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Jingxi Li
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2024
Publications (10 Years): 28
Top Topics
Deep Learning
Atmospheric Turbulence
Optical Networks
Linear Transformations
Top Venues
Adv. Intell. Syst.
Che-Yung Shen
Jingxi Li
Tianyi Gan
Yuhang Li
Langxing Bai
Mona Jarrahi
Aydogan Ozcan
Multiplane Quantitative Phase Imaging Using a Wavelength-Multiplexed Diffractive Optical Processor.
Jingxi Li
Yuhang Li
Tianyi Gan
Che-Yung Shen
Mona Jarrahi
Aydogan Ozcan
All-optical complex field imaging using diffractive processors.
Haotian Xia
Zhengbang Yang
Yun Zhao
Yuqing Wang
Jingxi Li
Rhys Tracy
Zhuangdi Zhu
Yuan-Fang Wang
Hanjie Chen
Weining Shen
Language and Multimodal Models in Sports: A Survey of Datasets and Applications.
Jingtian Hu
Kun Liao
Niyazi Ulas Dinç
Carlo Gigli
Bijie Bai
Tianyi Gan
Xurong Li
Hanlong Chen
Xilin Yang
Yuhang Li
Çagatay Isil
Md Sadman Sakib Rahman
Jingxi Li
Xiaoyong Hu
Mona Jarrahi
Demetri Psaltis
Aydogan Ozcan
Subwavelength Imaging using a Solid-Immersion Diffractive Optical Processor.
Zhengbang Yang
Haotian Xia
Jingxi Li
Zezhi Chen
Zhuangdi Zhu
Weining Shen
Sports Intelligence: Assessing the Sports Understanding Capabilities of Language Models through Question Answering from Text to Video.
Guangdong Ma
Xilin Yang
Bijie Bai
Jingxi Li
Yuhang Li
Tianyi Gan
Che-Yung Shen
Yijie Zhang
Yuzhu Li
Mona Jarrahi
Aydogan Ozcan
Multiplexed all-optical permutation operations using a reconfigurable diffractive optical network.
Md Sadman Sakib Rahman
Xilin Yang
Jingxi Li
Bijie Bai
Aydogan Ozcan
Universal Linear Intensity Transformations Using Spatially-Incoherent Diffractive Processors.
Bijie Bai
Xilin Yang
Tianyi Gan
Jingxi Li
Deniz Mengu
Mona Jarrahi
Aydogan Ozcan
Pyramid diffractive optical networks for unidirectional magnification and demagnification.
Che-Yung Shen
Jingxi Li
Deniz Mengu
Aydogan Ozcan
Multispectral Quantitative Phase Imaging Using a Diffractive Optical Network.
Adv. Intell. Syst.
5 (11) (2023)
Xilin Yang
Md Sadman Sakib Rahman
Bijie Bai
Jingxi Li
Aydogan Ozcan
Complex-valued universal linear transformations and image encryption using spatially incoherent diffractive networks.
Che-Yung Shen
Jingxi Li
Deniz Mengu
Aydogan Ozcan
Multispectral Quantitative Phase Imaging Using a Diffractive Optical Network.
Yuhang Li
Jingxi Li
Yifan Zhao
Tianyi Gan
Jingtian Hu
Mona Jarrahi
Aydogan Ozcan
Universal Polarization Transformations: Spatial programming of polarization scattering matrices using a deep learning-designed diffractive polarization transformer.
Çagatay Isil
Tianyi Gan
F. Onuralp Ardic
Koray Mentesoglu
Jagrit Digani
Hüseyin Karaca
Hanlong Chen
Jingxi Li
Deniz Mengu
Mona Jarrahi
Kaan Aksit
Aydogan Ozcan
All-optical image denoising using a diffractive visual processor.
Che-Yung Shen
Jingxi Li
Tianyi Gan
Mona Jarrahi
Aydogan Ozcan
All-Optical Phase Conjugation Using Diffractive Wavefront Processing.
