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Julian Keil
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2010-2022
Publications (10 Years): 9
Top Topics
Visual Attention
Brain Activity
Motor Control
Topographic Maps
Top Venues
ISPRS Int. J. Geo Inf.
Cartogr. Int. J. Geogr. Inf. Geovisualization
Julian Keil
Daniel Senkowski
James K. Moran
Early and late evoked brain responses differentially reflect feature encoding and perception in the flash-lag illusion.
246 (2022)
Georgios Michail
Daniel Senkowski
Martin Holtkamp
Bettina Wächter
Julian Keil
Early beta oscillations in multisensory association areas underlie crossmodal performance enhancement.
257 (2022)
Julian Keil
Dennis Edler
Denise O'Meara
Annika Korte
Frank Dickmann
Effects of Virtual Reality Locomotion Techniques on Distance Estimations.
ISPRS Int. J. Geo Inf.
10 (3) (2021)
Nils Siepmann
Dennis Edler
Julian Keil
Lars Kuchinke
Frank Dickmann
The Position of Sound in Audiovisual Maps: An Experimental Study of Performance in Spatial Memory.
Cartogr. Int. J. Geogr. Inf. Geovisualization
55 (2) (2020)
Julian Keil
Dennis Edler
Frank Dickmann
Lars Kuchinke
Landmark processing in topographic maps to support object location recall.
ETRA Adjunct
Daniel Roth
Sebastian von Mammen
Julian Keil
Manuel Schildknecht
Marc Erich Latoschik
Approaching Difficult Terrain with Sensitivity: A Virtual Reality Game on the Five Stages of Grief.
Julian Keil
Franz-Benjamin Mocnik
Dennis Edler
Frank Dickmann
Lars Kuchinke
Reduction of Map Information Regulates Visual Attention without Affecting Route Recognition Performance.
ISPRS Int. J. Geo Inf.
7 (12) (2018)
Julian Keil
Ulrich Pomper
Nele Feuerbach
Daniel Senkowski
Temporal orienting precedes intersensory attention and has opposing effects on early evoked brain activity.
148 (2017)
Johanna Balz
Julian Keil
Yadira Roa Romero
Ralf Mekle
Florian Schubert
Semiha Aydin
Bernd Ittermann
Jürgen Gallinat
Daniel Senkowski
GABA concentration in superior temporal sulcus predicts gamma power and perception in the sound-induced flash illusion.
125 (2016)
Martin Krebber
James Harwood
Bernhard Spitzer
Julian Keil
Daniel Senkowski
Visuotactile motion congruence enhances gamma-band activity in visual and somatosensory cortices.
117 (2015)
Jana Timm
Iria SanMiguel
Julian Keil
Erich Schröger
Marc Schönwiesner
Motor Intention Determines Sensory Attenuation of Brain Responses to Self-initiated Sounds.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
26 (7) (2014)
Sabine Leske
Ada Tse
Nikolaas N. Oosterhof
Thomas Hartmann
Nadia Müller
Julian Keil
Nathan Weisz
The strength of alpha and beta oscillations parametrically scale with the strength of an illusory auditory percept.
88 (2014)
Nadia Müller
Julian Keil
Jonas Obleser
Hannah Schulz
Thomas Grunwald
René-Ludwig Bernays
Hans-Jürgen Huppertz
Nathan Weisz
You can't stop the music: Reduced auditory alpha power and coupling between auditory and memory regions facilitate the illusory perception of music during noise.
79 (2013)
Julian Keil
Nathan Weisz
Isabella Paul-Jordanov
Christian Wienbruch
Localization of the magnetic equivalent of the ERN and induced oscillatory brain activity.
51 (1) (2010)