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Jordi Cusidó
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2006-2021
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Parking Lot
Regression Analysis
Ensemble Learning
Failure Diagnosis
Top Venues
Environ. Model. Softw.
Mattia Beretta
Anatole Julian
Jose Sepulveda
Jordi Cusidó
Olga Porro
An Ensemble Learning Solution for Predictive Maintenance of Wind Turbines Main Bearing.
21 (4) (2021)
Pere Martí-Puig
Alejandro Blanco-M
Juan José Cárdenas
Jordi Cusidó
Jordi Solé-Casals
Effects of the pre-processing algorithms in fault diagnosis of wind turbines.
Environ. Model. Softw.
110 (2018)
Alejandro Blanco-M
Jordi Solé-Casals
Pere Martí-Puig
Juan José Cárdenas
Isaac Justicia
Jordi Cusidó
Impact of target variable distribution type over the regression analysis in wind turbine data.
Fabio Andrade
Juan J. Cárdenas
Luis Romeral
Jordi Cusidó
Modeling and studying of power flow in a parking lot with plug-in vehicles and the impact in the public utility.
Jordi Cusidó
Luis Romeral
Juan Antonio Ortega Redondo
Antoni García
Jordi-Roger Riba Ruiz
Signal Injection as a Fault Detection Technique.
11 (3) (2011)
Jordi-Roger Riba Ruiz
Antoni García
Jordi Cusidó
Miguel Delgado Prieto
Dynamic model for AC and DC contactors - Simulation and experimental validation.
Simul. Model. Pract. Theory
19 (9) (2011)
Oscar Poncelas
Javier A. Rosero
Jordi Cusidó
Juan Antonio Ortega Redondo
Luis Romeral
Motor Fault Detection Using a Rogowski Sensor Without an Integrator.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
56 (10) (2009)
Antonio Garcia Espinosa
Jordi-Roger Riba Ruiz
Jordi Cusidó
Xavier Alabern Morera
Sensorless Control and Fault Diagnosis of Electromechanical Contactors.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
55 (10) (2008)
Jordi Cusidó
Luis Romeral
Juan Antonio Ortega Redondo
Javier A. Rosero
Antonio Garcia Espinosa
Fault Detection in Induction Machines Using Power Spectral Density in Wavelet Decomposition.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
55 (2) (2008)
Mireia Gilibert
Jordi Picazo
Michael E. Auer
Andreas Pester
Jordi Cusidó
Juan Antonio Ortega Redondo
80C537 Microcontroller Remote Lab for E-Learning Teaching.
Int. J. Online Eng.
2 (4) (2006)