Yuzhu Li
Nir Pillar
Jingxi Li
Tairan Liu
Di Wu
Songyu Sun
Guangdong Ma
Kevin de Haan
Luzhe Huang
Sepehr Hamidi
Anatoly Urisman
Tal Keidar Haran
William Dean Wallace
Jonathan E. Zuckerman
Aydogan Ozcan
Virtual histological staining of unlabeled autopsy tissue.
Jingxi Li
Tianyi Gan
Yifan Zhao
Bijie Bai
Che-Yung Shen
Songyu Sun
Mona Jarrahi
Aydogan Ozcan
Unidirectional Imaging using Deep Learning-Designed Materials.
Jingxi Li
Bijie Bai
Yi Luo
Aydogan Ozcan
Massively Parallel Universal Linear Transformations using a Wavelength-Multiplexed Diffractive Optical Network.
Tairan Liu
Yuzhu Li
Hatice Ceylan Koydemir
Yijie Zhang
Ethan Yang
Hongda Wang
Jingxi Li
Bijie Bai
Aydogan Ozcan
Stain-free, rapid, and quantitative viral plaque assay using deep learning and holography.
Jingxi Li
Yi-Chun Hung
Onur Kulce
Deniz Mengu
Aydogan Ozcan
Polarization Multiplexed Diffractive Computing: All-Optical Implementation of a Group of Linear Transformations Through a Polarization-Encoded Diffractive Network.
Çagatay Isil
Deniz Mengu
Yifan Zhao
Anika Tabassum
Jingxi Li
Yi Luo
Mona Jarrahi
Aydogan Ozcan
Super-resolution image display using diffractive decoders.
Bijie Bai
Hongda Wang
Yuzhu Li
Kevin de Haan
Francesco Colonnese
Yujie Wan
Jingyi Zuo
Ngan B. Doan
Xiaoran Zhang
Yijie Zhang
Jingxi Li
Wenjie Dong
Morgan Angus Darrow
Elham Kamangar
Han Sung Lee
Yair Rivenson
Aydogan Ozcan
Label-free virtual HER2 immunohistochemical staining of breast tissue using deep learning.
Wei Wang
Shibo Zhou
Jingxi Li
Xiaohua Li
Junsong Yuan
Zhanpeng Jin
Temporal Pulses Driven Spiking Neural Network for Time and Power Efficient Object Recognition in Autonomous Driving.
Yijie Zhang
Kevin de Haan
Yair Rivenson
Jingxi Li
Apostolos Delis
Aydogan Ozcan
Digital synthesis of histological stains using micro-structured and multiplexed virtual staining of label-free tissue.
Wei Wang
Shibo Zhou
Jingxi Li
Xiaohua Li
Junsong Yuan
Zhanpeng Jin
Temporal Pulses Driven Spiking Neural Network for Fast Object Recognition in Autonomous Driving.
Muhammed Veli
Deniz Mengu
Nezih T. Yardimci
Yi Luo
Jingxi Li
Yair Rivenson
Mona Jarrahi
Aydogan Ozcan
Terahertz Pulse Shaping Using Diffractive Legos.
Jingxi Li
Deniz Mengu
Nezih T. Yardimci
Yi Luo
Xurong Li
Muhammed Veli
Yair Rivenson
Mona Jarrahi
Aydogan Ozcan
Machine Vision using Diffractive Spectral Encoding.
Md Sadman Sakib Rahman
Jingxi Li
Deniz Mengu
Yair Rivenson
Aydogan Ozcan
Ensemble learning of diffractive optical networks.
Jingxi Li
Deniz Mengu
Yi Luo
Yair Rivenson
Aydogan Ozcan
Class-specific Differential Detection in Diffractive Optical Neural Networks Improves Inference Accuracy.
Jingxi Li
Xin Xu
Lejian Liao
Lu Li
Concolic Execute Fuzzing Based on Control-Flow Analysis.