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Juliette Dibie
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2022
Publications (10 Years): 20
Top Topics
Decision Support
Data Integration
Ontology Alignment
D Objects
Top Venues
Expert Syst. Appl.
Rev. d'Intelligence Artif.
BMC Bioinform.
Comput. Electron. Agric.
Mélanie Münch
Patrice Buche
Stéphane Dervaux
Juliette Dibie
Liliana Ibanescu
Cristina E. Manfredotti
Pierre-Henri Wuillemin
Hélène Angellier-Coussy
Combining ontology and probabilistic models for the design of bio-based product transformation processes.
Expert Syst. Appl.
203 (2022)
Martin Lentschat
Patrice Buche
Juliette Dibie
Mathieu Roche
Extraction et reconstitution de relation n-Aires issues d'articles scientifiques en domaine expérimental guidées par une Ressource Termino-Ontologique.
Patrice Buche
Julien Cufi
Stéphane Dervaux
Juliette Dibie
Liliana Ibanescu
Alrick Oudot
Magalie Weber
How to Manage Incompleteness of Nutritional Food Sources?: A Solution Using FoodOn as Pivot Ontology.
Int. J. Agric. Environ. Inf. Syst.
12 (4) (2021)
Vincent Henry
Fatiha Saïs
Olivier Inizan
Elodie Marchadier
Juliette Dibie
Anne Goelzer
Vincent Fromion
BiPOm: a rule-based ontology to represent and infer molecule knowledge from a biological process-centered viewpoint.
BMC Bioinform.
21 (1) (2020)
Patrice Buche
Julien Cufi
Stéphane Dervaux
Juliette Dibie
Liliana Ibanescu
Alrick Oudot
Magalie Weber
A New Alignment Method Based on FoodOn as Pivot Ontology to Manage Incompleteness in Nutritional Legacy Data Sources (short paper).
Sophie Aubin
Pierre Bisquert
Patrice Buche
Juliette Dibie
Liliana Ibanescu
Clément Jonquet
Catherine Roussey
Recent progresses in data and knowledge integration for decision support in agri-food chains.
Melanie Munch
Juliette Dibie
Pierre-Henri Wuillemin
Cristina E. Manfredotti
Towards Interactive Causal Relation Discovery Driven by an Ontology.
FLAIRS Conference
Liliana Ibanescu
Thomas Allard
Stéphane Dervaux
Juliette Dibie
Elisabeth Guichard
Caroline Pénicaud
Joe Raad
A Use Case of Data Integration in Food Production.
EKAW (Posters & Demos)
Joe Raad
Nathalie Pernelle
Fatiha Saïs
Juliette Dibie
Liliana Ibanescu
Stéphane Dervaux
Comment représenter et découvrir des liens d'identité contextuelle dans une base de connaissances : Application à des données expérimentales en sciences du vivant.
Rev. d'Intelligence Artif.
32 (3) (2018)
Melanie Munch
Pierre-Henri Wuillemin
Juliette Dibie
Cristina E. Manfredotti
Thomas Allard
Solange Buchin
Elisabeth Guichard
Identifying Control Parameters in Cheese Fabrication Process Using Precedence Constraints.
Melanie Munch
Pierre-Henri Wuillemin
Cristina E. Manfredotti
Juliette Dibie
Stéphane Dervaux
Learning Probabilistic Relational Models Using an Ontology of Transformation Processes.
OTM Conferences (2)
Vincent Henry
Fatiha Saïs
Elodie Marchadier
Juliette Dibie
Anne Goelzer
Vincent Fromion
BiPOm: Biological Interlocked Process Ontology for Metabolism. How to Infer Molecule Knowledge from Biological Process?
Sara Meftah
Antoine Cornuéjols
Juliette Dibie
Mariette Sicard
Data Collection and Analysis of Usages from Connected Objects: Some Lessons.
Soumia Lilia Berrahou
Patrice Buche
Juliette Dibie
Mathieu Roche
Xart: Discovery of correlated arguments of n-ary relations in text.
Expert Syst. Appl.
73 (2017)
Charlotte Lousteau-Cazalet
Abdellatif Barakat
Jean Pierre Belaud
Patrice Buche
Guillaume Busset
Brigitte Charnomordic
Stéphane Dervaux
Sébastien Destercke
Juliette Dibie
Caroline Sablayrolles
Claire Vialle
A decision support system for eco-efficient biorefinery process comparison using a semantic approach.
Comput. Electron. Agric.
127 (2016)
Juliette Dibie
Stéphane Dervaux
Estelle Doriot
Liliana Ibanescu
Caroline Pénicaud
[MS]^2O - A Multi-scale and Multi-step Ontology for Transformation Processes: Application to Micro-Organisms.
Soumia Lilia Berrahou
Patrice Buche
Juliette Dibie
Mathieu Roche
Xart system: discovering and extracting correlated arguments of n-ary relations from text.
Charlotte Lousteau-Cazalet
Abdellatif Barakat
Jean Pierre Belaud
Patrice Buche
Guillaume Busset
Brigitte Charnomordic
Stéphane Dervaux
Sébastien Destercke
Juliette Dibie
Caroline Sablayrolles
Claire Vialle
A decision support system using multi-source scientific data, an ontological approach and soft computing - application to eco-efficient biorefinery.
Liliana Ibanescu
Patrice Buche
Stéphane Dervaux
Juliette Dibie
Rim Touhami
Ontology evolution for an experimental data integration system.
Int. J. Metadata Semant. Ontologies
11 (4) (2016)
Liliana Ibanescu
Juliette Dibie
Stéphane Dervaux
Elisabeth Guichard
Joe Raad
- A Process and Observation Ontology in Food Science. Application to Dairy Gels.
Thomas Hecht
Patrice Buche
Juliette Dibie
Liliana Ibanescu
Cássia Trojahn dos Santos
Ontology Alignment Using Web Linked Ontologies as Background Knowledge.
EGC (best of volume)