darren J. Kerbyson
Michael Lang
Scott Pakin
Fabrizio Petrini
A Performance and Scalability Analysis of the BlueGene/L Architecture.
Fabrizio Petrini
Kei Davis
José Carlos Sancho
System-Level Fault-Tolerance in Large-Scale Parallel Machines with Buffered Coscheduling.
Eitan Frachtenberg
Kei Davis
Fabrizio Petrini
Juan Fernández
José Carlos Sancho
Designing Parallel Operating Systems via Parallel Programming.
Kei Davis
Jörg Striegnitz
Parallel Object-Oriented Scientific Computing Today.
ECOOP Workshops
Kathryn P. Berkbigler
Brian Bush
Kei Davis
Nicholas Moss
Steve Smith
Thomas P. Caudell
Kenneth L. Summers
Cheng Zhou
Á la carte: A Simulation Framework for Extreme-scale Hardware Architectures.
Modelling and Simulation
Kei Davis
Yannis Smaragdakis
Jörg Striegnitz
Multiparadigm Programming with Object-Oriented Languages.
ECOOP Workshops
Kei Davis
Yannis Smaragdakis
Jörg Striegnitz
Multiparadigm Programming with OO Languages.
ECOOP Workshops
Philip W. Trinder
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl
Ed. Barry Jr.
Kei Davis
Kevin Hammond
Ulrike Klusik
Simon L. Peyton Jones
Álvaro J. Rebón Portillo
The Multi-architecture Performance of the Parallel Functional Language GP H (Research Note).
Federico Bassetti
Kei Davis
Madhav V. Marathe
Daniel J. Quinlan
Bobby Philip
Improving Cache Utilization of Linear Relaxation Methods: Theory and Practice.
Federico Bassetti
Kei Davis
Optimizing Transformations of Stencil Operations for Parallel Cache-based Architectures.
Bernd Mohr
Federico Bassetti
Kei Davis
Stefan Hüttemann
Pascale Launay
Dan C. Marinescu
David J. Miller
Ruthe L. Vandewart
Matthias S. Müller
Augustin Prodan
Parallel / High-Performance Object-Oriented Scientific Computing.
ECOOP Workshops
David L. Brown
Kei Davis
William D. Henshaw
Daniel J. Quinlan
Kristi Brislawn
OVERTURE: Object-Oriented Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Serial and Parallel Environments.
ECOOP Workshops
Kei Davis
Indroduction to Parallel Objecty-Oriented Scientific Computing.
ECOOP Workshops
Kei Davis
Daniel J. Quinlan
ROSE: An Optimizing Transformation System for C++ Array-Class Libraries.
ECOOP Workshops
Federico Bassetti
David L. Brown
Kei Davis
William D. Henshaw
Daniel J. Quinlan
OVERTURE: An Object-Oriented Framework for High Performance Scientific Computing.
Kei Davis
Daniel J. Quinlan
The Parallel Asynchronous Data Routing Environment PADRE.
ECOOP Workshops
Federico Bassetti
Kei Davis
Daniel J. Quinlan
C++ Expression Templates Performance Issues in Scientific Computing.
Federico Bassetti
Kei Davis
Daniel J. Quinlan
Optimizing Transformations of Stencil Operations for Parallel Object-Oriented Scientific Frameworks on Cache-Based Architectures.
Federico Bassetti
Kei Davis
Daniel J. Quinlan
A Comparison of Performance-Enhancing Strategies for Parallel Numerical Object-Oriented Frameworks.
Kei Davis
PERs from Projections for Binding-Time Analysis.
LISP Symb. Comput.
8 (3) (1995)
Kei Davis
PERs from Projections for Binding-Time Analysis.
Kei Davis
Projection-based Termination Analysis.
Functional Programming
Kei Davis
Higher-order Binding-time Analysis.
Kei Davis
Analysing Functions by Projection-Based Backward Abstraction.
Functional Programming
Kei Davis
A Note on the Choice of Domains for Projection-Based Program Analysis.
Functional Programming
Kei Davis
Philip Wadler
Strictness Analysis in 4D.
Functional Programming
Kei Davis
Philip Wadler
Backwards Strictness Analysis: Proved and Improved.
Functional Programming