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Giuseppe Modica
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2024
Publications (10 Years): 21
Top Topics
Precision Agriculture
Satellite Imagery
Land Cover Classification
Top Venues
Remote. Sens.
ICCSA (Workshops 4)
Giovanni Lumia
Giuseppe Modica
Salvatore Praticò
Samuel A. Cushman
Comparison of patch-based and synoptic connectivity algorithms with graph theory metrics. A case study in Reggio Calabria metropolitan area (South Italy).
Ecol. Informatics
82 (2024)
Giandomenico De Luca
Giuseppe Modica
João M. N. Silva
Salvatore Praticò
José M. C. Pereira
Assessing tree crown fire damage integrating linear spectral mixture analysis and supervised machine learning on Sentinel-2 imagery.
Int. J. Digit. Earth
16 (1) (2023)
Rachele Castro
Simone Lanucara
Vincenzo Piccione
Giovanni Pioggia
Giuseppe Modica
Maria Alessandra Ragusa
MEDALUS Model Evolutions and Prospects Case Study Sicily.
ICCSA (Workshops 4)
Giandomenico De Luca
Salvatore Praticò
Gaetano Messina
Enrico Borgogno Mondino
Giuseppe Modica
UAV LiDAR Survey for Forest Structure Metrics Estimation in Planning Scenario. A Case Study on a Laricio Pine Forest in the Sila Mountains (Southern Italy).
ICCSA (Workshops 4)
Giovanni Lumia
Samuel A. Cushman
Salvatore Praticò
Giuseppe Modica
Intra-network Analysis Based on Comparison Between Graph Theory Approach and Pathwalker.
ICCSA (Workshops 4)
Salvatore Praticò
Francesco Solano
Gianluca Piovesan
Giuseppe Modica
An Unpiloted Aerial System (UAV) Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Based Approach to Detect Canopy Forest Structure Parameters in Old-Growth Beech Forests: Preliminary Results.
ICCSA (Workshops 9)
Rosa Lasaponara
Carmen Fattore
Giuseppe Modica
Imaging Burned Areas and Fire Severity in Mediterranean Fragmented Ecosystems Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2: The Case Study of Tortoli-Ogliastra Fire (Sardinia).
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett.
20 (2023)
Gaetano Messina
Giuseppe Modica
The Role of Remote Sensing in Olive Growing Farm Management: A Research Outlook from 2000 to the Present in the Framework of Precision Agriculture Applications.
Remote. Sens.
14 (23) (2022)
Gaetano Messina
Giuseppe Modica
Twenty Years of Remote Sensing Applications Targeting Landscape Analysis and Environmental Issues in Olive Growing: A Review.
Remote. Sens.
14 (21) (2022)
Salvatore Praticò
Francesco Solano
Salvatore di Fazio
Giuseppe Modica
Machine Learning Classification of Mediterranean Forest Habitats in Google Earth Engine Based on Seasonal Sentinel-2 Time-Series and Input Image Composition Optimisation.
Remote. Sens.
13 (4) (2021)
Francesco Solano
Salvatore Praticò
Gianluca Piovesan
Giuseppe Modica
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Derived Canopy Gaps in the Old-Growth Beech Forest of Mount Pollinello (Italy): Preliminary Results.
Andrea Tassi
Daniela Gigante
Giuseppe Modica
Luciano Di Martino
Marco Vizzari
Pixel- vs. Object-Based Landsat 8 Data Classification in Google Earth Engine Using Random Forest: The Case Study of Maiella National Park.
Remote. Sens.
13 (12) (2021)
Giandomenico De Luca
João M. N. Silva
Duarte Oom
Giuseppe Modica
Combined Use of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 for Burn Severity Mapping in a Mediterranean Region.
Giandomenico De Luca
Giuseppe Modica
Carmen Fattore
Rosa Lasaponara
Unsupervised Burned Area Mapping in a Protected Natural Site. An Approach Using SAR Sentinel-1 Data and K-mean Algorithm.
Gaetano Messina
José M. Peña
Marco Vizzari
Giuseppe Modica
A Comparison of UAV and Satellites Multispectral Imagery in Monitoring Onion Crop. An Application in the 'Cipolla Rossa di Tropea' (Italy).
Remote. Sens.
12 (20) (2020)
Giuseppe Modica
Gaetano Messina
Giandomenico De Luca
Vincenzo Fiozzo
Salvatore Praticò
Monitoring the vegetation vigor in heterogeneous citrus and olive orchards. A multiscale object-based approach to extract trees' crowns from UAV multispectral imagery.
Comput. Electron. Agric.
175 (2020)
Gaetano Messina
Giuseppe Modica
Applications of UAV Thermal Imagery in Precision Agriculture: State of the Art and Future Research Outlook.
Remote. Sens.
12 (9) (2020)
Francesco Solano
Salvatore di Fazio
Giuseppe Modica
A methodology based on GEOBIA and WorldView-3 imagery to derive vegetation indices at tree crown detail in olive orchards.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation
83 (2019)
Giandomenico De Luca
João M. N. Silva
Sofia Cerasoli
João Araújo
José Campos
Salvatore di Fazio
Giuseppe Modica
Object-Based Land Cover Classification of Cork Oak Woodlands using UAV Imagery and Orfeo ToolBox.
Remote. Sens.
11 (10) (2019)
Simone Lanucara
Alessandro Oggioni
Giuseppe Modica
Paola Carrara
Interoperable Sharing and Visualization of Geological Data and Instruments: A Proof of Concept.
Giuseppe Modica
Maurizio Pollino
Simone Lanucara
Luigi La Porta
Gaetano Pellicone
Salvatore di Fazio
Carmelo Riccardo Fichera
Land Suitability Evaluation for Agro-forestry: Definition of a Web-Based Multi-Criteria Spatial Decision Support System (MC-SDSS): Preliminary Results.
Giuseppe Modica
Luigi Laudari
Francesco Barreca
Carmelo Riccardo Fichera
A GIS-MCDA Based Model for the Suitability Evaluation of Traditional Grape Varieties: The Case-Study of 'Mantonico' Grape (Calabria, Italy).
Int. J. Agric. Environ. Inf. Syst.
5 (3) (2014)
Giuseppe Modica
Salvatore Praticò
Maurizio Pollino
Salvatore di Fazio
Geomatics in Analysing the Evolution of Agricultural Terraced Landscapes.
Maurizio Pollino
Giuseppe Modica
Free Web Mapping Tools to Characterise Landscape Dynamics and to Favour e-Participation.
Giuseppe Modica
Paolo Zoccali
Salvatore di Fazio
The e-Participation in Tranquillity Areas Identification as a Key Factor for Sustainable Landscape Planning.
Carmelo Riccardo Fichera
Giuseppe Modica
Maurizio Pollino
GIS and Remote Sensing to Study Urban-Rural Transformation During a Fifty-Year Period.
Salvatore di Fazio
Giuseppe Modica
Paolo Zoccali
Evolution Trends of Land Use/Land Cover in a Mediterranean Forest Landscape in Italy.