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Jeffrey D. Hyman
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2014-2024
Publications (10 Years): 18
Top Topics
Bayesian Learning
Bipartite Graph
X Ray
Variable Resolution
Top Venues
Comput. Geosci.
J. Comput. Phys.
SIAM/ASA J. Uncertain. Quantification
Yingqi Shi
Donald J. Berry
John Kath
Shams Lodhy
An Ly
Allon G. Percus
Jeffrey D. Hyman
Kelly Moran
Justin Strait
Matthew R. Sweeney
Hari S. Viswanathan
Philip Stauffer
Bayesian learning of gas transport in three-dimensional fracture networks.
Comput. Geosci.
192 (2024)
Eric Guiltinan
Javier E. Santos
Prakash Purswani
Jeffrey D. Hyman
pySimFrac: A Python library for synthetic fracture generation and analysis.
Comput. Geosci.
191 (2024)
Aleksandra Pachalieva
Jeffrey D. Hyman
Daniel O'Malley
Hari S. Viswanathan
Gowri Srinivasan
Learning the Factors Controlling Mineralization for Geologic Carbon Sequestration.
Aleksandra A. Pachalieva
Matthew R. Sweeney
Hari S. Viswanathan
Emily Stein
Rosie Leone
Jeffrey D. Hyman
Impact of artificial topological changes on flow and transport through fractured media due to mesh resolution.
Jeffrey D. Hyman
Matthew R. Sweeney
Carl W. Gable
Daniil Svyatsky
Konstantin Lipnikov
J. David Moulton
Flow and transport in three-dimensional discrete fracture matrix models using mimetic finite difference on a conforming multi-dimensional mesh.
J. Comput. Phys.
466 (2022)
Johannes Krotz
Matthew R. Sweeney
Carl W. Gable
Jeffrey D. Hyman
Juan M. Restrepo
Variable resolution Poisson-disk sampling for meshing discrete fracture networks.
J. Comput. Appl. Math.
407 (2022)
Johannes Krotz
Matthew R. Sweeney
Jeffrey D. Hyman
Juan M. Restrepo
Carl W. Gable
Variable resolution Poisson-disk sampling for meshing discrete fracture networks.
Johannes Krotz
Matthew R. Sweeney
Carl W. Gable
Jeffrey D. Hyman
Juan M. Restrepo
Maximal Poisson-disk Sampling for Variable Resolution Conforming Delaunay Mesh Generation: Applications for Three-Dimensional Discrete Fracture Networks and the Surrounding Volume.
Jeffrey D. Hyman
Matthew R. Sweeney
Carl W. Gable
Daniil Svyatskiy
Konstantin Lipnikov
J. David Moulton
Flow and Transport in Three-Dimensional Discrete Fracture Matrix Models using Mimetic Finite Difference on a Conforming Multi-Dimensional Mesh.
Maruti Kumar Mudunuru
Daniel O'Malley
Shriram Srinivasan
Jeffrey D. Hyman
Matthew R. Sweeney
Luke Frash
Bill Carey
Michael R. Gross
Nathan J. Welch
Satish Karra
Velimir V. Vesselinov
Qinjun Kang
Hongwu Xu
Rajesh J. Pawar
Tim Carr
Liwei Li
George D. Guthrie
Hari S. Viswanathan
Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Real-time Reservoir Management.
AAAI Spring Symposium: MLPS
Garrett Aldrich
Jonas Lukasczyk
Jeffrey D. Hyman
Gowri Srinivasan
Hari S. Viswanathan
Christoph Garth
Heike Leitte
James P. Ahrens
Bernd Hamann
A Query-Based Framework for Searching, Sorting, and Exploring Data Ensembles.
Comput. Sci. Eng.
22 (2) (2020)
Dave Osthus
Jeffrey D. Hyman
Satish Karra
Nishant Panda
Gowri Srinivasan
A Probabilistic Clustering Approach for Identifying Primary Subnetworks of Discrete Fracture Networks with Quantified Uncertainty.
SIAM/ASA J. Uncertain. Quantification
8 (2) (2020)
Hayato Ushijima-Mwesigwa
Jeffrey D. Hyman
Aric A. Hagberg
Ilya Safro
Satish Karra
Carl W. Gable
Gowri Srinivasan
Multilevel Graph Partitioning for Three-Dimensional Discrete Fracture Network Flow Simulations.
Jeffrey D. Hyman
Aric A. Hagberg
Dave Osthus
Shriram Srinivasan
Hari S. Viswanathan
Gowri Srinivasan
Identifying Backbones in Three-Dimensional Discrete Fracture Networks: A Bipartite Graph-Based Approach.
Multiscale Model. Simul.
16 (4) (2018)
Kyle S. Hickmann
Jeffrey D. Hyman
Gowri Srinivasan
Efficient and robust classification of seismic data using nonlinear support vector machines.
Garrett Aldrich
Jeffrey D. Hyman
Satish Karra
Carl W. Gable
Nataliia Makedonska
Hari S. Viswanathan
Jonathan Woodring
Bernd Hamann
Analysis and Visualization of Discrete Fracture Networks Using a Flow Topology Graph.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph.
23 (8) (2017)
Hristo N. Djidjev
Daniel O'Malley
Hari S. Viswanathan
Jeffrey D. Hyman
Satish Karra
Gowri Srinivasan
Learning on Graphs for Predictions of Fracture Propagation, Flow and Transport.
IPDPS Workshops
Manuel Valera
Zhengyang Guo
Priscilla Kelly
Sean Matz
Adrian Cantu
Allon G. Percus
Jeffrey D. Hyman
Gowri Srinivasan
Hari S. Viswanathan
Machine learning for graph-based representations of three-dimensional discrete fracture networks.
Jeffrey D. Hyman
Satish Karra
Nataliia Makedonska
Carl W. Gable
Scott L. Painter
Hari S. Viswanathan
dfnWorks: A discrete fracture network framework for modeling subsurface flow and transport.
Comput. Geosci.
84 (2015)
Jeffrey D. Hyman
Carl W. Gable
Scott L. Painter
Nataliia Makedonska
Conforming Delaunay Triangulation of Stochastically Generated Three Dimensional Discrete Fracture Networks: A Feature Rejection Algorithm for Meshing Strategy.
SIAM J. Sci. Comput.
36 (4) (2014)
Jeffrey D. Hyman
C. Larrabee Winter
Stochastic generation of explicit pore structures by thresholding Gaussian random fields.
J. Comput. Phys.
277 (2014)