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João M. N. Silva
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2014-2024
Publications (10 Years): 18
Top Topics
Sar Data
Spatial Resolution
Land Cover Classification
Top Venues
Remote. Sens.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation
João E. Pereira-Pires
André Mora
Raffaella Guida
José Manuel Fonseca
João M. N. Silva
Pedro Barreira
Mapping Forest Height with Multifrequency SAR, InSAR, and Multispectral Datasets.
Giandomenico De Luca
Giuseppe Modica
João M. N. Silva
Salvatore Praticò
José M. C. Pereira
Assessing tree crown fire damage integrating linear spectral mixture analysis and supervised machine learning on Sentinel-2 imagery.
Int. J. Digit. Earth
16 (1) (2023)
João E. Pereira-Pires
João M. N. Silva
André Mora
José M. Fonseca
Using Sentinel-2 and Stacking Regressors for Forest Height Estimation.
João E. Pereira-Pires
João M. N. Silva
José M. Fonseca
André Mora
Raffaella Guida
Forest Height Estimation Using Multi-Frequency Sar and a Stacking Regression.
João E. Pereira-Pires
João M. N. Silva
José M. Fonseca
Raffaella Guida
André Mora
Multispectral vs Synthetic Aperture Radar Data for Canopy Height Estimation.
Alana Kasahara Neves
Manuel Lameiras Campagnolo
João M. N. Silva
José M. C. Pereira
A Landsat-based atlas of monthly burned area for Portugal, 1984-2021.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation
119 (2023)
Cristina Soares
João M. N. Silva
Joana Boavida-Portugal
Sofia Cerasoli
Spectral-Based Monitoring of Climate Effects on the Inter-Annual Variability of Different Plant Functional Types in Mediterranean Cork Oak Woodlands.
Remote. Sens.
14 (3) (2022)
João E. Pereira-Pires
Valentine Aubard
G. Baldassarre
José Manuel Fonseca
João M. N. Silva
André Mora
Fuel Break Monitoring with Sentinel-2 Imagery and GEDI Validation.
Shuangao Wang
Rajchandar Padmanaban
Aires A. Mbanze
João M. N. Silva
Mohamed Shamsudeen
Pedro Cabral
Felipe S. Campos
Using Satellite Image Fusion to Evaluate the Impact of Land Use Changes on Ecosystem Services and Their Economic Values.
Remote. Sens.
13 (5) (2021)
João E. Pereira-Pires
Valentine Aubard
Rita A. Ribeiro
José Manuel Fonseca
João M. N. Silva
André Mora
Fuel Break Vegetation Monitoring with Sentinel-2 NDVI Robust to Phenology and Environmental Conditions.
Catarina Jorge
João M. N. Silva
Joana Boavida-Portugal
Cristina Soares
Sofia Cerasoli
Using Digital Photography to Track Understory Phenology in Mediterranean Cork Oak Woodlands.
Remote. Sens.
13 (4) (2021)
João E. Pereira-Pires
André Mora
Valentine Aubard
João M. N. Silva
José Manuel Fonseca
Assessment of Sentinel-2 Spectral Features to Estimate Forest Height with the New GEDI Data.
Giandomenico De Luca
João M. N. Silva
Duarte Oom
Giuseppe Modica
Combined Use of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 for Burn Severity Mapping in a Mediterranean Region.
Valentine Aubard
João E. Pereira-Pires
Manuel Lameiras Campagnolo
José M. C. Pereira
André Mora
João M. N. Silva
Fully Automated Countrywide Monitoring of Fuel Break Maintenance Operations.
Remote. Sens.
12 (18) (2020)
João E. Pereira-Pires
Valentine Aubard
Rita A. Ribeiro
José M. Fonseca
João M. N. Silva
André Mora
Semi-Automatic Methodology for Fire Break Maintenance Operations Detection with Sentinel-2 Imagery and Artificial Neural Network.
Remote. Sens.
12 (6) (2020)
Giandomenico De Luca
João M. N. Silva
Sofia Cerasoli
João Araújo
José Campos
Salvatore di Fazio
Giuseppe Modica
Object-Based Land Cover Classification of Cork Oak Woodlands using UAV Imagery and Orfeo ToolBox.
Remote. Sens.
11 (10) (2019)
Valentine Aubard
Joana Amaral Paulo
João M. N. Silva
Long-Term Monitoring of Cork and Holm Oak Stands Productivity in Portugal with Landsat Imagery.
Remote. Sens.
11 (5) (2019)
André Mora
Tiago M. A. Santos
Szymon Lukasik
João M. N. Silva
António J. Falcão
José Manuel Fonseca
Rita A. Ribeiro
Land Cover Classification from Multispectral Data Using Computational Intelligence Tools: A Comparative Study.
8 (4) (2017)
Daniela Stroppiana
Ramin Azar
Fabiana Calò
Antonio Pepe
Pasquale Imperatore
Mirco Boschetti
João M. N. Silva
Pietro Alessandro Brivio
Riccardo Lanari
Remote sensing of burned area: A fuzzy-based framework for joint processing of optical and microwave data.
Daniela Stroppiana
Ramin Azar
Fabiana Calò
Antonio Pepe
Pasquale Imperatore
Mirco Boschetti
João M. N. Silva
Pietro Alessandro Brivio
Riccardo Lanari
Integration of Optical and SAR Data for Burned Area Mapping in Mediterranean Regions.
Remote. Sens.
7 (2) (2015)
Maria Rosário Fernandes
Francisca C. Aguiar
João M. N. Silva
Maria Teresa Ferreira
José M. C. Pereira
Optimal attributes for the object based detection of giant reed in riparian habitats: A comparative study between Airborne High Spatial Resolution and WorldView-2 imagery.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation
32 (2014)