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Joanna M. Allsop
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2003-2014
Publications (10 Years): 0
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Synthetic Data
Bias Field
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Giulio Ferrazzi
Maria Kuklisova-Murgasova
Tomoki Arichi
Christina Malamateniou
Matthew J. Fox
Antonios Makropoulos
Joanna M. Allsop
Mary A. Rutherford
Shaihan Malik
Paul Aljabar
Joseph V. Hajnal
Resting State fMRI in the moving fetus: A robust framework for motion, bias field and spin history correction.
101 (2014)
James P. Boardman
C. Craven
S. Valappil
Serena J. Counsell
Leigh Dyet
Daniel Rueckert
Paul Aljabar
Mary A. Rutherford
A. T. M. Chew
Joanna M. Allsop
Frances M. Cowan
A. David Edwards
A common neonatal image phenotype predicts adverse neurodevelopmental outcome in children born preterm.
52 (2) (2010)
Mustafa Anjari
Latha Srinivasan
Joanna M. Allsop
Joseph V. Hajnal
Mary A. Rutherford
A. David Edwards
Serena J. Counsell
Diffusion tensor imaging with tract-based spatial statistics reveals local white matter abnormalities in preterm infants.
35 (3) (2007)
Serena J. Counsell
Leigh Dyet
David J. Larkman
Rita Gouveia Nunes
James P. Boardman
Joanna M. Allsop
Julie Fitzpatrick
Latha Srinivasan
Frances M. Cowan
Joseph V. Hajnal
Mary A. Rutherford
A. David Edwards
Thalamo-cortical connectivity in children born preterm mapped using probabilistic magnetic resonance tractography.
34 (3) (2007)
Shuzhou Jiang
Hui Xue
Serena J. Counsell
Mustafa Anjari
Joanna M. Allsop
Mary A. Rutherford
Daniel Rueckert
Joseph V. Hajnal
In-utero Three Dimension High Resolution Fetal Brain Diffusion Tensor Imaging.
James P. Boardman
Serena J. Counsell
Daniel Rueckert
Olga Kapellou
Kanwal K. Bhatia
Paul Aljabar
Joseph V. Hajnal
Joanna M. Allsop
Mary A. Rutherford
A. David Edwards
Abnormal deep grey matter development following preterm birth detected using deformation-based morphometry.
32 (1) (2006)
Christina Malamateniou
Serena J. Counsell
Joanna M. Allsop
Julie Fitzpatrick
Latha Srinivasan
Frances M. Cowan
Joseph V. Hajnal
Mary A. Rutherford
The effect of preterm birth on neonatal cerebral vasculature studied with magnetic resonance angiography at 3 Tesla.
32 (3) (2006)
Hui Xue
Christina Malamateniou
Joanna M. Allsop
Latha Srinivasan
Joseph V. Hajnal
Daniel Rueckert
Automatic extraction and matching of neonatal cerebral vasculature.
James P. Boardman
Kanwal K. Bhatia
Serena J. Counsell
Joanna M. Allsop
Olga Kapellou
Mary A. Rutherford
A. David Edwards
Joseph V. Hajnal
Daniel Rueckert
An Evaluation of Deformation-Based Morphometry Applied to the Developing Human Brain and Detection of Volumetric Changes Associated with Preterm Birth.