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Jie Mi
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1991-2023
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Control System
Bi Directional
Optical Networks
Feedback Mechanisms
Top Venues
ChinaCom (1)
Comput. Math. Organ. Theory
Comput. Stat. Data Anal.
Jie Mi
Zaiyang Xie
Shaojie Lv
Star-studded or equalitarianism: how does the distribution of creative stars affect exploration-exploitation balance?
Comput. Math. Organ. Theory
29 (2) (2023)
Kai Huang
Jie Mi
A new non-parametric estimator for instant system availability.
Comput. Stat. Data Anal.
118 (2018)
Guanglei Zhao
Jie Mi
Jing Leng
Changchun Hua
Networked reset control systems with time delays in both forward and feedback channels.
Jie Mi
Xiaosong Yu
Yajie Li
Yongli Zhao
Jie Zhang
Chuan Liu
Gang Zhang
Master Controller Election Mechanism Based on Controller Cluster in Software Defined Optical Networks.
ChinaCom (1)
Yangyang Ma
Jie Mi
Research of control algorithm of medical balance bed.
Xiao Zheng
Jie Mi
Optimization and analysis on unmanned electric light armored reconnaissance vehicle gearbox.
Yibei Ling
Jie Mi
An Optimal Trade-off between Content Freshness and Refresh Cost
Yibei Ling
Jie Mi
Xiaola Lin
An Extended Variational Calculus Approach to Optimal Checkpoint Placement.
Jie Mi
A unified way of comparing the reliability of coherent systems.
IEEE Trans. Reliab.
52 (1) (2003)
Yibei Ling
Jie Mi
Xiaola Lin
A Variational Calculus Approach to Optimal Checkpoint Placement.
IEEE Trans. Computers
50 (7) (2001)
Jie Mi
Robust Nonparametric Statistical Methods.
41 (1) (1999)
Jie Mi
Minimizing Some Cost Functions Related to Both Burn-In and Field Use.
Oper. Res.
44 (3) (1996)
Zhenmin Chen
Jie Mi
Confidence interval for the mean of the exponential distribution, based on grouped data.
IEEE Trans. Reliab.
45 (4) (1996)
Mingui Sun
Donald L. Bonaddio
Jie Mi
Robert J. Sclabassi
An analysis of the effects of jitter in data acquisition on synchronous averaging.
IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern.
21 (2) (1991)