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Jon D. Elhai
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2024
Publications (10 Years): 22
Top Topics
Mobile Devices
College Students
Socio Cognitive
Social Media Data
Top Venues
Comput. Hum. Behav.
Internet Res.
Telematics Informatics
Yawen Guo
Jon D. Elhai
Christian Montag
Yang Wang
Haibo Yang
Problematic mobile gamers have attention bias toward game social information.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
152 (2024)
Fatih Çelik
Mehmet Ali Köseoglu
Jon D. Elhai
Exploring the Intellectual Structure of "Fear of Missing Out" Scholarship: Current Status and Future Potential.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interact.
39 (17) (2023)
Nisha Yao
Jing Chen
Siyuan Huang
Christian Montag
Jon D. Elhai
Depression and social anxiety in relation to problematic TikTok use severity: The mediating role of boredom proneness and distress intolerance.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
145 (2023)
Maèva Flayelle
Jon D. Elhai
Pierre Maurage
Claus Vögele
Damien Brevers
Stéphanie Baggio
Joël Billieux
Identifying the psychological processes delineating non-harmful from problematic binge-watching: A machine learning analytical approach.
Telematics Informatics
74 (2022)
Lei Zheng
Jon D. Elhai
Miao Miao
Yu Wang
Yiwen Wang
Yiqun Gan
Health-related fake news during the COVID-19 pandemic: perceived trust and information search.
Internet Res.
32 (3) (2022)
Dmitri Rozgonjuk
Cornelia Sindermann
Jon D. Elhai
Christian Montag
Comparing Smartphone, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat: Which Platform Elicits the Greatest Use Disorder Symptoms?
Cyberpsychology Behav. Soc. Netw.
24 (2) (2021)
Davide Marengo
Christian Montag
Cornelia Sindermann
Jon D. Elhai
Michele Settanni
Examining the links between active Facebook use, received likes, self-esteem and happiness: A study using objective social media data.
Telematics Informatics
58 (2021)
Dmitri Rozgonjuk
Jon D. Elhai
Tracii Ryan
Graham G. Scott
Fear of missing out is associated with disrupted activities from receiving smartphone notifications and surface learning in college students.
Comput. Educ.
140 (2019)
Dmitri Rozgonjuk
Jon D. Elhai
Karin Täht
Kristjan Vassil
Jason C. Levine
Gordon J. G. Asmundson
Non-social smartphone use mediates the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and problematic smartphone use: Evidence from a repeated-measures study.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
96 (2019)
Jon D. Elhai
Jason C. Levine
Kelsey D. O'Brien
Cherie Armour
Distress tolerance and mindfulness mediate relations between depression and anxiety sensitivity with problematic smartphone use.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
84 (2018)
Jon D. Elhai
Ateka A. Contractor
Examining latent classes of smartphone users: Relations with psychopathology and problematic smartphone use.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
82 (2018)
Dmitri Rozgonjuk
Jason C. Levine
Brian J. Hall
Jon D. Elhai
The association between problematic smartphone use, depression and anxiety symptom severity, and objectively measured smartphone use over one week.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
87 (2018)
Jon D. Elhai
Mojisola Tiamiyu
Justin Weeks
Depression and social anxiety in relation to problematic smartphone use: The prominent role of rumination.
Internet Res.
28 (2) (2018)
Dmitri Rozgonjuk
Jon D. Elhai
Problematic smartphone usage, emotion regulation, and social and non-social smartphone use.
Jon D. Elhai
Jason C. Levine
Ahmad M. Alghraibeh
Ali A. Alafnan
Ahmad A. Aldraiweesh
Brian J. Hall
Fear of missing out: Testing relationships with negative affectivity, online social engagement, and problematic smartphone use.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
89 (2018)
Jon D. Elhai
Jason C. Levine
Brian J. Hall
Anxiety about electronic data hacking: Predictors and relations with digital privacy protection behavior.
Internet Res.
27 (3) (2017)
Ateka A. Contractor
Nicole H. Weiss
Matthew T. Tull
Jon D. Elhai
PTSD's relation with problematic smartphone use: Mediating role of impulsivity.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
75 (2017)
Ateka A. Contractor
Sheila B. Frankfurt
Nicole H. Weiss
Jon D. Elhai
Latent-level relations between DSM-5 PTSD symptom clusters and problematic smartphone use.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
72 (2017)
Jon D. Elhai
Sangmi Chai
Aliaksandr Amialchuk
Brian J. Hall
Cross-cultural and gender associations with anxiety about electronic data hacking.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
70 (2017)
Jon D. Elhai
Jason C. Levine
Robert D. Dvorak
Brian J. Hall
Non-social features of smartphone use are most related to depression, anxiety and problematic smartphone use.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
69 (2017)
Jon D. Elhai
Brian J. Hall
Anxiety about internet hacking: Results from a community sample.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
54 (2016)
Jon D. Elhai
Jason C. Levine
Robert D. Dvorak
Brian J. Hall
Fear of missing out, need for touch, anxiety and depression are related to problematic smartphone use.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
63 (2016)